Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 2020: : Zhang Fei invites a fight

The failure of the assault on the city gate is nothing to the current army. The army did not suffer damage in the offensive, but instead led the army to be shrouded in the shadow of fierce fire and oil.

"Hao Meng was told to attack Mianzhu by ordinary means, and Zilong led the army to fill the moat." Lu Bu ordered that since the raid on the city gate could not be successful, he would attack Mianzhu with a dignified force, pointing at Yizhou and letting Yi Look at the family in the state, how stupid their original choice was.

Speaking of Zhuge Liang, although Lu Bu felt regretful in his heart, it was more of anger. What a noble status he was as a big man at the time, Zhuge Liang chose Liu Bei, and now he will use his mighty force to show Zhuge Liang, he I would regret not taking refuge in myself.

This day is an unforgettable day for the defenders of Mianzhu, especially the defenders guarding the walls of Mianzhu. They not only need to beware of massive attacks from the enemy, but also to guard against fierce fire and oil.

Compared with fierce fire oil, the defenders found that they hoped to attack the city more with huge rocks. After fierce fire oil exploded on the city wall, the influence it exerted was great. If possible, they were unwilling to climb Mianzhu again. .

The three thousand defenders in Mianzhu lost a thousand people after the day-to-day fighting, most of them died under the raging fire, and the defenders could not even see the enemy's figure clearly.

At this moment, in the minds of the Yizhou army generals, the enemy army is terrible, and the morale of the army can be imagined how low it will be.

After Fan Jiang informed Liu Bei of the encounter at the city gate, Liu Bei secretly rejoiced and praised Fan Jiang. If it weren’t for Fan Jiang’s prompt reminder, once the city gate was burned, after the enemy entered the city, he wanted to take the enemy from the city. If Mianzhu is driven out, it is bound to pay a greater price.

At that time, there was chaos in Mianzhu City, which made Liu Bei lose his ability to judge the situation. Through this incident, Liu Bei felt his own deficiencies. He originally thought that he would lead the army for many years, even in the face of the elite Jin Wang’s army. , There will not be too big a gap, and the failure of each battle gave Liu Bei a sense of frustration.

This kind of frustration has never been experienced before. Liu Bei has been active on the battlefield since the Yellow Turban Uprising, and he has been fighting repeatedly before he has the current Yizhou. He has a stubborn and tough personality, and he will not be because of the enemy. Strong and succumbing, but in the process of fighting against Lu Bu, Liu Bei felt tired.

At this time, the battle between the princes of the world has gradually become clear. If Yizhou cannot survive the battle, Liu Bei must be exiled again. At this time, no princes will accept him again and lose him. After Yizhou, it means losing everything.

Thinking of this, Liu Bei's originally confused eyes have become a lot firmer. He cannot surrender to the enemy, and he will not fail. He is the king of Hanzhong of the great Han and the clan of the Han family. He shoulders the important task of restoring the Han family. , Cannot retreat halfway.

"It is said that the lieutenant generals will come to the Chinese Army to discuss matters." Liu Bei said solemnly. The loss of the day has caused the lieutenant generals to talk a lot. When it comes to the discoloration of the enemy's thunderbolt cars, Liu Bei is naturally aware of it.

Looking at the generals with different looks in the tent, Liu Bei slowly said: "Now the situation in Yizhou has reached a very critical point. It is impossible to defend Mianzhu. The enemy generals will come to Luocheng and Chengdu. For the defeated general, at such a time, don't think about taking refuge in the enemy. When you are in the account of King Jin, do you think you can keep your current position?"

The generals did not talk in a low voice, but turned their eyes to Liu Bei. They felt that Liu Bei’s words made sense. There was a big difference between taking refuge in the enemy and staying in Yizhou. They are now generals. No one can guarantee that they will still have their current status after they reach King Jin’s tent. The generals of the Yizhou Army have some knowledge about the situation of the soldiers under King Jin’s tent.

Not to mention other things, there are so many fierce generals under King Jin’s account. It is not a simple matter to make a prominence among them. Many of the generals are standing behind the family. The family of Yizhou rejected Lu Bu. Let these generals stand on Liu Bei's side and follow Liu Bei to the end.

However, after thinking about the day-to-day situation, the generals in the army secretly increased their vigilance. When fighting against the enemy, there were dangerous hurdles. Naturally, there was no difficulty. The key is that the Yizhou army encountered the king of Jin on the battlefield. After the army, they didn't get any good results. They had the advantage in the terrain, and they were suppressed by the enemy. You can imagine their mood.

For the first time, the generals in the army may be full of energy, waiting for the opportunity to give the enemy a tough lesson, but after this situation continues for several times, the anger in their hearts gradually changes. Become helpless and panic.

Facing the army under King Jin’s account, the Yizhou Army was in a state of panic. They did not have the confidence to win. They had a desire for victory, but UU reading www.uukā did not have the strength to win.

Even the generals in the army did not have much confidence in this battle. The current situation of the Yizhou army was very bad, and Liu Bei felt that he should do something.

After boosting the morale of the generals, Liu Bei retained Jian Yong, Sun Qian, Zhang Fei, and Zhou Cang.

"Now our army relies on Mianzhu to defend against enemy attacks, but the morale of the army is low." Liu Bei said.

Jian Yong instantly understood the meaning of Liu Bei's words. Blindly sticking to it will only make the morale of the army even lower. Moreover, this kind of sticking is at the disadvantage of the defending army. The soldiers in the Yizhou army are not the king's account. After all the battles, they will have more fear when facing the enemy.

"Lord, the enemy forces have won on the battlefield one after another. You must be proud and complacent. If you send a large army to attack the enemy, you will definitely be able to win." Jian Yongdao, this kind of words, he had persuaded Liu Bei before, but at that time Liu Bei was wholehearted. Fuguan.

Liu Bei nodded slightly and said, "Xianhe said very well, but there are a total of 80,000 enemy troops outside the city."

"Brother, I am willing to lead the cavalry to fight." Zhang Fei immediately stood up and said.

Liu Bei smiled and said: "If Yi De leads the troops, he will naturally be able to win, but there are many elites among the enemy troops. It is rumored that the Jin Wang army usually trains the most to deal with enemy surprise attacks."

"Big brother, rest assured, as long as I rush into the enemy's camp, I will be confident that King Jin will be in chaos. When the time comes, my eldest brother will lead the troops and horses out of the barrier, and he will definitely be able to win a big victory." Zhang Fei said excitedly, this is also Zhang Fei's. The combat strategy, using the cavalry raid, to plunge the enemy into chaos, and then the infantry in the rear army to cover and kill, can play a greater role on the battlefield. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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