Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 2094: : Reversal of the situation

The soldiers of the Yizhou Army who were fighting suddenly felt that the soldiers of the Chang'an Army on the opposite side were much weaker in resistance. This situation made the soldiers of the Yizhou Army overjoyed. The situation of the enemy army is the most telling of the fact that the enemy army is in Fear in such a battle, the enemy will show fear on the battlefield, and they will inevitably become the victorious side.

After seeing this scene, many soldiers of the Yizhou Army secretly despised them. The Chang'an Army did cause a lot of damage to them at the beginning, but now they still have to retreat from the battlefield. What is the invincible Jin Wang’s account? Down, but just leave a laughing stock.

In the decisive battle between the soldiers of the two sides, the elite of one side certainly occupies a very important factor, but the ability to continue fighting on the battlefield is still very important.

However, the next moment the soldiers of the Yizhou Army had no such feelings. They saw the dense arrows appearing in the sky, and the intensity of the arrow rain was beyond imagination.

The Crossbow Army led by Chen Dao began to harvest the lives of the Yizhou Army soldiers on the battlefield. Eight thousand Crossbow Army soldiers were invincible on the battlefield.

Many shield soldiers of the Yizhou Army were shocked under such a intensive rain of arrows. Without the command of the general, they hurriedly raised the shield in their hands. However, their struggle was destined to be futile. In such a crossbow, not only There are ordinary crossbowmen, and they have a range of one hundred and fifty steps of damage.

Under such crossbow arrows, an open area suddenly appeared in the original attack formation of the Yizhou Army.

After the Yizhou army generals in the rear noticed the situation ahead, they were stunned. With such a dense rain of arrows, many shield soldiers directly penetrated through the enemy's strong crossbows, which gave the Yizhou army generals a shocking feeling. In fact, The soldiers of the Chang'an Army fighting in the front are very clear about the terrible existence behind them.

After the crossbow army approached the enemy on the battlefield, it was left to be slaughtered. However, would the crossbow army led by Chen Dao give the enemy a chance to approach? They are the killing gods on the battlefield.

After shooting the crossbow arrows in their hands, without Chen's order, the Strong Crossbow Army immediately winds the crossbow arrows. Although the speed of the Strong Crossbow Army is very slow, there is still plenty of time when there is a large loss of enemy troops on the battlefield.

Besides, Chen Zhi’s subordinates not only rely on a strong crossbow army, but also a continuous crossbow car appeared in front of them. Similar to the continuous crossbow car of the Yizhou Army, the continuous crossbow car on the side of the Chang'an Army is also controlled by three people. .

The crossbow car was pouring crossbow arrows at the soldiers of the Yizhou Army, and the soldiers who controlled the crossbow car felt more comfortable than ever. They didn’t need to be like the continuous crossbow troops led by Wu Yi, but continuously poured crossbow arrows at the enemy until they could Thousands of crossbow arrows were completely poured into the enemy.

After the strong crossbow army, the Yizhou army in shock, under the attack of the crossbow car, once again suffered huge damage.

An extremely terrifying scene appeared on the battlefield on the west side. Under Chen Dao’s attack led by a strong crossbow army, the soldiers of the Yizhou Army who were fighting fell like wheat. The Chang'an Army, who had only been secretly despised by the Yizhou Army generals, has quietly left the front army. They are admiring the results of the Crossbow Army. As long as the Chang'an Army officers who noticed the situation on the battlefield are all stunned, this is the Strong Crossbow Army. Power.

The Crossbow Army has a high status under the King of Jin. However, there are not many soldiers who have actually seen the Crossbow Army take action. Now they have been able to see the scenes of the Crossbow Army predominantly on the battlefield. This is not a war, this It's an attack on the enemy.

A soldier of the Yizhou Army stared blankly at the changes ahead. The lively battlefield suddenly became quiet. Before him, there were densely packed soldiers of his own. It was just a round of attack by the enemy. There has been such a terrible situation.

The general's complexion instantly turned pale, and the big beads of sweat rolled from his forehead, and the fighting spirit in his heart was directly destroyed under such an attack.

Yizhou Army General Wu Ban’s heart also couldn’t be calm. It turned out that the previous Chang’an Army was just showing weakness to the Yizhou Army on the battlefield. When they really showed their power, it turned out to be such a terror. There were only two thousand soldiers at the lowest. On the battlefield, some soldiers died in a miserable state. The shields in their hands failed to protect them from the enemy's arrow rain, and they directly penetrated the crossbow arrows. When they were dying, their expressions were full of disbelief, and they couldn't believe it. Imagine that the enemy army has become so powerful.

At this time, no one dared to underestimate the combat effectiveness of the Chang'an Army, and their sneers seemed so ridiculous just now.

Wu Ban understood that if the enemy's attack could not be blocked, more soldiers of the Yizhou Army would die on the battlefield, and the horror of the enemy army was fully demonstrated at this moment.

"Quickly inform the military division of the situation on the battlefield." Wu Ban shouted.

The scout in charge of relaying the situation on the battlefield awoke Rumeng, and hurriedly rode his horse towards the direction of the Chinese army.

The offensive of the Strong Crossbow Army was the signal that the Chang'an Army launched a full-scale offensive in this When the Yizhou Army’s Lien Crossbow Army was first dispatched, Chen Dao was already ready, Wu The Liannu Army led by Yi caused huge damage to the Chang'an Army. In a blink of an eye, Chen reached an eye for an eye. The damage to the Yizhou Army was even more terrifying. What could be more terrifying than the neatly falling down of his soldiers on the battlefield. It feels terrible.

After the strong crossbow army’s offensive, Li Yan led the flying cavalry and launched an offensive against the Yizhou Army. The direction of their attack was the Yizhou Army’s middle army. Based on the fighting power of the flying cavalry on the battlefield and the situation of the Yizhou Army at this time, It is difficult to stop the cavalry's attack. This is also the opportunity that Feiqi has been waiting for on the battlefield. They have to give the enemy a fatal blow.

The crossbow troops did not stop their advance because of this attack. There are still a large number of enemy troops ahead. What they have to do is to cause more damage to the enemy on the battlefield and completely destroy the enemy's fighting spirit. .

Since Zhuge Liang ordered the Lien Crossbow Army to be dispatched, the Yizhou Army has received constant news from the battlefield. In the direction of the Chinese Army, its own soldiers have made considerable breakthroughs. This is a huge breakthrough for the Yizhou Army. The most important reason for the encouragement of the enemy is that the enemy’s Thunderbolt is shifting to the east.

Zhuge Liang was not too worried about the transfer of the enemy’s thunderbolt. Zhuge Liang had a clear understanding of the destructive power of the Lien Crossbow Army on the battlefield. It’s a nightmare. What if the Chang’an Army has fairy mirrors and powerful cavalry? The Yizhou Army will rely on the Lien Crossbow Army to gain an overwhelming advantage on the battlefield on the east side and directly destroy the enemy’s Chinese army. No matter how powerful the enemy is in front of the Lien Crossbow Army, they will suffer a huge blow. If you love to read novels, how can you not pay attention to this official account, V letter search: rdww444 or hot web articles, let’s chat about web articles together~

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