Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 2128: :The Choice of Family in Luoxian County (Part 2)

It's not that every soldier will stand on Yizhou's side at a critical moment. For their own lives, they are likely to deviate from the Yizhou army.

Faced with the invitation of the Zhang Family Patriarch, Huang Xiao and Li Hui hesitated for a while and then agreed. The two knew that there must be Lu Bu's figure behind this incident. Recently, Lu Bu's power in the city was not very strong. Low-key, they often recruit aristocratic families. Even though Zhuge Liang and Liu Bei were in the city at that time, no one leaked the news to Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang at this time.

It was the most critical time for the Yizhou Army. If Zhuge Liang and Liu Bei's suspicion were aroused, it would be a big disadvantage for the family. They did not want Zhuge Liang and Liu Bei to watch at the critical moment, even if it was the beginning of the war. At that time, the aristocratic family won't get too many benefits.

The meeting of the three patriarchs announced what direction the ultimate destiny of Luo County will develop.

The hall of the Zhang family has become empty at this time. The Zhang family advocates that Tao Duan sits in the upper position. The two maids have already left. Around the hall are guarded by private soldiers of the family. Zhang The family also chose martial law under such circumstances. No one was allowed to go out. In fact, Zhang family did the same in the recent period. People in the family cannot go out for nothing. The more critical the moment, the more important For the family, it is the beginning of the test.

About half an hour later, Li Hui and Huang Xiao each led a hundred private soldiers to the Zhang family. The heads of the two families were well-known in the city. Even the generals in the city did not dare to embarrass them. The situation in the city was tense. , It’s just that for ordinary soldiers and civilians, the aristocratic family still has a lot of room for activities, and the head of the aristocratic family has a great influence on today's Luo County.

After the meeting of the heads of the three families, Huang Xiao and Li Hui noticed Li Yan, Wang Yue, and Zhao Shu who were under Zhang Tao. Although the power that belonged to Lu Bu had contact with the family, it was the one who actually met the three. There are very few. Although the three families are important families in Luoxian County, Wang Yue and the others know how to protect their own safety under such circumstances.

Zhang's family was the first family to decide to seek refuge in Lu Bu. Zhang Tao naturally met Wang Yue. Zhang Tao still knew a thing or two about Wang Yue, the most famous swordsman in the Han Dynasty.

As for the Huang's and Li's only the people who contacted them showed their attitudes, and they have not seen the three.

Zhang Tao coughed lightly: "Now that the battle is urgent, I will make a long story short here. These three are the people of the Jin King, and they have a high status under the Jin King. This is the swordsman Wang Yue of the former Han emperor. ."

Huang Xiao and Li Hui hurriedly got up and bowed to Wang Yue. When it was normal, when they heard Wang Yue’s name, the heads of the two families were at most surprised that they would not have more thoughts. Today’s situation is different. Wang Yue represents It is Lu Bu, which cannot be ignored in Luoxian County, and Wang Yue is secretly in charge of Lu Bu's assassin power. Under Lu Bu's command, he is also a well-known figure. Facing such a person, he must be more cautious.

Wang Yue was able to appear at such a time, in fact, to a certain extent, it showed that King Jin had great confidence in the victory of this war. Although Lu Bu was a military commander, through a series of changes in Yizhou, the three The Patriarch did not dare to look down upon it the slightest.

When a military commander is in a higher position and has greater power in his hands, it is also extremely terrifying. When he acts, he may not proceed in the way that other people know well.

Now when the aristocratic family is working together, Huang Xiao and Li Hui also understand that they have agreed to the recruitment of the people dispatched by King Jin, and they will take action in the next things. Otherwise, the two families will not get it. More things.

"Now that the situation on the battlefield, the three companies must have a clearer understanding. After Liu Bei fails, he will inevitably return to Luoxian. Luoxian still has 10,000 troops in Yizhou, although this 10,000 troops are relatively more in the Yizhou army. Weak, still cannot be ignored, Zhuge Liang's methods are extremely powerful, you must have already experienced it." Wang Yue stood up and said slowly.

"The king's words are very serious, I don't know how the Huang family needs to cooperate?" Huang Xiao said.

"The Huang family has a lot of influence among the officials in the city. The Huang Patriarch can secretly take action to allow more officials to be attached to King Jin. This is a great achievement. Patriarch Li and Patriarch Zhang have a lot of influence in the army. Influence, this is when the generals in the army are worried about the situation on the battlefield. As long as more generals are drawn in, the army in the city of He worry cannot rely on King Jin." Wang Yuedao.

The Patriarchs of the three families nodded. In fact, with the concerted efforts of the Patriarchs of the three families, the possibility of success is very high. Regardless of Zhuge Liang's departure, he still has guard against the family in the city, but the family’s influence in Luo County is deeply rooted. Even if it weakens the power of private soldiers in the family’s hands, it is impossible for the family to remain safe after Liu Bei's failure, unless Zhuge Liang or Liu Bei can sit in Luoxian County. In this case, In order to shock the aristocratic family.

But whether it is Zhuge Liang or Liu Bei, the importance of this war has exceeded the safety of Luo County. After the victory of the Yizhou Army, the safety of Luo County will not be a problem. If the Yizhou Army fails, even if the Luo County can save it. , It is also difficult to resist the attack of the Chang'an Army in the next battle.

Under such a situation, it gave the family a greater choice.

"I don't know how the King Commander can control the army so that Luo County can be attached to King Jin?" Li Hui asked. Although the Li family has a certain influence in the military, it is far from the Zhang family.

Wang Yue said: "This matter has its own way. As long as the three companies try their best to cooperate in secret, this action will surely be completed smoothly."

Seeing that Wang Yue refused to disclose the situation, the patriarchs of the three families did not intend to introduce Qin Yan and Zhao Shu, nor did they reluctantly. The situation in Luoxian County can indeed play a huge role after the three families have made their choice. The most important thing is Wang. The more people's actions.

Only relying on the influence of the generals of the Zhang family and the Li family in the army, it is difficult to influence the decision-making of the chief general in the army. After all, the chief general in the army at this time is Feng Xi, and Feng Xi and Luo The county's aristocratic family was not involved, and the lieutenant was the general Fan Jiang who followed Zhang Fei all the year round.

In the eyes of the aristocratic family, neither of these two people were easy to deal with, and the three families were also curious about what methods Wang Yue was prepared to adopt.

After discussing with the heads of the three families, Wang Yue and others got up and left. If you love to read novels, how can you not pay attention to this official account, V letter search: rdww444 or hot web articles, let’s chat about web articles together~

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