Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1648: : Poison

Lu Bu turned his gaze to Li Ru, and Zhao Yun, who was listening quietly, was thoughtful. Through the discussion before the war, Zhao Yun realized the importance of strategy, whether it is a general or a counselor with the army, if it can be With a reasonable response on the battlefield, great achievements are bound to be achieved.

Li Ru handed his hands: "You can try the strategies of the two military divisions."

"If Wenyou has anything, you don't need to hide it." Lu Bu smiled. He knows Li Ru's skills. Although the previous tactics were a bit vicious, they had a lot of effect. He was not pedantic. People, if they can solve the problem at a smaller cost, even if the means are harsher, it doesn't hurt.

Li Rudao: "In this case, I will show my ugliness."

"The lord used to capture Lei Li, the general of Sanlangqiang in the army, and Leili was willing to take refuge in the lord. What Sanlangqiang was best at was poisoning. At the beginning, the army of the princes in Fanhe was broken because of Leili's sake. The damage was severe. Facing the offensive of the Qiang army, most of the soldiers lost their combat effectiveness. It was easy for the Qiang army to break Fanhe. If Raleigh can be used properly, it can be broken without spending too much troops. The city has no way for the Qiang people to escape."

Lü Bu's eyes tightened, and he nodded approvingly. The three tactics were all remarkable, but Li Ru's tactics were able to avoid his own losses.

"Just use Wenyou's strategy and send the order to let Lei Li come." Lu Bu said.

"Here." Everyone in the tent said in unison, facing the Qiang people. The Qiang people used this method when they attacked the city, but it is reasonable that the Han army uses the same method, not to mention the Qiang people over the years. How much harm has been done to the Han people, it should be the Qiang people to pay some price.

Since joining the Han army, Lei Li has not been subjected to any abuse. He just asked him what he was good at in participating in the wolf and Qiang. Regarding these things, Lei Li naturally did not conceal too much, and truthfully explained that he was not stupid. People who know that the Han army will keep themselves, it must be because of their usefulness.

At that time, his hope was that Bei Gongfeng could lead the army to victory, thereby freeing him from the control of the Han army. However, he was disappointed. The Qiang army led by Bei Gongfeng was defeated so thoroughly on the battlefield, nearly 100,000. The army was defeated.

Lei Li's heart was ashamed. He knew that he had no extra retreat. When Lu Bu attacked Zhangye, there were still the Qiang people who attacked Wudu from the Han army. It was the real tribe of Sanlang Qiang who had seen Han After the army's bravery, he didn't think that Wudu's Cenglangqiang and Baimaqiang could withstand the attack of the Han army. The main reason was that the strength of the Han army was too strong, and it was shockingly strong.

Knowing that the generals of the Han army had called, Lei Li did not understand. Therefore, since he came to the Han army, he has been in a situation of being abused and needs to worry about his own safety every day.

It was Li Ru who was in charge of seeing Lei Li. Lei Li had a certain impression of this Han Chinese with a hideous scar on his face. He had met this man after he first joined the Han army. It is a military division.

After seeing Li Ru, Leili hurriedly saluted him. He knew that military divisions had a high status in the Han army. If they were recognized by the Han military divisions, the treatment of participating in the wolf and Qiang might be much better in the future.

When getting along with Li Ru, Lei Li always had a feeling of being on his back, especially Li Ru's eyes, as if he could see through his heart.

"General Lei Li is the one who participated in Langqiang, do you know what is going on in Wudu nowadays?" Li Ru asked with a smile.

Lei Li was taken aback for a moment, and hurriedly saluted: "I hope the military division will tell you."

"Chenlangqiang and Baimaqiang, led by Mitang, fought a decisive battle with our army outside Wudu city. They were defeated and lost. Mitang died in battle, with the intention of resisting our army on the Qiang Dao, burning the Qiang Dao for the fire, and then joining the wolf. Qiang’s refuge, the White Horse Qiang is also for our army to break, Sanlang Qiang gave up resistance and directly took refuge, the young and strong in the tribe will join the team of building cities and roads for five years, and after five years, they will be placed by officials. The rest of the tribe is responsible for plowing the fields." Li Ru said slowly: "Relatively speaking, the Baima Qiang people are miserable. After the resistance, not only did they fail to keep all of them, the young and strong in the tribe wanted to become Captured for twenty years, including other people in the tribe."

In just a few words, it set off a stormy sea in Lei Li’s heart. Wudu County's internal ginseng Langqiang and Baimaqiang are outstanding in strength, which is recognized in Liangzhou, and the attacking army is only 5,000 people, even if it is a plus The defenders of the capital of Shangwu are no more than 10,000 people, and they can completely defeat the Han army by virtue of the strength of the Qiang people.

Thinking of this, Lei Li couldn't help but think of the decisive battle between the Han army and the Qiang army outside Guzang City. The Qiang army was defeated when it was superior in number.

"The military division has orders, and the villain will die." Lei Li hurriedly said.

Li Ru smiled and said: "It seems that General Lei Li is a smart This officer likes to deal with smart people. If General Lei Li can make a contribution on the battlefield, he will wait for the king of Jin to pacify the Qiang people. Afterwards, participating in the performance and rewards will surely be treated kindly."

Raleigh was so excited when he heard that, this was what he wanted most.

"General Leili is good at poisoning. When the Qiangs attacked Fanhe, it was the general who personally took action, which made most of the Han army lose combat effectiveness. I wonder if the general can have the confidence to sneak into the city and make the Qiang army in the city give up resistance. ?" Li Rudao.

Lei Li saluted: "The villain is willing to go to the city. If he fails, please ask the military division to be kind to the wolf and Qiang tribe."

Li Ru nodded and said, "General Leili can rest assured that this officer can still say something in front of King Jin."

"Military strategist, there are more than ten thousand Qiang people in the city. It is not enough to rely on the villain." Lei Li hesitated to say but stopped.

"I wonder how many people will General Raleigh need?"

"Twenty people, that's enough." Lei Li said.

Li Ru smiled and said, "Okay, this official will tell King Jin about the matter, and General Leili will wait in the army first."

After Lei Li left, Li Ru immediately went to the Great Account of the Chinese Army.

After listening to Li Ru's narration, Lu Bu said: "Let Shi A follow Lei Li to sneak into the city. If Lei Li is unreliable, kill him directly."

"Here." Li Ru handed his hands. He is responsible for this matter. If it succeeds, it means that his position in the army can be improved.

Lei Li and Shi A sneaked into the city together. In terms of defense, the Qiang people are much worse than the Han people. In their view, when defending the city, the soldiers in the city stand on the wall and place the enemy forces to attack the wall. The wrong perception made the Qiang people's ability to defend the city much worse. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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