Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 2126: : The family's response

If Lu Bu was chosen, and the Yizhou army led by Liu Bei was the winner in this battle, how should the Huang family deal with it? The Huang family in Luoxian is just a part of the Huang family in Yizhou, and the Huang family is also in Chengdu. Has a great influence.

After careful consideration, the Patriarch of the Huang family chose to show his favor to Zhao Shu. Through Zhao Shu’s analysis, they really did not see the possibility that Liu Bei might win this battle. The secret of the continuous ballista in the army. It also spread among the aristocratic families. This is also due to Zhao Shu. Naturally, he would not give up the opportunity to attack Liu Bei at this time, so that the aristocratic families in Luo County could learn about the military's methods in advance, and it would be more convenient for them to fight. Make a choice when you turn it on.

Imagine that before the war between the two armies, Lu Bu had a better understanding of the situation of the Yizhou Army. Even the methods that the Yizhou Army relied on the most were already known. In the next war, what the Yizhou Army will face Such a situation can be imagined. If Liu Bei could still lead the Yizhou army to victory under such circumstances, Liu Bei would not be defeated and retreated on the battlefields of Fuguan, Mianzhu and Bajun.

Some small families still have confidence in Zhuge Liang, mainly after Zhuge Liang entered Luoxian, the means displayed in the army let these families see the hope of Yizhou army in the upcoming war. There are no families with such thoughts. A small number, even the Li family was affected in this way. From Zhuge Liang, the young man, the Li family saw the possibility of the Yizhou Army's victory on the battlefield.

But as the heads of aristocratic families, they are shrewd people. From this battle, they have seen too many changes in the city. They must have a certain understanding of the situation in the city. In most families, they choose to seek refuge in Lu Bu. Under the circumstances, if the Li family can stand firmly on Liu Bei's side, once Liu Bei wins the battlefield, it will be of great help to the improvement of the Li family's strength.

However, under such circumstances, it is necessary to show good to Lu Bu's people. After Lu Bu's victory on the battlefield, if the Li family is still in Liu Bei's camp, it will definitely cause the Li family to suffer even greater losses. At this critical moment of the transition of the monarchy, the aristocratic family needs to think more comprehensively.

What reassures the family of Luo County is that in this battle, the family of Luo County does not need to take action when the war is uncertain. It is enough to wait until Liu Bei is defeated to help Lu Bu seize Luo County. Such a request cannot be rejected by the family. Even though they have more plans, if Liu Bei fails on the battlefield, what else is there for them to hesitate? They value Liu Bei on the basis of Liu Bei's victory in the war. After the defeat, they have lost their absolute advantage.

The shrewd aristocratic family did not want to follow Liu Bei to be buried on the land of Yizhou. They also wanted to see that the family's strength could be further strengthened. Lu Bu treated the aristocratic family cruelly, but when he ruled Hanzhong, he did not treat the aristocratic family. Taking action, this gave the Yizhou family see hope. Once people have hope, they will have more ideas.

The forces supporting Liu Bei and the forces supporting Lu Bu were evenly matched at the beginning of the war.

Faced with such a situation, Zhao Shu, Wang Yue, and Qin Yan did not have the slightest anxiety. After the situation on the battlefield became clear, it was time for these families to be anxious. What kind of character the family had, the three of them were sober. I know, don’t look at the respect these aristocratic families are now showing. If Liu Bei is victorious, they will surely turn around very quickly. For the benefit of the family, they can’t do anything, as long as the family’s strength can be strengthened. They don't hesitate to do anything.

It’s no longer unimaginable for aristocratic families to act like this. The aristocratic families under Lu Bu are also like this. However, if the aristocratic families in Yizhou can see further, they will find that those families who have taken refuge in Lu Bu will continue. After a certain degree of weakening, as long as members of the family follow the rules and disciplines, they will not be too embarrassed. It does not mean that after taking refuge in Lu Bu, the family has no way to survive, but it is just that the way of life of the family has changed. .

No matter how you live and stay alive, it is now the most important thing for the family of Yizhou. If Liu Bei defeats the family of Beibei and fails to make a timely decision, it will be the power of the family that will suffer a heavy loss in the end. The family is in this battle. , It is necessary to find the position faster to get more benefits in the upcoming turmoil, otherwise, the loss will be even greater.

Of course, this is also the general mentality of the Yizhou family. After Lu Bu came to Yizhou, if the family with greater contributions in this battle will surely be preserved to the greatest extent, there is no doubt about it. The person who made the credit, even Lu Bu, would definitely have to weigh it. UU reading

The aristocratic families of Luoxian have a lot of power in the military. They can get news on the battlefield through their own means. Although the defense of Luoxian is very tight at this time, news from the aristocratic families is constantly being uploaded from the battlefield. When the battle was not clear, the Yizhou family did not dare to have too close a relationship with Lu Bu. This was the most critical factor affecting the future destiny of the family, and they had to be cautious.

The way for the aristocratic family to obtain information is definitely much worse than that of the three teams such as the Black Ice Terrace. During the battle between the two sides, the Chang'an Army must absolutely control the power of scouts on the battlefield, and Lu Bu will not allow it to be on the battlefield. There is a situation where the power of the family is dominant.

After the disappearance on the battlefield reaches the city, it can always affect the heartstrings of the family.

At the beginning of the war, the Yizhou Army was at a disadvantage. The main reason was that the Yizhou Army had a certain lack of elite strength compared to the Chang'an Army. They were at a disadvantage when they first fought. Among them, but the family is waiting. They will not really make a choice until the Yizhou Army is determined to lose on the battlefield.

Not only the family of Yizhou, but the defenders of Luo County are also very concerned about the situation on the battlefield. After Lu Bu's victory, they can see what kind of situation the Yizhou Army will have, if not in this battle. If you make a clear choice in the military, the generals in the military will also be greatly affected.

When the elite forces of the Yizhou Army were dispatched, it was time to move the family. Both the white-eared elite soldiers and the heavy armored soldiers were the power that the Yizhou Army relied on on the battlefield. However, it can be seen from the situation on the battlefield. When facing the Chang'an Army, the strength still has shortcomings. If you love to read novels, how can you not pay attention to this official account, V letter search: rdww444 or hot web articles, let’s chat about web articles together~

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