Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1977: : Zhang Fei retreats

The aristocratic family will take action against the people because of the interests in their hands. What the aristocratic family considers to be a reasonable thing becomes a violation of the system when it comes to Lu Bu's mouth. This is also the reason why the Yizhou family rejected Lu Bu. It can't be Liu Bei.

After the incident of Liu Bei and Zhang Song was revealed, in fact, with Yizhou’s original strength, if Yizhou’s family supported Liu Zhang, it would still be possible to fight against Liu Bei. At that time, Yizhou’s family gave up resistance. Because they can't see hope from Liu Zhang.

After the loss of Hanzhong and Bajun, Lu Bu’s army knew how deterred Yizhou would be. To get rid of this deterrence, they had to have the power to compete with Lu Bu, and Liu Bei became a suitable candidate. Only then did Liu Bei enter Yizhou.

The Yizhou Army cavalry who are fighting are also pale. They have an advantage in number. However, when fighting against the flying horse, they are at a disadvantage. The order they receive is to entangle the flying horse, but the flying horse is so easy to get entangled. , With a slight negligence, their lives were left on the battlefield. If possible, no one in the Yizhou Army would be willing to confront the flying cavalry. This is a huge test of life and death.

After finally seeing the banner of this cavalry through the dust, Wu Lan was overjoyed. This was an elite cavalry led by Zhang Fei.

"It's the cavalry led by General Zhang." Wu Lan shouted loudly.

Many cavalry in the Yizhou Army also discovered this situation, and their mood at this time can be described as the rest of their lives.

After the gusts of wind came, let the dust and smoke of the cavalry charge cleared, the mood of the Yizhou army cavalry fell into a trough again. They saw the flying cavalry behind their own cavalry, and the enemy cavalry compared to their own in number. There were even more cavalry in the Yizhou Army, that is to say, the Yizhou Army had to face a larger number of enemy cavalry, and the Yizhou Army’s cavalry could not win when they had the advantage, let alone now.

The ups and downs of mood made the mood of the cavalry of Yizhou Army become very complicated. Some cavalry even wanted to run away directly in the face of such a situation.

However, as cavalry, they know their responsibilities. Besides, at this time, they are just under the wind. It does not mean that they are defeated. But those who can become cavalry in the army are naturally the elite of the army. When they face the war, they are also It is not comparable to that of ordinary soldiers.

Wu Lan led the cavalry and the flying cavalry continued to fight together, and the Yizhou army cavalry who followed Zhang Fei caused a lot of trouble to the flying cavalry led by Dian Wei. After all, it is at a disadvantage, facing the attack of two cavalry, there will be greater losses.

Facing this situation, Dianwei ordered some of the cavalry to entangle the cavalry of the Yizhou Army. He personally led two hundred flying cavalry against the cavalry who followed Zhang Fei, and the two cavalry fought again on the battlefield.

After Zhao Yun's cavalry followed, they launched an even more frenzied attack on the Yizhou Army.

At this time, in terms of the number of cavalry, the flying cavalry was not much different than the cavalry of the Yizhou Army. The cavalry of both sides fought in one place, and cavalry fell from the horse from time to time.

About an hour later, the cavalry of the Yizhou Army finally reunited. In this rendezvous process, they paid a lot of price. When faced with a melee, Feiqi was very experienced.

The cavalry of the Yizhou Army suffered a lot of damage, which made Zhang Fei feel a little dignified. At this time, Feiqi had occupied a stable advantage in number. The cavalry who followed him in the battle were already a little timid. On the battlefield, they proved their strength once again with their intrepid combat power, and both the cavalry that followed Zhang Fei and the cavalry led by Wu Lan had suffered considerable losses on the battlefield.

"Retreat!" Zhang Fei ordered. It would be very difficult to expect the Yizhou army to come to rescue. At this time, the Yizhou army was panicked like a bereaved dog. Wait ahead to provide a guarantee for the retreat of the army.

The Yizhou cavalry retreated, and the flying cavalry rushed again. The Yizhou cavalry who fell behind were the most unlucky. They had to withstand a round of arrows from the flying cavalry.

Bows and arrows are one of the important means for cavalry to kill the enemy on the battlefield. In this regard, the cavalry of the Yizhou Army also knows, but their cavalry and shooting are far worse than those of flying cavalry. Feiqi's attack, they can only retreat steadily.

After traveling for about five miles, Zhang Fei let out a long sigh of relief. In front of his army, the trucks lined up, and behind the trucks were his archers. In this way, as long as the enemy's cavalry dared Step forward, the archer can cause them huge damage.

This is also one of the important means for infantry to defend against enemy cavalry on the battlefield.

After Zhao Yun saw the situation in front of him, with the spear in his hand, the flying knights who followed him strangled the horses under him.

Seeing that the enemy's defenses were tight, Zhao Yun led the army to leave. From time to time along the way, he could encounter the enemy's cavalry and infantry scattered on the These people are gloriously become captives of the flying cavalry.

After Zhang Fei returned to the army to count the soldiers and horses, his complexion was a bit low. After just fighting, the cavalry of the Yizhou Army actually lost more than 500 men, while the cavalry in the army does not exceed two thousand. In the battle of Fuguan, The cavalry force of the Yizhou Army was lost in half, and this loss was a big blow to the Yizhou Army.

After Liu Bei learned of the loss of his army, he fell into a long silence. The battle with Lu Bu was actually the scene that Liu Bei was most reluctant to see. If Lu Bu could give him three years to develop Yizhou, Liu Bei can make Yizhou more stable and even take Hanzhong from Lu Bu's hands. If this is the case, Yizhou's strength will be even more improved, and it will have a greater chance of winning when facing other vassal attacks. .

Yizhou has enough background, but it did not give Liu Bei enough time to develop.

"The soldiers in the Chuanling Army defended carefully, and Yi De commanded the cavalry to investigate the situation on the battlefield." Liu Bei ordered.

Fucheng is not a city that can be stationed for a long time. Liu Bei is aware of this. After evacuating from Fuguan, Liu Bei only intends to let the soldiers in the army rest in Fucheng for a day, and then leave Fucheng and give up Fucheng. Lu Bu and Liu Bei were extremely unwilling, but the situation in Yizhou at this time only allowed Liu Bei to choose this way.

If you rely on Fucheng, you may be able to resist the enemy again for one month, but after one month, Fucheng is no better than Fuguan. If the army fails in Fucheng, it will face nowhere to retreat and retreat. Mianzhu has a greater chance of winning, and Mianzhu is closer to Chengdu, which is convenient for Liu Bei to control Yizhou in time. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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