Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 2102: : Dense crossbow arrows

The fighting between the two sides is still going on, and you can see from the top of the battlefield that the black torrent is slowly approaching the crimson Lien Crossbow Army.

In the process of approaching like this, the pressure on the shield soldiers is enormous. The closer they are to the ballista, it means that the shield soldiers will bear more force when the ballista is attacking. Many shield soldiers are approaching. Was shot by the enemy in the process.

Two thousand shield soldiers have lost 40% of them. When placed on an ordinary team, after 40% of the army has been damaged, there must be a shock of the military spirit, which will cause the soldiers in the army to happen under such circumstances. The phenomenon of escape.

On the battlefield, it is normal for soldiers to flee. The psychological endurance of each soldier on the battlefield is very different. If they cannot withstand the pressure from the battlefield, the soldiers who are fighting may escape. This is also on the battlefield. Why does there exist a team of supervising the war? They are to deter the cowardly soldiers. Even if they die in battle, they will die on the battlefield. Once the escape phenomenon spreads in the army, there will be immeasurable losses.

Ordinary soldiers are an important part of the battlefield. The power of an ordinary soldier may be insignificant, but the huge battlefield is formed by these soldiers.

Wu Yi wanted to order the Lien Crossbow Army to retreat, but at this time the Lien Crossbow Army had no retreat. In terms of moving speed, there was not much difference between the Lien Crossbow Army and the shield soldiers, but it was definitely stronger than that of the Crossbow Army. The difference is a lot, the most important thing is that at this time, on the west side of the battlefield, the soldiers of the Yizhou Army are at a disadvantage. The Yizhou Army is already at a complete disadvantage under the attack of the Chang'an Army, and the strong crossbow army is on the battlefield. The destructive power of the above has caused great damage to the Yizhou Army. Otherwise, Zhuge Liang would not send Wu Yi to lead the Lien Crossbow Army here.

If Wu Yi retreats, the Lien Crossbow Army will suffer more damage. During the retreat, the situation is beyond Wu Yi's control. The soldiers in the army will still be the same as before when facing the enemy's pursuit. Are you brave and good at fighting? Once the soldiers of the Lien Crossbow Army escape, it will be the biggest trouble.

After an hour of confrontation, there are more than 400 continuous ballistas that can fight on the battlefield. The damage of the continuous ballista has caused nearly half of the damage in an offensive such as the strong crossbow army. It does not mean that these continuous ballistas cannot continue. Instead, the soldiers who controlled the Ballista were killed. In this case, the Ballista was just going to do on the battlefield.

What makes Wu Yi most anxious is that the enemy's formation is constantly advancing, forcing the Lien Crossbow Army to slowly retreat on the battlefield, which can make the Lien Ballista retreat on the battlefield, which shows how fierce the enemy's offensive is. Mo said that Wu Yi hadn't thought of the situation that caused the Liannujun to retreat, and even Zhuge Liang certainly hadn't expected how tyrannical the Liannujun would be on the battlefield.

However, the effect of the Lien Crossbow Army in such a resistance is obvious. The shield soldiers of the Chang'an Army lost as much as 50%, and even the Strong Crossbow Army led by Chen Dao suffered damages of more than 600 people. .

In terms of the loss of the number of soldiers, the Chang'an Army needs more. The number of soldiers handling four hundred ballistas is no more than 1,200, while the Chang'an Army has lost more than 1,600 soldiers.

This kind of battle situation has already made Gao Lan feel satisfied. If the current situation on the battlefield continues, the Lien Crossbow Army will eventually lose. As long as the Lien Crossbow Army is defeated, will the Yizhou Army still have room to struggle.

Wu Yi obviously recognized this. They are the last resort of the Yizhou Army. If they can't reverse the situation on the battlefield, the most likely cause is failure. Failure is not what Yizhou Army generals want to see.

What if Lu Bu is a well-known military commander? After their defeat, they became prisoners of the Chang'an Army. They lost their previous status, and even they did not have the initial control over their lives. All they need is a word from Lu Bu. , They may be put to death. This is also when generals face war, unless it is necessary, they will generally not easily choose to surrender.

After paying a huge price, the Crossbow Army finally reached a distance of a hundred paces.

Chen Dao shouted: "Strong crossbow army, let go of arrows!"

In the previous battle, only the strong crossbowmen with a range of up to 150 paces released their crossbow arrows, and the other strong crossbowmen helped them to wind the crossbow on the battlefield. This made the other strong crossbow soldiers very dissatisfied. They On the battlefield, he was also in great danger, but he could only give arrows to his robes, and a famous crossbowman didn’t even release the crossbow arrows in his hand. He had fallen on the battlefield and now he has After Chen arrived, the soldiers of the Strong Crossbow Army were excited.

They want to teach the enemy the most painful lesson with the crossbow arrows in their hands, and let the Lien Crossbow Army see how powerful the Crossbow Army is. The Strong Crossbow Army shines brightly on the battlefield in Fu When it was closed, the repressive defenders were unable to raise their heads. Now they are suffering such a loss on the battlefield of Luoxian County. How can they not be angry.

Wu Yi looked at the black shadow in the sky and opened his mouth slightly. These crossbow arrows were denser than the previous ones. At this time, he realized that there were thousands of strong crossbow troops opposite them. The Crossbow Army did not reach the range.

The soldiers of the Lien Crossbow Army raised the shield in their hands. Although the shield could not provide them with sufficient safety on the battlefield, they could get greater security on the battlefield with the shield in hand.

Ordinary strong crossbows can not cause a devastating blow to the shield, but under such a dense crossbow bolt, it has caused the Lien Crossbow Army to suffer more damage than before.

Wu Yi can be said to have no tears. He originally thought that leading the Lien Crossbow Army to help the battlefield on the west side would be a very exciting task. Let the enemy's so-called Strong Crossbow Army see the power and prestige of the Lien Crossbow Army. However, the battlefield The situation above was beyond Wu Yi's control.

Facing the Strong Crossbow Army, the situation of the Lien Crossbow Army is very miserable. If it goes on like this, all the Lien Crossbow Army will be buried in the battlefield in half an hour, but Wu Yi dare not lead the Lien Crossbow Army easily. The retreat is not because of worrying about Zhuge Liang’s punishment. The main reason is that the crossbow army was too eager to catch up on the battlefield. If he led the army to leave, the crossbow army would not give up the pursuit. In this case, the crossbow army could not give the enemy. The army causes damage, but it will be broken on the battlefield.

The situation on the battlefield has not improved because of Wu Yi's continuous command. When the Strong Crossbow Army played against the Lien Crossbow Army, they relied on the advantage of the Strong Crossbow Army to suppress the situation. If you love to read novels, how can you not pay attention to this official account, V letter search: rdww444 or hot web articles, let’s chat about web articles together~

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