Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1897: : Approaching Fuguan

"It would be great if Liu Bei went to war. The two armies would behead Liu Bei before the battle to pacify Yizhou." Wei Yan said regretfully.

Lü Bu hurriedly left, and he suddenly discovered that now Wei Yan and Dian Wei can talk together.

Seeing Lu Bu left, Dianwei asked Wei Yan about the skills of fighting on the battlefield. He said that it was a skill, but in fact it was how to anger the enemy generals.

King Jin led the army to fight, and the killing of two enemy generals outside Fuguan spread at an extremely fast speed in the army. Wei Yan's beheading of Thunder Copper increased his reputation in the army a lot.

Guo Jia once again persuaded: "The lord is the body of ten thousand gold, and he cannot be personally dangerous."

Lu Bu waved his hand and said: "It's just a few younger generations, it's not enough, and there are such fierce generals as Dian Wei and Wei Yan next to this king."

Guo Jia shook his head. Every time Lu Bu was persuaded by civilian officers and generals, Lu Bu always had an insignificant attitude. However, in the course of fighting with the enemy, Lu Bu did show a strong martial arts, and the enemy rarely had it. Can take advantage of opportunities on the battlefield.

What worries the generals in the army is not whether Lu Bu can win on the battlefield, but how much impact Lu Bu will have on the army after his injury. Lu Bu is the chief general in the army and his troops are strong. Even without Lu Bu taking action, they still have the confidence to win. .

"Feng Xiao, even though the king says his status is noble, he has not forgotten his identity as a general. As a general in the army, if he is on the battlefield and does not even have the confidence to charge ahead, this army will not be on the battlefield. Too great achievement." Lu Bu said slowly.

Guo Jia's heart moved, looking at Lu Bu with more respect. Lu Bu is extremely tolerant towards his subordinate officers and generals. Of course, this refers to normal times. However, Lu Bu did not change because of his status. In my opinion, it is also extremely valuable to still lead his soldiers to smash the battlefield when fighting.

"Lord, you are the main general in the army. On the battlefield, the main general is different from the generals who are only responsible for leading the soldiers. They should command and dispatch the army on the battlefield." Guo Jia did not give in.

"Well, what Feng Xiao said is that in the future, this king will try not to make a move if he can." Lu Bu smiled.

Seeing Lu Bu's remarks again, Guo Jia shook his head helplessly. He knew that next time Lu Bu faced a war, he would definitely be tempted to make another move. Such things are already very common in the military. Not only counselors, but even generals in the army are used to it.

What the generals in the army like most is that their leader can lead them to charge the enemy, so that they can feel the blood boiling.

This fight has weakened the morale of the soldiers under Liu Bei's account to a certain extent, and the general level is inferior, making them doubt their own strength.

The most miserable thing is Guan Yu. During the battle, not only the helmet was shot down, but even the long beard, which is not good for the baby, was cut off from the middle by Lu Bu. This also caused many generals to look at Guan Yu. weird.

After Guan Yu played in battle, he rarely appeared in front of people. He couldn't bear the gaze of others looking at his beard. With his power in the army, naturally no one dared to talk nonsense in front of him, but he could never stop the lieutenant soldiers from watching. Give him a strange look.

"The king of Jin has a strong martial arts, and his generals are too brave. The lieutenant generals, without the command of the king, can't go to the customs to fight, otherwise the military law will be engaged." Liu Bei bit the last few words very hard.

"Here." The generals in the tent said in unison. At this time, even without Liu Bei's order, they would not do it easily when facing the enemy's fighting. The battle outside the pass gave the generals a great deal. Touched, both Wu Lan and Lei Tong beheaded for the enemy generals, and Wu Lan even died while attacking Lu Bu with Guan Yu.

For three consecutive days, Wei Yan and Dianwei’s greatest fun was to fight outside Fuguan, and Dianwei was obviously not tired of this matter. After the closed guard was ordered by Liu Bei, he naturally did not dare to violate the slightest. , Can only listen to the sound of shouts coming from outside the pass.

What the guards at the gate had to admit was that the soldiers under the Jin King’s account had experience in the fight. Wei Yan said something in front of him, and the soldiers in the army could shout out neatly so that the defenders at the gate could hear clearly. Clearly Chu.

Listening to the voice of the scolding formation outside the city, although the morale of the closing is somewhat low, it is still very good for many soldiers to be able to hear this news, and some soldiers are even talking in a low voice.

Ten days later, the army under King Jin’s tent approached towards Fuguan. The closed defenders knew that their leisurely life was over. The next thing they faced was the enemy’s stormy offensive, closed thunderbolt cars and beds. There are hundreds of crossbows together, but they did not give the defenders too much confidence. UU reading, they heard that there is a giant Thunderbolt with a range of up to 500 steps in King Jin’s army. If the Thunderbolt cars waiting for the range appeared outside the Fuguan Pass, one could imagine what the situation would be faced by the closed defenders.

During this period of time, Zhang Fei was the most irritable. Faced with the enemy's scolding outside the pass, Liu Bei strictly ordered the soldiers in the army not to fight. Zhang Fei did not dare to violate Liu Bei's orders. Drinking alcohol in the army, beating and scolding soldiers in the army.

After Liu Bei heard the news and reprimanded Zhang Fei, the situation improved. Liu Bei was able to appreciate Zhang Fei’s mood. As a strong general in the army, he could only stand firm in the pass and listen to the enemy's curse outside the city. Don’t mention how uncomfortable the feeling is. This is also the reason why Liu Bei rushed to Fuguan. Otherwise, with Zhang Fei’s character, he must have led the army repeatedly to fight. If he fails, the morale of the army will be hit. .

The generals led by Liu Bei appeared at Fuguan. Looking at the king of Jin army outside the city, Liu Bei's mood was a bit solemn. During this time, the enemy army was constantly fighting, and his army was busy building the Thunderbolt, the giant Thunderbolt. Liu Bei knows how powerful the car is on the battlefield. If such sharp weapons appear outside Fuguan, the defenders of Fuguan will inevitably suffer a lot of damage.

"Brother, now the enemy is busy arranging thunderbolt carts. If you lead the cavalry to rush for a while, it can have a lot of effect." Zhang Fei said excitedly after observing the enemy outside the pass.

Liu Bei shook his head slightly and said: "The king of Jin has led the army for many years, and Guo Jia has planned in the army. It is very difficult to make a surprise attack on the enemy. Although there are three thousand cavalry in our army, the flying cavalry is also There are nearly three thousand people." The online service of the real lady sister can help you find books and chat with you. Please wechat/search/search hot web or rdww444 waiting for you~

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