Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1997: : Jiang Qin retreats

If he could capture Changsha Jun from the Jiangdong Army in front of Cao Ren, he would have overwhelmed Cao Ren in this battle, and he would be proud of him when he saw Cao Ren in the future.

Just after the lieutenant led a thousand soldiers into the city, the chaotic city also burst into shouts of killing, but it was Jiang Qin who led more than two hundred cavalry to kill.

The cavalry is a very powerful presence on the battlefield. The appearance of these cavalry also caused a lot of shock in the defending army. After seeing this situation, the lieutenant who had just led the army into the city, his complexion changed drastically, and he hurriedly killed people. Tell Xiahou Dun behind.

Thousands of soldiers fought a desperate battle with Jiangdong Army on the front line of the city gate. The cavalry had a strong impact on the battlefield. It was precisely by virtue of this characteristic of the cavalry that Jiang Qin could deal with the enemy more calmly on the battlefield.

If you want the enemy to pay a higher price on the battlefield, you should make the cavalry faster on the battlefield, and rely on the cavalry's collision ability to directly tear the enemy's formation.

Jiang Qin, holding a spear, was extremely dazzling at the forefront of the battlefield. The spear in his hand was waving one after another, and there was no enemy in everything he passed. This situation caused a lot of turbulence in the Jiangdong Army, but the Jiangdong Army’s lieutenant was The wise ones did not step forward. Although the situation on the battlefield was chaotic, it was Cao Jun who had the upper hand. As long as the city gate could be firmly controlled in his hands, the rest would be much simpler. In terms of the number of people, Cao Jun It is not comparable to the Jiangdong Army.

The longer the battle between the two sides is deadlocked, the greater the benefits will be gained by Cao Jun. When Xiahoudun leads the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, it will be the beginning of the Jiangdong Army's nightmare. What a powerful destructive power the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry has on the battlefield.

The lieutenant needs to provide Xiahou Dun with more time to deal with the enemy.

Jiang Qin’s mood at this time is extremely anxious. If the enemy’s raid cannot be stopped, it means that the Jiangdong Army will most likely lose its rule in Changsha County. Changsha County is an important county in Jingzhou. Lingling County is still Guiyang County, which is far behind Changsha County in terms of importance.

Jiang Qin was a well-known general in the Jiangdong Army. He did not allow such a failure to appear in the process of his own defense. He wanted Cao Jun to pay a heavy price in this raid, but the situation in the battle was for the Jiangdong Army. It is extremely unfavorable. It is extremely difficult to drive Cao Jun out of the city. After entering the city, Cao Jun has demonstrated extremely powerful combat effectiveness. Although these troops are only infantry, they are still able to fight against cavalry in terms of combat effectiveness. Did it.

"The army in the city was sent to the east of the city as quickly as possible." Jiang Qin ordered in an eager tone. He did not expect that the situation in the east of the city would be so serious. Even if Cao Jun raided the city, it seemed to Jiang Qin. It’s not a big deal. After all, there are 500 people in the east of the city, and there are only more than 300 people in black who raided the city gate. With the defense of 500 people, it is still easy to do a raid by defending more than 300 people in black. Arrived.

Who knew that at a critical moment, the defending general had actually made a plan to surrender to the enemy, otherwise the situation at the city gate would be a different scene at this time.

In the chaos, Jiang Qin noticed General Zhao commanding among the soldiers through the shadow of Yingyingchuochuo’s fire, and the iron-faced horse slew the past. It was precisely because of Jiang Qin’s refuge that the city fell into the current situation. The general's hatred cannot be increased.

General Zhao also noticed Jiang Qin, his complexion changed drastically, and how brave Jiang Qin was on the battlefield. General Zhao knew very well. When confronting Jiang Qin on the battlefield, General Zhao didn't have the courage yet.

However, the situation on the battlefield at this time did not give General Zhao too much time to consider. Seeing this situation, General Zhao could only grit his teeth and kill him. The two could not fight five times together. Jiang Qin shot General Zhao from the battle horse. fall.

General Zhao beheaded Jiang Qin, causing a lot of chaos in the army. General Zhao is also a well-known general in the Changsha army, but he seemed so fragile in the fight against Jiang Qin.

Even though Jiang Qin was brave, the Jiangdong Army’s cavalry showed tyrannical combat effectiveness on the battlefield. When Xiahoudun led hundreds of tiger and leopard riders into the city, the victory of the battle gradually tilted towards Cao Jun. Jiang Qin was brave and on the battlefield. Xiahou Dun is an invincible existence. He uses a long sword to be superb. However, any enemy that he encounters, there is no enemy, and he is three points more brave than Jiang Qin on the battlefield.

After seeing these scenes, General Cao's morale was greatly shaken, and the master would be more confident when they fought bravely.

Hundreds of tigers and leopards rode in the Jiangdong army. After Jiang Qin saw this scene, his face was ashamed. When Xiahoudun led the cavalry into the city, Jiang Qin realized that it is very difficult to defend the city. Don't look at it. At this time, there are five thousand defenders in the city. Facing Cao’s attack, how many troops can really obey the order to It can be seen from the generals guarding the city gate suddenly taking refuge in the enemy at a critical moment. In Linxiang City, there are still many people supporting Cao Cao.

"Pass the command to the army, go to the East Gate as quickly as possible!" Jiang Qin has not remembered how many times he has conveyed orders. In a short period of time, Cao Jun has already occupied an absolute advantage on the battlefield, led by Jiang Qin. The cavalry was seriously damaged.

"General, retreat first." The deputy general persuaded: "Now that Cao Jun has the upper hand, there are only more than a hundred cavalry around the general."

Jiang Qin nodded helplessly. He knew this retreat, and the consequence that followed was likely to be the loss of Changsha County.

As Jiang Qin guessed, after Cao Jun entered the city in a big way, it was a nightmare for the Jiangdong Army in Changsha County. As a last resort, Jiang Qin could only lead the army to retreat.

Among Jiang Qin's army, there are many soldiers and horses from Jingzhou. After learning that the army has failed and retreating from Changsha County, it is conceivable what kind of performance they will have. The homeland is difficult to leave. If it is possible, no one wants Follow Jiang Qin to leave, Jiang Qin is the general of Jiangdong Army, they don't want to follow Jiang Qin to Jiangdong one day.

On the way to retreat, many soldiers quietly left the army. When Jiang Qin led the army to southern Hunan, there were only more than two thousand soldiers left in the army. This failure was a disastrous defeat for Jiang Qin.

Xiangnan City is just a small town in Changsha County. The arrival of defeated generals led by Jiang Qin caused panic in the city.

Jiang Qin looked in the direction of Linxiang, and the regret in his heart could not be added. His scouts failed to detect the enemy's news in time on the battlefield, so that the army made a lot of omissions when facing the enemy. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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