Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1927: : The Death of Ma Chao (Part 1)

Xiliang Iron Cavalry, who was in a hurry when they fled for their lives, seemed to have been comforted by such a voice. Their gazes at Feiqi no longer had the fear they had before. Some of them were hatred, and yes, it was hatred. If it were not for Feiqi, How can they fall into the current situation.

"Kill!" Ma Chao's spear suddenly waved forward. Even though he was exhausted, Xiliang Iron Cavalry understood that if they couldn't repel the cavalry in front of them, it would be impossible for them to escape, and Feiqi The bows and arrows on the way to chase them made Xiliang Iron Cavalry annoying, which made them even more afraid of Feiqi while disgusting them. Now they have reached the most critical moment, and they have no other choice.

Feeling the aura of the Xiliang Iron Cavalry, Zhao Yun was not afraid, but was relieved. If his cavalry were not eager to chase after him, there were several times he almost led the cavalry to escape for Ma Chao. This time, Zhao Yun was in order to deal with Ma Chao. The nearby terrain was explored in order to be foolproof when chasing Ma Chao.

Xiliang Iron Cavalry is desperate at this time. It is the situation that Zhao Yun wants to see. Feiqi will tell Xiliang Iron Cavalry with his powerful strength. Even if he resists in a difficult situation, Xiliang Iron Cavalry is still not an opponent of Feiqi. How, in the face of absolute strength, Feiqi is not afraid of such a counterattack before dying.

The growth of the flying cavalry is accompanied by a series of difficult and difficult battles. The battle they experienced is unimaginable on any cavalry. The flying cavalry has today’s achievements, using their lives to fight on the battlefield. Get it, any soldier desperately on the battlefield is worthy of awe.

Therefore, facing the awe-inspiring Xiliang cavalry, Feiqi intends to use their most powerful strength to give Xiliang cavalry the most decent failure.

If the soldiers of the Xiliang Iron Cavalry knew what the Feiqi soldiers would think, many of them were soldiers of the Yizhou Army. If possible, they didn’t want to die on the battlefield like this, they were just Feiqi soldiers. The constant pursuit made them into a desperate situation. They no longer have more choices. Facing the enemy, they can only survive by killing them.

After successive pursuits, even the flying knights were somewhat exhausted, but when facing the enemy, they still bravely showed the scimitar in their hands. There was no drums or horns. This was a desperate contest between cavalry. .

On the battlefield, Ma Chao was extremely brave, and his spear skills were extremely superb. Five flying knights had already died in Ma Chao's hands.

Feiqi’s performance against Ma Chao was not like that of ordinary cavalry. They were the most elite cavalry under King Jin’s tent. Even if the enemy generals were brave and could not stop their attack, they thought that Ma Chao launched. A fierce and undaunted charge, the death of a famous Paoze made them look at Ma Chao full of hatred. They need the blood of the enemy soldiers to avenge the dead soldiers.

As the war progressed, the soldiers on both sides had become red-eyed, and Xiliang Iron Cavalry was worthy of being an elite. After Ma Chao’s training, he showed great strength on the battlefield, but they were stimulated by their strong and mortal will. In front of the flying knights' combat power, it seemed a little useless.

On the battlefield, Feiqi is best at the coordination between charges, especially after tearing the enemy’s formation, the strength displayed by this coordination is even more terrifying. If the pawns cooperate closely on the battlefield, they will give The enemy forces caused greater damage, and the cavalry also cooperated. At this time, the flying cavalry showed the Xiliang cavalry on the battlefield. What is the cooperation between the cavalry.

At the time of the match, two or three flying knights joined forces and caused huge damage to the crazy Xiliang iron knight.

Ma Chao also felt the cooperation between Feiqi and the charge, frowning. In the past, when he was training Xiliang cavalry, he also emphasized the cooperation on the battlefield. However, after arriving in Yizhou, Xiliang cavalry suffered heavy losses. At that time, the fighting will to fight against death was inherited. If the strength of the cavalry wants to be greatly improved, it requires not only strict training, but also training on the battlefield.

The battle conditions are getting more and more tragic, and it can be seen from the colors of the soldiers' costumes that the cavalry in black costumes on the battlefield has gradually taken up a greater advantage in numbers, while the cavalry in red costumes is decreasing drastically.

The death on the battlefield made some Xiliang cavalry take the opportunity to leave the battlefield. They were only cavalry in the Yizhou army. They were only agitated by Ma Chao's words. They might be entangled with Feiqi on the battlefield, but there was a huge setback. After the damage, they are likely to give up the pride of Xiliang cavalry. Although they yearned for the reputation of Xiliang cavalry, they did not reach the point of fighting for Xiliang cavalry.

The power of role models is endless. When the first deserter appeared on the battlefield, this momentum gradually intensified. After a few Xiliang cavalry looked at each other, evacuated the battlefield.

After seeing this scene, Ma Chao was furious, the invincible Xiliang cavalry, deserters appeared on this battlefield, which is intolerable as the commander of Xiliang cavalry.

After seeing the situation on the battlefield, Zhao Yun secretly breathed a sigh of relief. After all, the enemy army still has nearly 600 people. If the haul is fighting desperately, even if the Feiqi wins the final victory, he will pay a heavy price. , Feiqi is the most important cavalry force when the army is attacking Yizhou this time. Their existence is to deter the enemy.

When Zhao Yun saw the deserter, his expression was relaxed, but he was a little disdainful. He was certain that if the flying cavalry faced such a situation, he would execute the command of the generals without compromise, because they were proud flying cavalry, under the account of King Jin. The elite.

Soldiers have different ideas on the battlefield, which will allow them to have different behaviors on the battlefield. Under King Jin’s account, they pay attention to respect for ordinary soldiers, so that ordinary soldiers can get the status they want through their own efforts. Let the soldiers in the army not worry about what is going on behind them, so that when the soldiers are facing desperate situations on the battlefield, they will not betray because of concerns about what is going on behind them.

It is not that the soldiers under the Jin King’s account can fight to the end, but most of them can not give up when facing difficulties. If this situation is known to the princes, it will be extremely surprised. A large army The generals in the army are very clear about the performance of the ordinary soldiers on the battlefield, especially the veterans on the battlefield. They are better at observing the situation on the battlefield. Once the situation appears to be unfavorable to their side In the event of a situation, they will run away without hesitation. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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