Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 2459: : Do you have the heart to be emperor?

Chapter 2459: Do you have the heart to be emperor? (Page 1/1)

The stability of the Sanshou Land is not long, and the Chang'an City consumes a lot of time, and it still needs support from various places.

After staying in Chengdu for ten days, Lu Bu led the army back to Chang'an, accompanied by Liu Ba and other Yizhou officials. Huang Quan was left in Yizhou as a car driver. Judging from Huang Quan’s previous performance, it is not only Talent is a person who knows how to advance and retreat.

If Huang Quan is in Yizhou, it can give Yizhou's family a lot of peace of mind.

After the establishment of the Yizhou Chamber of Commerce, it will definitely have contacts with Chang'an. After Liu Bei takes over Yizhou, although the beneficial state businessmen go to Chang'an, they are all small-scale and difficult to play a big role. The current situation is different, regardless of Whether Yizhou or Chang'an is under Lu Bu's rule, businessmen don't even need to worry too much about safety during the journey to Chang'an.

Besides, the strength of the family was drastically reduced at this time, and there were not many guards in their family. It would be impossible to protect the caravan from traveling far, but the existence of Zhenyuan Escort solved this problem.

From this series of things, it has been shown that Lu Bu's treatment of the family's successive methods has been gradually improved, and the follow-up work has been gradually improved.

However, Lu Bu’s departure gave the Yizhou family a sigh of relief. Lu Bu’s family in Yizhou was a great shock to the family, and they had to have more worries when they acted, but Lu Bu left. After that, their mood will be much more relaxed, and the mountain pressing on top of their heads suddenly moved away, making them feel comfortable.

The Yizhou incident came to an end, but the Chang'an Army paid a price of more than 25,000 people on the battlefield in Yizhou. There were 50,000 people who followed Lv Bu back to Chang'an. The remaining team will gradually stabilize in Yizhou. Then return to Chang'an, and then back to their army.

This is also the current way of fighting for the army under Lü Bu. The chief commander of each state controls the army, and the state animal husbandry is more in charge of government affairs. The state animal husbandry will not interfere with the affairs of the army. This ensures the independence of the army and the main commander of each state. There is no doubt about Lu Bu’s loyalty. This is the way the army currently exists. After the world is wiped out, the army’s form of existence will definitely change. Form an unfavorable situation.

However, the way the army currently exists under Lu Bu's rule can not only stabilize the governance, but also disperse the pressure brought by the army. If the army is brought together, it will inevitably cause greater consumption. It is only the transportation of food and grass. The pen is not a small consumption.

Each state assumes its own army. This method will save a little bit more. The state animal husbandry is in control of the grain and grass, the army chief will control the army and check each other, and the officials of the inspectorate and the inspectorate will supervise from the side. After the formation of the situation where the three parties existed with each other, the effect was still very good.

In Xudu, after occupying Jingzhou, Cao Cao led his troops back. In Jingzhou, 30,000 troops were stationed, 10,000 of which were to guard against Jiangdong Army, the other 10,000 were stationed in Wancheng to guard against Chang'an Army, and Jiangling stationed 10,000 troops to guard against benefits. The soldiers and horses of the state and the defenders in the rest of the country are not counted.

After the news of Lu Buping Ding Yizhou and the southern counties, Cao Cao's mood was a bit solemn. Today's situation has formed a three-legged trend. Among them, Lu Bu's strength is the most outstanding. If you want to deal with Lu Bu, even after victory, It will definitely pay a heavy price.

In this war, both Cao Cao and Lu Bu used a lot of soldiers and horses. It can be seen that in the next one or two years, there will be no major wars. Now, what is to be compared is who can fight when the war is about to come. Recovery is faster.

The prefectures and counties occupied by Cao Cao were also not weak under Lv Bu's rule. Lv Bu, who owned Yizhou and Jizhou, was extremely terrible. Yizhou and Jizhou were able to provide a large amount of food and grass for the Chang'an army, and the state and Youzhou have been stable for a long time. Under the promotion of Lu Bu, it gradually developed and was also able to provide a lot of support.

The aliens on the grassland can provide Lü Bu with a large number of cattle, sheep and horses. Cao Cao can't compare to Lü Bu in terms of the vastness of the land.

Cattle, sheep and horses provided by foreign races are also extremely important supplies. Just like when the cavalry of the Chang'an Army goes into battle, the dry food they carry is basically dried meat, which can ensure that the cavalry has a stronger ability to continue fighting on the battlefield.

At this time, under Cao Cao’s rule, there were Yanzhou, Yuzhou, Xuzhou, Yangzhou, and Jingzhou. The four prefectures were connected in one place. They did have a lot of influence. However, Lv Bu owned Bingzhou, Liangzhou, Qingzhou, Jizhou, Yizhou, The combination of Youzhou and the surrounding areas of Chang'an, the land of the six states, is even more terrifying.

Among the thirteen prefectures of the Great Han Dynasty, only Lv Bu occupies nearly seven prefectures, plus the vast grasslands, Lv Bu at this time is extremely terrifying.

Not only Cao Cao, but officials in Xudu also felt the pressure from Chang', and now the Chang'an army has completely pacified Yizhou and will soon return to Chang'an. The news came from me that Tian Yu is now Build the dilapidated Weiyang Palace. "Cao Cao said.

Xun You said: "Could it be that the King of Jin has the heart to be emperor?"

Cao Cao nodded solemnly. At the beginning, Lu Bu was able to call himself King of Jin. Although the court's award came later, it was a great blow to the court's majesty. The appearance of kings of different surnames meant the influence of the Han Dynasty for hundreds of years. The powerful princes are nothing more.

"I think you know how far the King of Jin has control over the rule. At this time, the King of Jin pacified Yizhou. Only our army can pose a threat to it. It is unstoppable." Cao Cao sighed.

Over the years, his pace of expansion has actually been very fast, but compared with Lu Bu, there is still a big gap. The Chang'an Army's victory in all battles made Lu Bu's expansion very fast, which is often difficult for the princes to complete. The matter became so simple in Lu Bu's hands.

"If the King of Jin proclaims the emperor, it will inevitably attract verbal criticism from the people of the world." Cheng Yu said.

"Do you think that King Jin cares about this? Although scholars in the world criticized King Jin, they did not cause too much hindrance to King Jin. There was a school under King Jin's rule, and the school could provide him with a large number of talents. "Cao Cao said.

The officials in the field were silent. The power of the aristocratic family was in relation to their control over talents. Cao Cao used many unfamiliar scholars, and even issued recruitment orders like Lu Bu. Isn't it because of the ability to resist the power of the aristocratic family.

"Lord, although Chang'an is repairing the imperial palace, the king of Jin has not proclaimed himself emperor. Now Xu Du is orthodox." Man Chong said.

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