Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 2172: :Analysis of Guo Jiazhi

There are only a handful of Yizhou families who are willing to stay on Liu Bei’s side at this time. There is not much suspense in this battle. Liu Bei has come to the end. Even if the soldiers from the southern counties of Yizhou arrive, they can Change the current situation.

The elite of the fifty thousand Yizhou army has been destroyed, and even the defenders of Luo County have betrayed Yizhou. Liu Bei has the mind to coexist and die with Chengdu City, which does not mean that the family will have such a choice.

It’s just that now that after the family’s head of the city is controlled by Guan Yu, Liu Bei returned to the city and did not let the family’s heads leave. For the family, Liu Bei also had a lot of precautions. To be more perfect, otherwise the unlucky will inevitably be your own army.

"Fengxiao, in your opinion, will the aristocratic family give Liu Bei a fatal blow?" Lu Bu asked with a smile. His mood at this time was still relatively relaxed. The Chang'an Army had an absolute advantage on the battlefield, and the southern counties of Yizhou After the so-called reinforcements arrived, they packed up together.

Guo Jiadao: "Lord, it is not the Yizhou family who are not betraying Liu Bei at this time, but their Patriarch is in the hands of Liu Enbi. Liu Bei is not willing to give up easily. He wants to continue to resist in Yizhou, and Qin Tian The person who had more contact with Shi and A was the head of the aristocratic family."

Lü Bu nodded. The aristocratic family would definitely act more cautiously at this time, and the aristocratic family’s head cannot tell the family news after being controlled. When Qin Tian is in contact with the aristocratic family head, he is unwilling to let more people When people know the situation, these things are carried out in secret.

Why are Qin Tian and Shi A not anxious? This is a crucial step in the capture of Yizhou. If they can make great contributions in this battle, their status will definitely be improved.

The key is how to get the patriarch of the aristocratic family out of Liu Bei's control. It is not a simple matter for Liu Bei to release the patriarch of these aristocratic families.

However, Liu Bei's move also offended the aristocratic family in Yizhou a lot. Their arrogant family, but now Liu Bei relied on the forces in the city to act arbitrarily and follow such a monarch, so that they could not see more. Hopefully, under such circumstances, betraying Liu Bei seems to have become a very simple thing. If possible, they would like Liu Bei to quickly lose.

Liu Bei was also helpless. At the critical moment in Yizhou, it was impossible for him to screen the family in the city, so he could only temporarily control the family's head together and let the family cast a rat avoidance device.

"The aristocratic family's methods are not as simple as it seems. Does Liu Bei think that by controlling the family's head, he can influence the behavior of the aristocratic family." Lu Bu sneered.

"The lord's words are true. As long as the family finds a corresponding solution, Liu Bei's fate will definitely be very miserable." Guo Jiadao, over the years, he has seen too many crazy families, how crazy the family is in desperate situations, Guo Jia has seen a lot, and he believes that Yizhou's family is no exception.

At present, Liu Bei's control of the aristocratic family seemed to be a wise move, but it pushed the aristocratic family who had hoped for Liu Bei to the opposite side.

"In this case, this king is waiting for the aristocratic family in Yizhou to defeat Liu Bei." Lu Bu smiled.

Guo Jia is also smiling. The family of Yizhou will definitely make a difference in this battle. From the battlefield in Yizhou, the family must have been disappointed with Liu Bei. Liu Bei is not a qualified monarch. The state's aristocratic family continued to follow Liu Bei's side, and it is very likely that the family will eventually be destroyed.

How shrewd the family is. They definitely don’t want the strength of the family to be compromised. They were able to switch from Liu Zhang’s camp to Liu Bei, and now they can switch from Liu Bei’s camp to others. As long as there is a suitable opportunity, they will not be easy. Of giving up.

Liu Zhang was able to listen to the persuasion of the family, but it would be difficult to put such a thing on Liu Bei. Liu Bei's control of power is more powerful than Liu Zhang. The family in Yizhou has a deep understanding of this. Let's talk about Liu Bei. The method is far beyond what Liu Zhang can compare. The extremely strict control of the army cut off the family's way to further expand its influence in the army.

"Master, the Perak Army has attacked the city for several days. If the moat can be filled, it will definitely cause the defenders to panic, and at the same time make the family more anxious." Guo Jiadao.

Lu Bu nodded slightly, "It is true that the defenders have a moat. Once the moat is balanced, the defenders will fall into panic."

"The lord is wise." Guo Jia arched his hands.

Lv Bu smiled and did not comment, the next battle will be more intense, unless the Yizhou family can help the army to enter the city, otherwise, the Chang'an army will gradually strengthen the attack Fuguan When we were in Mianzhu, the Chang'an Army had gradually formed a method of siege of the city. Only by following this method steadily, the city of Chengdu could be breached.

"The most anxious person at this time is Liu Bei. What I want to know is what should Liu Bei do if the southern counties are unwilling to send reinforcements?" Lu Bu laughed.

Guo Jiadao: "Lord, from the point of view of his subordinates, the southern counties will inevitably send reinforcements. No matter how bad Liu Bei’s current situation is, he will always represent the Han court, and Liu Bei has the Han court behind him, which can give the southern officials a lot of money. Regarding the wealth of Shu County, the officials of Nan County are eager to enter Shu County."

"The arrival of soldiers and horses in the southern counties is not a small trouble." Lu Bu sighed.

The siege battle continued, but Lu Bu returned to the camp. There were cavalry guards on the left and right of the Perak Army. In the absence of cavalry, Liu Bei did not dare to leave the city easily. Now the Chang'an Army is taking a frontal offensive and intends to attack Chengdu. Breaking through, even if the Yizhou army wants to make a surprise attack, it must have enough strength, otherwise it will only become a laughing stock.

Liu Bei knows exactly what the fighting power of the Yizhou Army is. It is extremely difficult to fight against Lu Bu with the strength of his hands. Who is Lu Bu, who is at the level of God of War, but there are few battles that Lu Bu has experienced. When it fails, this is absolute strength.

On the contrary, Liu Bei has experienced many wars, but few have won. Tao Qian gave in to Xuzhou, Jingzhou took the opportunity to seize power, and Yizhou was unexpected. After all, he never attacked by his own ability. So in the eyes of other princes, Liu Bei is an opportunist, and such a person is easier to overcome. If you love to read novels, how can you not pay attention to this official account, V letter search: rdww444 or hot web articles, let’s chat about web articles together~

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