Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1936: : Yizhou Family

When facing this situation, the soldiers in the army were shocked. Yizhou had a large number of armored soldiers and had the advantage of terrain. Facing the offensive of the Chang'an army, it turned out to be so unbearable, different from the aristocratic families in Yizhou. , The generals in the army did not reject Lu Bu like the family, mainly because Lu Bu had a huge reputation among the generals, and as a general, Lu Bu's methods for the lieutenant generals were also spread among the princes.

It is inevitable that there are members of the family among the generals, but more soldiers are ordinary people. They are eager to have a stable life. Besides, they are not willing to join the army, and more people are coerced. This is also the status quo in the army of princes who have entered the army.

Even after a series of defeats, the princes were able to quickly restore the number of soldiers in the army, and the matter of drafting was naturally handed over to officials in various places. As for how many unknown things there are, they are not the rulers. Things need to be considered. As long as the number of troops can be restored, the ruler wants to see.

The monarch must know the actions of the aristocratic family in secret, but the aristocratic family controls too many things, even if the monarch wants to take action against the aristocratic family, there must be enough excuses, otherwise it will be extremely detrimental to the rule of the monarch if it causes resistance from the aristocratic family.

Of course, Liu Bei didn't have the methods of Lu Bu, and other princes did not dare to do so. Although the princes knew that doing so would make the soldiers in the army more powerful on the battlefield, it was difficult for them to imagine the consequences after they completely offended the family.

Even if it is Lu Bu, he has paid a lot of price in fighting against the family over the years. Of course, under Lu Bu’s rule, the influence of the family is gradually being weakened. Even if these families are not reconciled to Lu Bu’s rule, they But there is no way.

Yizhou has one hundred thousand troops, which is the combined strength of all armies from all over the world. The battlefields of Jianmenguan, Zitong and Bajun have made Yizhou invested a lot of troops, but now there are only three soldiers and horses gathered in Chengdu. The crowd, this is the last force Yizhou can mobilize.

It can be seen from the fighting situation in Fuguan that nowadays Fuguan and Fucheng are extremely dangerous. From Guanghan to Fucheng, it is possible to threaten Fucheng, but there are not enough thunderbolt cars in Fuguan, and it is difficult to form against the enemy on the battlefield. Deterrence, and the strong crossbow is harvesting the lives of its own soldiers on the battlefield.

These rounds of offensives have already made the Yizhou army exhausted. This is also the status quo on the battlefield. Even though Zhuge Liang has a high talent, he is a little helpless and dangerous in the face of such situations. The hurdles of "Fujian" can't stop the enemy's attack. If you can't give yourself a certain advantage as soon as possible, Fuguan and Fucheng will inevitably fall.

Lv Bu occupies Bingzhou, Chang'an, Youzhou, Qingzhou, Jizhou, and Liangzhou, and unifies the area north of the Yellow River. He has a profound background. Even if he is a wealthy Yizhou, he is somewhat inadequate in the face of the offensive of this army. If troops are deployed from other places, Yizhou will fall into a more dangerous situation.

After Zhuge Liang dispatched 20,000 soldiers and horses to Mianzhu, there were only 10,000 soldiers in the city. These 10,000 soldiers were old, weak, sick, and disabled. They did not have much combat power on the battlefield. The current situation in Yizhou is extremely urgent.

"Let the family in the city go to the prefecture for discussion." Zhuge Liang ordered. At this time, he felt that the family should make some sacrifices for Yizhou to defend the enemy, otherwise after Yizhou broke, the first unlucky family would be these families. .

As the seat of Yizhou's state governance, Chengdu City is home to many aristocratic families. In the inner city, it is the place where the most aristocratic families gather. However, all the aristocratic families living in the inner city have a certain degree of power and prestige in Yizhou.

Patriarchs of hundreds of aristocratic families, large and small, did not dare to neglect the slightest after receiving Zhuge Liang’s order. They hurried to the prefecture and pastoral mansion. The aristocratic family had a way for them to obtain information. Besides, regarding the war in Yizhou, they would also pass the Dajinbao. It spread all over the world, and victory after victory gradually shattered the pride of the Yizhou family.

In the eyes of the aristocratic family, Lv Bu is nothing more than a martial artist, and Liu Bei has shown extraordinary means after entering Yizhou. At the beginning, the Jingzhou army even broke the Jiguan. If it were not for the defeat of the princes outside Huguan, I am afraid that the Jingzhou army has already Chang'an City was broken. Facing Lv Bu's attack, it is very simple to defend Yizhou. The imagination is good. However, the situation in Yizhou has fallen into the current situation and wants to defend Yizhou. It seems to have become an extravagant hope.

No family is willing to give up at this time. Their destiny has been closely linked with Liu Bei. If Liu Bei can’t lead the army to stop Lv Bu, the Yizhou family will be unlucky. In this regard, the family has something in common. Cognitive, so the aristocratic families in the city are eager to win more than ever. Only victory can make Yizhou get rid of the current situation.

In the eyes of the aristocratic family, the famous Shuzhong has fallen on the battlefield one after another, causing panic among the aristocratic family.

Although they usually look down on the generals in the army, when the war comes, they have to rely on the generals in the army. Only their victory can make Yizhou more stable.

Zhuge Liang glanced around at the family patriarchs gathered in the hall, and said solemnly: "Now that the battle at Fuguan, everyone must have already understood. King Jin led the army on the battlefield and caused heavy losses to our army. If the current situation cannot be relieved. If you want to stop King Jin’s army, it will be difficult."

The family leaders in the hall heard the words and talked a lot. Among them, some families still didn't know much about the latest battle situation in Fuguan. After the stories of other families, their hearts became heavy.

"The military division has orders, and I will definitely follow it." The Patriarch of the Zhao family stood up and said.

The rest of the Patriarchs heard the words and agreed. They are the nobles of Yizhou. The more they reach a certain position, the more they cherish the things in front of them, especially the Patriarchs of the family. Since they became Patriarchs, their biggest mission is to let the family. The power of the people is developed in their hands, and only after the family is strong can they get more things.

From the perspective of the aristocratic family, the interests of the family are even more important, and so are the aristocratic families under the rule of other princes. They are often able to do incredible things for the benefit of the family.

And everyone who becomes the head of a family has a certain degree of power and prestige. Also in the family, there are many fights. Fighting for profit is not uncommon in the city, but the battles and battlefields between families The situation above is different, there is no need to use swordsmen, relying on the wisdom of their Patriarch. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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