Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 2659: : Ryo Shigeru's decision

However, the confidence of Cao Jun generals has been lost at this time. What they want to do most is to leave here, the sooner the better, the farther the better, the Liangzhou Army is the devil in their eyes.

Yan Xing lay in an ambush in a jungle five miles north of the city. On the way from the north of the city to here, Yan Xing set up a lot of secret guards so that the army could get news in time after the enemy came out of the city. Although it was late at night, the soldiers in the army did not have the slightest sleepiness. The enemy army was facing pale. This is their opportunity to make achievements. To deal with such an enemy on the battlefield, there is nothing for the Liangzhou army at this time. Difficulty, the enemy came to give credit to the army.

Of course, the soldiers can't let go of this kind of credit in vain, otherwise their robes have gained a lot of credit in this battle, and they just spent most of the night outside the city, usually when talking with other soldiers, It will appear inferior.

Whether it is a general or a soldier in the army, they attach great importance to appearance. The soldiers who belong to different generals are together, and the more discussion is what kind of credit they have had on the battlefield. If one of the soldiers faces this way It would be embarrassing if there is not much credit for the situation. It is also a soldier in the army, and no one wants to be weaker than others.

The battlefield is the best way for lieutenants to gain credit. Is there a better way to cause fatal damage to the enemy than at this time?

Yan Xing attached great importance to this opportunity. He was a well-known general in the army. When he was in Liangzhou, he was the number one general under Han Sui. He fought on the battlefield for many years. He has a prestigious name among the Qiang people. As one of the thirty-six generals in the Temple of War, Yan Xing has a high morale.

When Lu Bu proclaimed himself emperor, the generals in their army would work hard for the new empire, and the creation of a new country still had a great temptation for the generals in the army.

The first thing that broke into the city was taken away by Pound. In the battle north of the city, he had to make the enemy pay a heavy price.

"General, the enemy has already left the city and is coming here." A general came forward and whispered.

"Send all the soldiers to prepare, especially the cavalry, to ensure that the horses will not make a sound at this time. If the enemy comes at a critical moment and disturbs the enemy, this general will not be soft." Yan Xing said in a low voice. .

"Subordinates understand." After receiving the order, the general walked away quickly.

After receiving the order, the soldiers couldn’t hide their excitement. The enemy is coming. This is the time for them to give the enemy a fatal blow on the battlefield, no matter how powerful the enemy has been in previous battles. The tough, now they are hunters, and Sergeant Cao is the prey.

Cao Jun's scout showed a lot of damage in the process of searching for news along the way, but he didn't find more useful news. The feeling that the north of the city gave Cao Jun's scout was silence.

After the news of the scout's damage was passed back to the army, Li Dian looked contemplative. The scout did not return. It is also possible that the soldiers left the army in the chaos. At this time, the army had just experienced the defeat in the city. It is inevitable that there are soldiers leaving the army quietly.

Just when Li Dian was about to send more scouts to the battlefield, he felt a slight tremor on the ground and heard the rumbling sound from the rear. This was the momentum only when the cavalry charged, and his cavalry was now in the city. It is difficult to resist the enemy's pursuit, and it is difficult to come to the battlefield at this time. The cavalry that appears at this time is likely to be the enemy's pursuit.

Five hundred soldiers were left to resist the cavalry that came from chasing. Li Dian led the lieutenant soldiers to leave at a faster speed. As for the news from the scouts, they couldn’t wait. The enemy cavalry chased them. , If it goes on like this, more soldiers will be lost on the battlefield.

Cao Jun flees here at a faster speed. The enemy cavalry's pursuit has made the soldiers in the army panic. If it is normal, even if they are chased by the cavalry, the soldiers in the army still have a certain degree of confidence, but Now, facing the charge of the enemy cavalry, they are a little worried. They don't know how to deal with such chasing soldiers.

The infantry of the cavalry is naturally aware of the strength of the cavalry, fighting against the enemy's cavalry with flesh and blood, and in such a deep night, it gives them greater fear.

The soldiers of Sergeant Cao who received the order looked mournful. They also wanted to leave this place as soon as possible, and did not want to stay to defend against the enemy, but they were not able to control the affairs of the battlefield. As ordinary soldiers, they could only obey the orders.

General Cao Jun has their arrogance and persistence, but these things in them are gradually lost in the midst of failure.

The sergeant soldiers began to leave as quickly as After hearing the sound of the cavalry chasing and killing them, the soldiers secretly breathed a sigh of relief and were able to escape from the city during this battle. , For ordinary soldiers, there is a greater test.

At this moment, the cavalry in ambush in the jungle launched a charge towards Cao Jun, the fire and the shadows dazzled, and the horses galloped.

After seeing this scene, General Cao Jun was terrified and fled from the city to this place. They encountered many hunts and killings along the way. Liangzhou, who was clearly at a disadvantage in terms of numbers, actually gave them a kind of Endless feelings.

"Ready to fight!" Li Dian shouted.

"General, there are enemy chasers in the rear, so leave as soon as possible." Liang Mao whispered.

Li Dian said: "I don't know how many soldiers and horses the enemy has ambushed. If this general led the army to leave at this time, how could he escape the enemy's cavalry."

"After you are willing to lead the army to break, please leave the army quickly." Liang Mao said.

"Sir, you..."

"General, I can't let the army fall into the enemy's treacherous tricks. I feel ashamed. After he is willing to lead the soldiers to cut off, the general is the chief general of the army. I should lead the soldiers to leave as soon as possible and make early plans." Liang Mao said.

Li Dian was silent for a moment when he heard the words and nodded. The war has reached a moment that is extremely important to Cao Jun. At this time, there can be no delay in the slightest. The longer the delay, the more damage may occur.

"I have Mr. Lao, if possible, Mr. should leave as soon as possible." Li Diandao, during the period of cooperation with Liang Mao, the affairs of the army are mainly based on him, and Liang Mao has made suggestions. In the march, Liang Mao still has It is a good plan, but their opponent this time is the more powerful Liangzhou Army.

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