Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1907: : The plot to kill Li Yan

Lu Bu was able to get news in the city in time, and has a great relationship with Wang Yue. Fuguan is the most important checkpoint outside Fucheng. If Fuguan is lost, it means that Fucheng will be lost. Fucheng is only Guanghan. No matter the small town in the county, it is very difficult to defend against an attack by tens of thousands of troops.

Wang Yue is still very satisfied with his power on the Thunderbolt. If the Thunderbolt can dominate the battlefield, it can suppress the defenders to a great extent and pose a threat to the defenders. Wang Yue still has this vision. of.

Wang Yue is the commander of the Shadow Guards. After entering Fuguan, he has received secret help from the people of the Black Ice Platform. Otherwise, it would be extremely difficult to sneak into Fuguan and Fucheng and gain a foothold in the city.

It was Wang Yue who was in charge of Fuguan, and Shi A was in charge of Fucheng. The two masters and apprentices joined forces to make more contributions in the process of attacking Fuguan. Their most important character is Gathering information secretly, it is very difficult for the generals in the army to open the city gate and seek refuge with Lu Bu. Liu Bei's defense of Fuguan is extremely strict. It is impossible to succeed. Even the closing of Fuguan is. After receiving a series of attacks, Liu Bei was ordered to block it with a boulder.

In this way, not only the path of the enemy's exit is cut off, but also those who want to pass the gate to meet the enemy's golden city have no greater way.

Of course, if the city gate is completely sealed, it will have a considerable disadvantage for the defending army. The city gate is also important to the defending army, just as the enemy outside the pass is making a fierce siege. It is a great test for the defending army, and after closing the door in their hands, the defending army can rely on this when facing a fierce attack by the enemy to create a shock to the soldiers who are attacking the city.

However, Liu Bei had no more choice. The gate of Fuguan withstood the continuous attacks of the enemy. If the gate was not sealed, the defenders would be really dangerous once the gate was broken. What's more, Liu Bei was very concerned about the city. Whether there are the enemy’s meticulous work and secretly taking refuge in the enemy’s generals is still very uncertain. If there are generals secretly taking refuge in Lu Bu, the situation will be even more unfavorable for the defenders, and the benefits of closing the door will be reflected. .

Ordering the cavalry to go out of battle poses a threat to the enemy. Liu Bei has no such idea. These cavalry are extremely important to the current army.

After Guan Yu hurried back to Fuguan, his face became more gloomy. The enemy's Thunderbolt cars were too crazy. He went to the Chinese army to report the situation. In such a short period of time, nearly 20 Thunderbolt cars were destroyed. , The pressure on the defenders caused by this speed can be imagined.

The biggest advantage of the defenders today is the danger of Fuguan. Under the attack of the enemy's Thunderbolt, these advantages are being greatly reduced. The enemy's Thunderbolt can obviously cause greater casualties to the defender. , So that the defenders have no room for resistance.

This kind of battle is extremely unfair to the Yizhou army in Fuguan. Their goal is the enemy army who is filling the moat outside Fuguan, while the target of the giant thunderbolt car outside the Guan is them. The three formed a confrontation. At the bottom are the soldiers who are filling the moat, but the Thunderbolt cars in Fuguan are still under great threat.

After seeing this situation, some soldiers handling the Thunderbolt cars were naturally cautious when using the Thunderbolt cars. No one wanted to die in the hands of the enemy Thunderbolt cars at this critical moment. As far as the morale of the army is concerned, the Thunderbolt riders are the team that has the most contact with the enemy. The situation they are in now is also the most dangerous. After being ordered, they have nothing to do. They The task is to defend the enemy.

Of course, those who can become thunderbolt drivers are not weak in the military. Otherwise, loading these boulders at an extremely fast speed is a big test for the soldiers.

Guan Yu wanted to order the soldiers controlling the Thunderbolt to avoid the enemy's attack on their own. He understood that once these orders were issued, the threat to the enemy would definitely be smaller, even if it was the cost of the lives of his own soldiers. Nor can the enemy attack Fuguan so easily.

Not to mention the fierce fighting outside Fuguan, and that after Pang Tong led the army to the outside of Guanghan City, he was not eager to attack Guanghan, but asked Zhang Lu to speak outside the city. Zhang Lu’s influence in Bajun was huge. Li Yan also knew that, although he tried his best to prevent him, when Zhang Lu appeared outside the city, he still shocked the soldiers in the army.

Who is Zhang Lu, who is the teacher of the Wudou Mijiao, even if Zhonglu is now a prisoner of Lu Bu, he still has the supreme prestige in the Wudou Mijiao, and the prestige of the Wudou Mijiao will be Zhang Lu's help for Lu Bu's pinging An important support for Berkshire.

After successive battles, Pang Tong also felt the horror of Wudou Mijiao.

The defeat of Dianjiang was a big blow to Li Li Yan always looked a little young. After the defeat of Dianjiang, he always wanted to be able to bruise the enemy in Guanghan and get reused. Only by demonstrating the corresponding ability, can we have greater achievements.

Asking for reinforcements from Fuguan did not get it, which made Li Yan a little disappointed. Now he can only rely on the strength of the defenders to defend Guanghan. Failure in this matter cannot be tolerated. He understands if Guanghan is lost from his own hands. , It means that he will lose trust in the presence of Liu Bei, and lose the trust of the monarch, which will be extremely terrifying for an official. Zhuge Liang appreciates his talent. Li Yan knows this point, but wants To truly enter the core of Liu Bei's command, it takes a lot of effort, otherwise it will be even more difficult to succeed.

"I wonder if the military division has a good strategy to break the enemy?" Zhang Ren cast his gaze on Pang Tong.

Pang Tong smiled and said, "The official really has a strategy. If he succeeds, he will definitely be able to kill Li Yan in one fell swoop."

When Zhang Ren and Zhang Lu heard the words, their expressions showed doubts. Since the army came to Guanghan, they have been waiting for the delivery of food and grass. The craftsmen in the army are constantly building Perak cars, only to have more. The thunderbolt car can cause more damage to the enemy in the upcoming war, and the artisans in the army understand these principles.

"I don't know what tricks the military division has?" Zhang Ren asked Zhang Lu when he saw Zhang Lu still maintaining a steady color.

Pang Tong shook his head slightly and said, "You can't tell these things, otherwise they won't work."

Seeing Pang Tong's performance so mysterious, Zhang Ren's heart had more expectations. If he could kill the enemy's leader on the battlefield, it would be self-evident to his own army. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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