Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 2176: : There is a way to stop the fierce oil

"Subordinates understand." Jian Yong said. Now is the moment of life and death for Yizhou. If Chengdu City is broken by Lu Bu, Liu Bei will go into exile again. This is something Jian Yong doesn't want to see. He still wants to follow. Liu Bei has made some achievements.

"Xianhe, the enemy army is elite, the people in the city are panic, you also have to be careful of your own safety." Liu Bei said.

"Here." Jian Yong's heart warmed, no matter what kind of image Liu Bei is in front of outsiders, but Liu Bei is his lord.

After Jianyong left, Liu Bei looked contemplative. The family is indeed a very troublesome problem. If the family’s problems cannot be handled properly, he will worry about the stability of the city and the strength of the family in the subsequent battle against the enemy. It should not be underestimated, even at this time, Liu Bei dare not completely offend the family.

Walking into the army, what Liu Bei felt was not high morale, but a somewhat low atmosphere. The wounded camp was not far from the army. Every night, the screams of the wounded soldiers would be heard in the army. The same is true in the daytime.

Liu Bei frowned and ordered: "Move the wounded camp out of here."

"Here." The entourage received Liu Bei's order and dared not neglect, and hurried away.

This siege war is unfair to the Yizhou army. The defender has the advantage of the city, but the enemy has some sophisticated equipment. They use the sophisticated equipment to firmly suppress the strength of the defending army. The defenders had paid a considerable price without seeing the enemy.

The art of war is like ten siege. Now, because of the development of equipment, if there are sophisticated equipment, even if the army on the siege party is not ten times as large as the defender, it can easily break through the city.

Liu Bei also knew that it was very difficult for the Chang'an Army to break through the city of Chengdu. Even if the moat was filled up, what would happen if the Chang'an Army launched a real offensive, the thunderbolt cars in the army would definitely come to a halt. , It is time for your own army to cause harm to the enemy.

With the strength of Chengdu City, it is very difficult for Lu Bu to break through the city only by relying on the Thunderbolt.

The arrival of Liu Bei caused the soldiers in the army to express excitement. Liu Bei is the superior King of Han, and it is extremely difficult for ordinary soldiers to meet.

"The enemy army outside the city has been attacking the city fiercely, and the soldiers in the army have suffered a certain amount of damage, but as long as the city is firmly held, it will be difficult for the enemy army to break through the city of Chengdu. On the occasion of the enemy army." Liu Bei said solemnly.

The soldiers in the army stared at Liu Bei with scorching eyes, for fear of missing any detail. They were just ordinary soldiers. After hearing these words, the biggest feeling was excitement. Liu Bei's words were even more rapid in the army. Spread.

"To defend the city, there must be a certain price to pay, but the sacrifices of the soldiers are worth it. They are to protect Yizhou from being trampled by the enemy."

The main general has absolute prestige in the army. Even the generals in the army are dissatisfied with Liu Bei's successive failures on the Yizhou battlefield, but at the most critical moment, they still have to obey Liu Bei's orders. Their lives are only In Liu Bei's sentence, let alone the soldiers in the army, the high-ranking generals came to visit the soldiers in the army, which was a huge encouragement for them.

Seeing the performance of the soldiers and soldiers, Liu Bei feels much better. No matter how vulnerable the Yizhou Army is in front of the enemy, the soldiers of the Yizhou Army highly respect him, and he will lead the soldiers and the enemy. After dealing with it, Liu Bei will not let go of anyone who dares to undermine the stability of Yizhou.

"Now that Yizhou has reached the most critical moment, you must have seen it. The Chang'an army has attacked the city one after another, and our army has suffered a lot of damage, but why the enemy did not dare to charge the city wall because they were afraid of death. , As long as the city wall is still in the hands of our army, the enemy army will never want to enter the city." Liu Bei said solemnly.

The generals in the army clasped their fists, and they agreed with Liu Bei's words. Siege of the city means death. The same thing applies to the Chang'an army, while the Yizhou army compares it with equipment. The Chang'an Army is not as good as it is, but it can still do it in terms of defending the city. As long as the enemy dared to attack the city, they will teach the enemy a severe lesson.

After boosting morale in the army, Liu Bei returned to the palace, but his mood was not as relaxed as in the army, encouraging soldiers. Liu Bei often did such things. It can be said that he is familiar with the road. If possible, he is unwilling. Doing this, however, the morale of the Yizhou Army is currently low. If they cannot show sufficient strength when fighting against the enemy, they will lose everything in front of them.

"Kong Ming, how is the situation in the army now?" Liu Bei asked.

Zhuge Liang said: "The enemy has attacked the city for ten days. Five hundred lieutenants have been damaged by the enemy's thunderbolt among them, more of them are young people."

Liu Bei said: "The youth will not have much impact on the army. The most indispensable thing in the city now is the youth." Let the youth enter the army, Liu Bei has already done that the youth club will suffer heavy losses on the battlefield. As a result, without sufficient battlefield experience, it is very common for the young and strong to be at a loss when the enemy is attacking, and then suffer big losses.

The soldiers who have been trained in the army have suffered serious losses on the battlefield. What's more, the young men who went to the battlefield without training directly distributing their weapons. Having made contributions to the city, if you want to count on these young men to withstand the attack of the Chang'an Army, the Yizhou Army will not be so severely damaged on the battlefield.

"Lord, if the youth loses a lot, it may affect the morale of the army." Zhuge Liang worried. Zhuge Liang knew about Liu Bei's going to the army, and he also understood Liu Bei's thoughts, even the power to command the army. Handed over to him, he will definitely guarantee his prestige in the army, which is also what a monarch needs to do.

At present, Yizhou has reached the most urgent moment, and it is precisely because more strength is needed. Liu Bei is the main general and the king of Hanzhong. Being able to go to the army at this time is not a small encouragement for the soldiers in the army. Zhuge Liang would naturally not mind.

"Kong Ming, there is a way to stop the enemy's fierce fire oil." Liu Bei asked.

At the time of siege, fierce fire oil can kill the defenders the most. If there is a means to restrain the enemy’s fierce fire oil, it will be of great help to the defenders. If you love to read novels, how can you not pay attention to this official account, V letter search: rdww444 or hot web articles, let’s chat about web articles together~

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