Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 2145: : Zhuge sees Liu Qi

However, the performance of the Yizhou army on the battlefield was not as good as expected. When it trained its soldiers, the method was appropriate. When it was really facing a war, it failed to show the qualities that a general in the army should possess.

Zhuge Liang was not wrong in letting Wu Yi be in charge of the Liennu Army. The Wu family itself was an important family in Yizhou. Winning Wu Yi could make the Wu family in Yizhou more loyal to Liu Bei and promote the generals in Yizhou. Let the aristocratic family in Yizhou feel at ease and let them see that the family members have the opportunity to advance in the army, and they will not betray easily.

"The lord, in the opinion of his subordinates, it is better to send imperial envoys to the Jin King's army to appease the Jin King and delay time." Zhuge Liang said.

Liu Bei was silent for a moment and said: "It is said that the Iraqi Ji will go to the Jin King's army to appease the Jin King. All the five tiger generals under the Jin King's command will be ranked in the marquis position, and the other generals will also be rewarded."

Zhuge's bright spot stated that at this time, he should not be parsimonious about his official position. It is the most important thing to appease Lu Bu. For Liu Bei, time is the most important thing. The imperial court sends envoys to the counties in southern Yizhou. It takes a certain amount of time to persuade the soldiers and horses of the three parties to come.

After discussing the countermeasures, Zhuge Liang left. As long as Liu Bei nodded his agreement, the rest of Yizhou's affairs were much simpler. As for the attitude of the saint Liu Qi, at this time, it is irrelevant. What Zhuge Liang needs is only The big seal in Liu Qi's hand made the court's orders more convincing. In fact, Liu Qi was not very strict with the emperor's big seal. As long as it was Zhuge Liang or Liu Bei, he could use it at will. This is also the so-called Dahan orthodox in Yizhou. situation.

Things in the DPRK, Liu Bei’s words, are more useful than Liu Qi’s orders. This also caused Yizhou officials to obey Liu Bei’s orders more. Only when Liu Bei is satisfied can they get what they want. thing.

As the emperor of the Han, Liu Qi didn't want to change this situation. He is the emperor, the ninth-five-year-old, and there is no king in the world, but it depends on Liu Bei's face and how he feels happy in his heart. At the beginning, Liu Qi still felt Not bad, after all, he became the emperor of the Han Dynasty. However, as time went on, Liu Qi wanted the power to belong to the emperor, but this possibility was very small, so Liu Qi could only become more depressed and vent his dissatisfaction through the wine.

Now that Yizhou is in danger, Liu Qi is in a state of panic. He has a feeling of hatred for Liu Bei. He even wants to see how Liu Bei is ruined under the iron hooves of the enemy. Anyway, he has seen from the current situation in Yizhou. There is no hope of victory.

When Liu Qi had such an idea, he turned around and looked at Liu Bei. He felt that Liu Bei was a clown. Whether he faced Cao Cao or Lv Bu, he failed. Can change the situation under treatment.

Liu Qi asked the maid on the side: "I heard that King Hanzhong has returned to the city?"

"Sage Enlightenment, King Hanzhong has returned to the city for nearly a day." The maid truthfully replied, no matter how cowardly Liu Qi is in front of Liu Bei, he is ultimately the sage of the great Han and has absolute control over their destiny. It takes Liu Qi's words to determine their life and death.

Therefore, the maid in the palace treated Liu Qi with a very respectful attitude, which also made Liu Qi feel the satisfaction of being an emperor, the feeling that he can only have when facing a maid.

"The army of King Jin is coming soon, right?" Liu Qi muttered.

"Holy Master, there is the King of Hanzhong in the city, even if King Jin leads the army, the holy master is safe." The maid said softly.

Liu Qi was furious when he heard this, "Little maid, how dare to talk nonsense in front of me, really when I dare not order you to be executed?"

The maid knelt on the ground immediately and kept begging for mercy. Liu Qi's temperament was the hardest for a period of time and moody. There were already many maids in the palace who ordered Liu Qi to be executed. In Luoxian County, when the Yizhou Army had to fight a decisive battle with the Chang'an Army, Liu Qi's temperament became more irritable.

Just as Liu Qi was about to order the death of the maid, an **** walked up and whispered: "Holy Master, please see me."

Liu Qi nodded and said, "Let the sergeant come in, you go down first."

"Thank you, Saint." The maid just now kept thanking her, her pretty face was full of tears. During this time in the palace, they deeply realized what a companion is like a companion tiger, and some of Liu Qi's actions were seen by them. It is an alternative, but as maids, they dare not disobey Liu Qi's orders.

Most of these maids were deliberately arranged by Liu Bei to monitor Liu Qi’s every move. Liu Bei doesn’t want a situation in Chengdu that Liu Bei can’t control. Even the palace is no It can be said that Liu Qi It was Liu Bei's key monitoring object. After all, Liu Qi was the emperor of the Han Dynasty. If he was involved with court officials and prepared to fight him, the biggest problem would be.

Liu Qi has some understanding of these things, but Yizhou has reached the point where it is now. Even if Liu Bei knows what his dissatisfaction can be, does Liu Bei dare to order him to be executed.

After Zhuge Liang entered the palace and saluted, he said, "Holy Lord, the king of Hanzhong led his soldiers and the rebels in a battle to the death in Luoxian County. Unfortunately, they were defeated. 50,000 soldiers were buried in the battlefield. Yizhou is in danger."

Liu Qi said: "What should I do as a military teacher?"

Zhuge Liang gave Liu Qi a surprised look. From Liu Qi's body, he felt an extraordinary taste. After Liu Qi heard about the danger, he was extremely panicked. At this time, Liu Qi gave him a different feeling. The situation in the state did not seem to have the slightest concern. Even if Yizhou was broken, it seemed normal to Liu Qi. From Liu Qi's reaction, Zhuge Liang sensed something was wrong.

"The Lord, in the opinion of the ministers, at this moment, the main task is to protect Chengdu. There are tens of thousands of soldiers and horses in the city. The Lord can order the enlistment of young people from the people in the city to join the army. Chengdu is strong. Rebels can break through. In the counties and counties in the south of Yizhou, there are still good soldiers and strong generals. If the sage orders them, they will come to rescue. In this way, Yizhou can turn the crisis into peace." Zhuge Liang said slowly.

Looking at Zhuge Liang who was talking eloquently, Liu Qi had a very disgusting feeling for some reason. He already hated the feeling of being a puppet emperor.

"Since the military division and the King of Hanzhong have decided, you can directly order." Liu Qi said lightly.

"Holy wise!" Zhuge Liang complimented. If you love to read novels, how can you not pay attention to this official account, V letter search: rdww444 or hot web articles, let’s chat about web articles together~

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