Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1954: : Guan Yu shot

Cherish the life of every soldier. If the generals can do it, they will avoid greater damage on the battlefield, especially those elites who fall into the camp and first climb the dead. Every time there is damage, they want to recover again. The combat effectiveness of the army requires difficult training. It is not that the soldiers can immediately have strong combat effectiveness after entering the first ascending the dead or falling into the camp. They need time to run in.

The Qinglong Yanyue knife slashed on the shield of the dead man Xiandeng. Although Ju Yi gave the order in time, the dead man Xiandeng still lacked enough attention to the red-faced and long-bearded general.

But seeing a blade of light flashed by, the shield soldier who had ascended the dead soldier directly slammed into the long knife, and a shocking knife mark appeared on the shield in his hand.

The strong collision felt by the shield soldier, although it stabilized his figure, it was a mouthful of blood spit out, which shows that Guan Yu's chopping has caused him any damage.

When Ju Yi saw this scene, the corners of his eyes kept shaking, and the shield soldier was so powerful, he naturally knew that defending Guan Yu with this knife actually cost the shield soldier a lot of money.

When Guan Yu saw that the shield soldier was knocked into the air, he bullied himself up and swung the vigorous Qinglong Yanyue knife along the way, and two unprepared soldiers died on the spot.

"Defensive!" Ju Yi's voice was full of anger, even when facing enemy generals, how did the first to die have suffered such a loss.

It seemed that he felt Ju Yi's emotions. The first-deners moved faster than before. After Guan Yu killed the two first-deners, he found that the first-deners in front of him turned out to be like a camp before. Tightly protected.

Two long spears came towards Guan Yu, one from left to right. This attack was a bit sudden, but what a character Guan Yu is. Qinglong Yanyue Knife accurately resisted the attack from the enemy, but when Guan Yu wanted to take advantage of the situation, he first The death guard regained tight protection again.

"Kill!" With a wave of the long knife in Guan Yu's hand, the white-eared soldiers behind him shouted to kill the Xiandeng dead.

"Fall the arrow!" Ju Yi ordered.

The difference between the Xianden deadmen is that their biggest means of killing is the strong crossbowmen. The crossbowmen can cause huge damage to the enemy on the battlefield, but the speed of the crossbowmen determines their performance on the battlefield. Compared with the archer, the crossbowman needs a period of preparation to launch the crossbow bolt in his hand again, and this period of time is enough for the enemy to approach the crossbowman and cause damage to the crossbowman.

The crossbowmen among the first dead soldiers did not need to consider safety issues. What they did was to accurately kill the enemy with their crossbow arrows.

The strong crossbow is more stable in shooting than the bow and arrow, and the Qin Jun strong crossbow is extremely powerful in terms of range and penetration after the improvement of the craftsman's workshop.

Several white-eared elite soldiers fell under this round of crossbow arrows, and five of them went towards Guan Yu.

The Qinglong Yanyue Knife in Guan Yu's hand swung one after another, barely blocking the attack of the crossbow arrow, but his complexion became dignified. The death of the two white-eared elite soldiers was caused by the crossbow arrow to shoot directly through the neck. How terrible is the crossbowman of Guan Yu, Guan Yu's martial arts is strong, but the Qinglong Yanyue knife is a very heavy weapon, it takes a lot of effort to defend the enemy's crossbow.

Guan Yu was naturally aware of his own shortcomings. When he saw that the Xiandeng dead soldiers used crossbow arrows as their main means of killing the enemy, Guan Yu commanded them among the white-eared elite soldiers.

And this round of crossbow arrows also raised the vigilance of the white-eared soldiers. Some white-eared soldiers even raised their shields. Although they are crazy on the battlefield, it does not mean that they are not cherishing their lives. In the confrontation, the white-eared elite soldiers can feel that they are facing an elite infantry, even compared to the fact that they have just fallen into the camp.

The offensive of the white-eared elite soldiers was like a violent storm, just like Li Gan had just commanded the camp. Ju Yi ordered the first to defend the dead, but the offensive methods of the first to the dead played a big role at this time. The occasional gap between the shield soldier and the shield soldier is where the crossbowmen attacked. Through these gaps, they accurately shot the crossbow arrows in their hands, causing damage to the enemy. This is also what Ju Yi usually trains for the dead soldiers. Emphasized at the time.

When the white-eared elite soldiers attacked the dead soldier, they kept breaking down, and their offensive seemed so fragile in front of the defense of the dead soldier.

The war between the two sides was deadlocked again, but as more and more first-dead soldiers joined the battlefield, the situation on the field became more and more favorable for Ju Yi, commanding 300 first-dead soldiers and commanding 800. In Ju Yi's view, there is not much difference between the famous warrior fighting.

After the arrival of the Xianden dead man, Li Gan's pressure on the battlefield suddenly weakened, and Guan Yu led the white-eared elite soldiers in the so that Li Gan was frightened, but at the same time furious. He was the lieutenant in the camp. In the army under Lu Bu, that is also a famous figure. Although there are 800 people after the camp, no one ignores the prestige of the deputy general in the camp.

Li Gan remembered Guan Yu's ignorance of the trapped camp. Now that he found a chance to fight back, how could Li Gan show weakness.

Following Li Gan's order, the soldiers in the trapped camp launched a more frenzied attack on the enemy. Their goal seemed to be to destroy the enemy's heavy armor. Under this command, Li Gan's ability was greatly tempered.

The soldiers in the trapped camp also took a sigh of relief and suppressed the enemy on the battlefield. This situation is a huge shame for the soldiers in the trapped camp. Such a shame needs the blood of the enemy to wash away. Only the blood of the enemy can make Their anger was released.

Through the previous fights, the soldiers in the camp had a certain understanding of the weaknesses of the heavy armored soldiers and the weaknesses of the white-eared elite soldiers. The heavy-armored soldiers had insufficient defensive capabilities. Although the white-eared elite soldiers were brave, they fought separately when they charged. After encountering the trapped camp, such stragglers are the easiest to be cleaned up.

The anger of the trapped camp caused a lot of damage to the heavy armor, and the offensive of the trapped camp also made the Qiang pawns crazy. The Qiang pawns suffered a lot in this attack, and they needed to be killed even more. enemy.

After the first ascended the dead soldiers completely boarded Fuguan, the situation on the battlefield has undergone tremendous changes. Whether they are trapped in the camp or the first ascended dead, they are the absolute elites among the pawns, and Ju Yi and Gao Shun are in command. The combat capabilities of the two teams were far beyond what Guan Yu and Zhang Fei could imagine. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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