Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1951: : Dispatched laborer

"Liu Bei wants to win the battlefield and gain the support of the Yizhou family, but our army will not pay a heavy price. This king will use his tyrannical military power to let the Yizhou family understand that there is not much to support Liu Bei. The way out, Liu Bei, whom they valued, is nothing more than a loser and an opportunist in the eyes of this king." Lu Bu said slowly.

Feeling the self-confidence in Lu Bu’s words, not only Guo Jia, but also the surrounding generals are full of confidence. Since he conquered the world, Lu Bu has led his troops in battle and achieved victories. , Absolutely not, Yizhou is definitely recognized as a dangerous place among the princes, but Lu Bu relied on the Chang'an Army to force the Jianmen to seize from Liu Bei's hands.

The loss of Jianmen Pass was actually the biggest blow for Shuzhong. With Jianmen Pass, even in the face of a tyrannical enemy, the army in Shuzhong could rely on the advantage of Jianmen Pass to make it difficult for the enemy to advance. , The loss of Jianmenguan means that the gate of Shuzhong has been opened to the enemy.

The loss of Jianmen Pass is just the beginning. From Jiameng Pass to Zitong and Fucheng through the waterway, this route was also captured by Pang Tong's army. This was another painful blow to Yizhou, and it was led by Lu Bu. When the army attacked Fuguan, the great advantage of the Yizhou army owner's level was an absolute disadvantage under the enemy's attack. This situation made the family in Shuzhong more suspicious about Liu Bei. Lu Bu had an extra layer of fear.

Regardless of Lu Bu's treatment of the family, they must consider what kind of situation the Yizhou family will face if Liu Bei is defeated. If the immediate crisis cannot be resolved, it will be for the Yizhou family. A painful blow.

Liu Bei is eager, and the family in Yizhou is equally eager. They need the encouragement of victory.

"My lord, Liu Bei wants to make our army pay the price in Fuguan. Why doesn't my lord let Liu Bei have an even more tragic failure? If this is the case, the aristocratic family in Yizhou will definitely lose confidence in Liu Bei." Guo Jia took the opportunity to say.

"The words of filial piety are true. General Ju Yi is ordered to come." Lu Bu said.

The Xiandeng dead, led by Ju Yi, was one of the important forces in attacking Fuguan, but now Fuguan has a camp led by Qiang soldiers and Gao Shun. Even if the two teams did not suppress the enemy, It is difficult to do much after the first ascended the dead man to board the Fuguan Pass.

After learning about the situation of Fuguan, Ju Yi realized that his opportunity had come. This was an opportunity for the first to die on the battlefield. The credit for conquering Fuguan was definitely huge, and as long as the participating teams must have A lot of credit.

After Cheng Lian died on the battlefield in Jizhou, there was a vacancy in the nine generals. For the nine generals, how could Ju Yi have no idea? This kind of honor is extremely important for the generals under Lu Bu's command, as long as they can get the nine. With the title of general, Ju Yi will have a higher influence under Lu Bu.

After taking refuge in Lu Bu, Ju Yi made a lot of efforts. Ju Yi believes that the generals in the army are in his eyes. Under Lu Bu, there is no shortage of elite soldiers, but a general who keeps advancing and working hard. And the team, but it is able to get the appreciation of the main general.

Zhang Xi has his current position because he has made great contributions to Lv Bu and helped Lv Bu stabilize the situation in Jizhou on the battlefield of Jizhou. What Ju Yi wants is to win all this through his own efforts, so that he can win first. The name of the dead man once again shakes the world.

"General Ju, King Jin would like to please." Huang Xu rushed over and shouted.

After Ju Yi got the order, he rushed to the Chinese army. Although he had some speculations, Ju Yi was actually a little excited when things happened to him. As a veteran on the battlefield, this kind of emotion should not be felt. Appeared, but Ju Yi understood how difficult it is to get a chance to play on the battlefield.

"Lord." Ju Yi got off his horse and solemnly saluted. Regarding Lu Bu, Ju Yi was more in awe of Yuan Shao than he was at the beginning. Yuan Shao's ability to occupy Jizhou has great achievements and has an inseparable relationship with the influence of the Yuan family in the Han Dynasty. However, Lu Bu is different. He has reached his current position step by step by virtue of being a military commander. It is entirely by his own efforts. Such a person is the most awe-inspiring.

Ju Yi was a military commander, and Lu Bu was also a military commander. Under Lu Bu, Ju Yi did not feel the literati's contempt for military commanders.

The status of literati is noble, which is recognized by many military commanders. However, when facing literati, military commanders do not want to be underestimated. They also want to be respected by literati. Under Lu Bu’s rule, the military commanders obtained this. Perhaps the literati still had some contempt for the military commander, they did not dare to show it, because their monarch was also a military commander.

"General Ju, you must have known the situation at Fuguan today. This king ordered you to take the lead on boarding Fuguan ahead of the dead, and teach the enemy a bitter I don’t know that General Ju can be confident to complete it. "Lü Bu asked.

"In the end, the general will definitely lead the dead and take the Fuguan." Ju Yi clasped his fist.

"Go, this king is waiting for your good news in the army." Lu Bu said.

"Here." After Ju Yi saluted, he turned on his horse and galloped in the direction of Xian Deng's death.

"Lord, if the first-dead soldiers under General Ju Yi board the city wall, they will surely be able to defeat the enemy and capture Fuguan." Guo Jiadao.

"Oh? Feng Xiao has such confidence in Xiandeng's dead man?" Lü Bu doubted.

Guo Jia smiled and said: "It is not that his subordinates have confidence in the death of Xian Deng, but because the death of Xian Deng under General Ju Yi's camp is no less than that of General Gao Shun, and General Ju Yi first entered the army. At the time, he once challenged General Gaoshun’s trapped camp. Among the army under the Central Committee, a team with such confidence never existed."

"Liu Bei has a heavy armour composed of the Jingzhou Army. Another elite infantry is the white-eared soldiers trained by Guan Yu. The white-eared soldiers are formed by the Qiang people. They are extremely brave on the battlefield, but they face the trapped camp. Even if the two teams are elite, it is difficult for them to do much." Guo Jiadao.

"It turns out that the next sentence is the focus of Feng Xiao's analysis." Lu Bu laughed.

Guo Jia nodded. Lu Bu was able to achieve what he is now. Guo Jia can be described as following all the way. Even he himself did not expect that after going to Jinyang, he turned into Lu Bu's adviser by mistake, and walked step by step. In his current position, Guo Jia is a poor scholar. At this point, he has more disadvantages than the children of the family, and Guo Jia is also clear. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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