Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1676: : Vibration of the Lords

In the army, this can be regarded as differential treatment. However, the soldiers in the army have no opinion on this kind of differential treatment. Any soldier, as long as he has more strength than his own guards, can also enjoy this treatment. , And soldiers in the army can also become guards through their own efforts. Under the same opportunity, they can't compare to other soldiers, so naturally they cannot be blamed on the good treatment of guards.

In the army, it is impossible to guarantee exactly the same. In that case, the soldiers can only be left in a muddle, and they must be allowed to find their goals.

After the news of the defeat of the Qiang in Liangzhou spread to Chang'an, Chang'an was very excited, and the Liangzhou Qiang who had troubled the Han for many years, and now the King of Jin led the army to defeat it. How inspiring. Power, things that couldn't be done, arrived in Lu Bu's hands, but they seemed to be taken easily.

After leaving the city only in April, the disaster of the Qiang people was put down. Perhaps there are many Qiang tribes that still hate the Han people in secret, but the influence of these tribes is much smaller.

After the contents of the Dajin News were spread to the rulers of the princes, they also caused a lot of shock among the princes. There is no doubt that the Qiang people are strong. The Han army was finally faced with the war in Liangzhou. During the Yellow Turban Uprising, it fell to the point where there were no soldiers and horses to use. In the end, it had to compromise with the Qiang people, and more troops would participate in the suppression of the Yellow Turban Rebellion.

Even if many years passed, the princes were still jealous of the power of the Qiang people. In the eyes of the Han army, the Qiang people were not only fierce, but also cruel.

Most of the Qiang tribes became captives of Lü Bu and participated in the process of building Liangzhou. This incident has attracted a lot of criticism from literati. In their opinion, the Qiangs are alien races. Since these alien races are defeated, they should be The complete eradication of the Qiang and Di people who caused Liangzhou in the past and the retention of these alien races may also affect the stability of Liangzhou in the future.

Faced with such remarks, the Da Jin Pao did not respond. Originally, they announced the incident to let the world know about Lu Bu's achievements. When Lu Bu pinged Wuhuan and Xianbei, some literati had this experience. Waiting for remarks, but Lu Bu did not hesitate to build cities on the grasslands for these aliens. Now these alien forces have played a huge role in the process of pacifying Liangzhou, even if the army of the princes faced the Xianbei cavalry and Huns cavalry I didn’t dare to look down on it when

The princes naturally understood Lu Bu’s intentions. After years of war in Liangzhou, they can be described as desolate. The three counties of Jincheng, Hanyang, and Longxi under Han Sui’s rule are better. In Zhangye, Wudu, and Dunhuang counties where the Qiang people are serious, The people of the Han people are scarce, and if the Qiang people are treated with beheading, it will inevitably lead to resistance from the Qiang people.

Even if all the Qiangs are killed, what benefits can Lu Bu get? Liangzhou needs someone, and if these Qiangs are left behind, if the means are appropriate, the Qiangs can be completely integrated into Liangzhou, just like today’s grassland. In the eyes of the Han people, the cruel Xianbei became Lü Bu’s minions. At this point, the princes still admired Lu Bu’s methods. They could even see the Xianbei on the grassland a few years later. The strength gradually weakened, and eventually had to rely on the strength of the Han.

Now the Qiang people are advancing on the road Xianbei took, but the Qiang people have committed too many sins in Liangzhou. If all the Qiang tribes are punished, it will not only disperse the power of the Qiang people, but also allow Liangzhou to gain greater develop.

The construction of cement roads was also going on under the rule of the princes. There has always been a saying that soldiers are quick to move forward. If the army can move faster and the transportation of grain and grass can be carried faster, it will play a role on the battlefield. The effect will be immeasurable.

The cement formula may be a sky-high price in the eyes of ordinary people, but it is worthwhile for the princes. Besides, the construction of roads can be done by businessmen. This can be regarded as relying on road construction so that the people under the rule can have other things. Let's make a living.

Cement is not only used for building roads, repairing cities, and building houses. It has good uses. The profits derived from cement have allowed the princes to make a small profit.

In Yizhou, Zhuge Liang became Liu Bei's right-hand man again after healed from his injuries. Fa Zheng died and Xu Shu died. Liu Bei currently has no trusted counsellors around him. Although there are many talents in Yizhou, Liu Bei is the best in comparison. Zhuge Liang still trusted him. After all, Zhuge Liang came out to help him when he was most difficult. It was with Zhuge Liang's help that he had what he has achieved today. Jingzhou is lost, and there will be opportunities in the future.

When Changan gathered the army, Liu Bei was indeed a little nervous. He worried that Lu Bu would take the opportunity to attack Yizhou. Yizhou was already his last place. If Lu Bu was driven out of Yizhou, he would face homelessness again. The situation can only depend on other princes.

After the seizure of power in, how can any princes trust Liu Bei?

When Lv Bu led Chang'an's army to attack Liangzhou, Liu Bei was relieved. There were still 20,000 troops around Chang'an. With the danger of the checkpoints around Chang'an, it is absolutely difficult to take the opportunity to break through Chang'an. matter.

Liu Bei wanted to seize Hanzhong from Lu Bu's hands, but in a short period of time he had no power to attack. After the defeat of Jingzhou, Yizhou's army also needed some rectification. Yizhou's army experienced very few wars, otherwise it was back then. To the Jingzhou Army led by Liu Bei, it would not show such a weak combat effectiveness.

The war made Liu Bei realize the importance of elite soldiers, and the Modao purchased from Changan gave Liu Bei more confidence. Modao was made of 100 steels. Liu Bei even wanted to use refined iron to build more. Equipped with the Modao of the soldiers, it can play a greater role in the future against the cavalry. However, after thinking of such a cost, Liu Bei gave up.

The Modao Army is also a heavy infantry. They need strong armor to protect them from the enemy on the battlefield. This is more important. After all, when the cavalry charges, the Modao Army soldiers are more dealing with the cavalry. The horses under him will inevitably be attacked by the cavalry. The agile Sergeant Modao may be able to avoid it, but it is somewhat difficult to put it on the soldiers of average strength. The armor can provide them with greater protection on the battlefield.

Liu Bei’s renewed attention allowed Zhuge Liang to exert a stronger strength. In internal affairs, Zhuge Liang demonstrated extraordinary ability, handled Yizhou’s affairs in an orderly manner, and balanced the relationship between the Jingzhou family and Yizhou. Well, so that Yizhou won't fall into turmoil again because of family disputes. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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