Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 2139: : Wounded Barracks

To them, betraying the monarch is nothing at all. The Wu family in Yizhou now has an opportunity, an opportunity to continue to be strong in Yizhou again. Such an opportunity is very important to the family.

"In the end, I will try my best to persuade the Wu family." Wu Yi clasped his fist and said, Wu Yi still has a certain right to speak in the determination of Wu family affairs. "It's just that after the King of Hanzhong returned to Yizhou, he must have taken precautions against the family. , Let Hanzhong know that the final will be under the command of the Jin king, the Wu family may be destroyed."

Why didn’t Lu Bu understand the meaning of Wu Yi’s words, "Anything you do must bear a certain risk, just like this king led an army to attack Yizhou, and many soldiers under his command were damaged. This is a risk. At the beginning of the army attack on Yizhou, the family of Yizhou would not have thought that this king could be invincible on the battlefield of Yizhou, but this king succeeded, but this king is sure that if the Wu family of Yizhou suffered from Liu Bei's In the case of poisonous hands, those who are related to Liu Bei will not end well."

"At the end, I understand." Wu Yi clasped his fist.

"After you go back, you should train the Lien Nujun carefully. The Lien Nujun will temporarily belong to General Chen Dao. After you return to the army, go and see Chen Dao." Lu Bu said.

Wu Yi left after a salute. Lu Bu’s words made Wu Yi find a new goal. He saw the hope of the Wu family’s rise in Yizhou and followed closely by Lu Bu’s side, the Wu family in Yizhou. It will be best preserved in this turmoil. At this time, there must be many families in Yizhou’s family who are secretly anxious. It is too difficult to get Lu Bu’s promise. They can even talk to the person in charge of Lu Bu in Chengdu. Discussing, this kind of effect is definitely far from seeing Lu Bu.

Therefore, Wu Yi felt that the Wu family in Yizhou was lucky. This time he betrayed Liu Bei. Maybe he could get more of the Wu family in Yizhou. The Lien Crossbow Army showed strong strength in this battle, which also made Wu During the battle, Yi felt the deficiencies of the Liannu Army on the battlefield. As long as Wu Yi was given enough time, he would be able to make the Liannu Army more powerful on the battlefield. This is crucial for an army. important.

As for the management of Chen to the jurisdiction, it is also reasonable. After all, Wu Yi is a surrogate, and he has not shown enough value to be trusted by the monarch, it is difficult to control the army alone, if it is not the special words of the Liannujun. It was difficult for Wu Yi to take charge of the Lien Nujun.

Lu Bu turned his gaze to Dian Wei, who had been waiting quietly in the camp, and said, "Wu Yi, what do you think is true or false?"

Dian Wei was taken aback for a moment, clasped his fist and said: "The lord, the final general thinks that Wu Yi must be a sincere refuge. Liu Bei has reached the end of the road. It is impossible to protect Yizhou. After Wu Yi relies on the lord, he can get Higher status, the same thing applies to other generals of the Yizhou Army."

Lu Bu smiled and said, "I don't want our generals to learn to analyze the situation. That's good, not bad."

Dian Wei grinned, but he noticed something wrong. He has a very high position in the army. As one of the five tiger generals, he is also Lu Bu's brother of worship, but his position in the army is not very high. Compared with Huang Zhong and Zhang Liao who are in charge of a state’s military and horses, there is indeed a big gap. "The final general is only willing to follow the lord as a guard."

Lü Bu shook his head helplessly. It was more than the first time that he had such an idea to promote Dianwei. If such a thing is placed on the other generals, it would be overjoyed. The promotion of their status means that they have a higher position in the army. Putting such a thing on Dian Wei's status, it turned into a different appearance.

"General Dian is also a well-known general in the army. If he is a personal guard, he is indeed a little overkill. You also know the martial arts of this king. On the battlefield, the person who can hurt this king is probably not born yet." Lu Budao.

Dian Wei sternly said: "The lord, as the personal guard leader, I want to protect the lord's side. The lord has high martial arts skills. However, there is no eye on the battlefield, and his subordinates will do their best to protect the lord."

"Let's go, follow this king to the army." Lu Bu said.

"Here." Dianwei said excitedly. He knew that Lu Bu had given up again. In Dianwei's view, as the commander of Lu Bu's personal guards, he felt more comfortable than taking charge of a soldier. His biggest wish is Being able to follow Lv Bu on the battlefield and commanding personally, he can protect his side. Dian Wei knows his own abilities quite well. It is enough to command a soldier and horse. If he is in charge of the army, he will be somewhat reluctant.

Such as Zhang Liao, Huang Zhong, Zhao Yun, Xu Huang and others, are all outstanding martial arts, powerful and strategic generations. They are in charge of the army and can make the army more powerful on the battlefield.

In this battle Chang'an Army had a lot of wounded soldiers on the battlefield. Many soldiers wounded on the battlefield had no time to return to the army for treatment, so they died on the battlefield. In the decisive battle , Will not stop because of soldiers’ injuries. As soldiers in the Chang’an Army, they understand this even more. On the battlefield, they are brave and will not shrink from the enemy’s strength, nor will they be affected by the injuries on their bodies. Concession, on the battlefield, we must do our best to cause harm to the enemy.

Even if they are injured on the battlefield, they will not easily retreat. The soldiers in the army understand that their retreat on the battlefield is likely to bring about a breakthrough by the enemy on the battlefield.

Regarding the army under Lu Bu, the princes' soldiers had the impression that they were not afraid of death. They did a good explanation of this on the battlefield. This was also something other princes' soldiers did not possess.

Near the wounded camp, Lu Bu smelled a strong smell of medicinal materials. With the further expansion of the medical hall, there are more and more doctors accompanying the army, especially on important battlefields like Yizhou, where there are many doctors in the army. , Their role on the battlefield is huge. The wounded soldiers get timely treatment on the battlefield, which can not only affect the morale of the army, but also make the soldiers feel more belonging.

Hearing the screams from military officers from time to time, Lu Bu's heart was tightly grasped. These are the elite soldiers in the army. They are not afraid to shed blood and sacrifice on the battlefield, but at this time they are making such screams. , It can be seen how much pain they endured.

The doctors in the army are constantly busy. They have never stopped since the end of the war. The doctors understand that if they can save one more soldier, the army will have more strength on the battlefield. If you love to read novels, how can you not pay attention to this official account, V letter search: rdww444 or hot web articles, let’s chat about web articles together~

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