Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1646: :Broken White Horse Qiang (Part 2)

Hesitating the White Horse Qiang’s resistance, the Han soldiers did not have any softness when they shot, but the words of Ju Yi before were quietly circulated among the White Horse Qiang, especially when he saw that his soldiers were being held in the hands of the Han army. After being defeated in general, many white horse Qiang people directly knelt to the ground, and they used their actions to express their hearts and minds.

Mu Gu is the first warrior of the White Horse Qiang. The Han army is brave, but he will not easily admit defeat. There are already eight Han soldiers who died in Mu Gu's hands, and Mu Gu, covered in blood, looks extraordinarily hideous.

Tai Shici came up with a double halberd and killed him. After approaching Mu Gu, he killed the Mu Gu who was the first warrior of the White Horse Qiang just by three times.

Mu Gu’s death was even more stimulating to Bai Ma Qiang. Many Bai Ma Qiang soldiers gave up resistance. They no longer saw the hope of victory. Before Mu Gu was in command. Although Bai Ma Qiang’s soldiers suffered heavy losses, they were still able to compete with each other. The Han army dealt with each other, and the existence of Mu Gu was the greatest inspiration to Bai Ma Qiang. Now even Mu Gu was killed in the battle, and their resistance has lost its meaning.

More and more people of the White Horse and Qiang fell to the ground, and they showed their refuge with practical actions.

As the gunpowder cleared, Baima Qiang's tribe gradually recovered calm, but these people who had taken refuge in Baima Qiang were driven by the Han army towards the bottom of the mountain.

The Baima Qiang and Di people tribes that had been in Wudu for many years dissipated under the attack of the Han army. Perhaps there are still Qiang people in Wudu, but they are not enough to fight the Han army.

The Baima Qiang’s resistance behavior cost the people of the Baima Qiang tribe for 20 years. As for whether the people of the Baima Qiang can exist after 20 years, it is not a question that Shici needs to consider. In comparison, The tribe who participated in the wolf and Qiang only had five years, and the people who participated in the wolf and Qiang breathed a sigh of relief in secret, and looked at the captive of Baima Qiang, and couldn't help but feel a little pity.

The Qiangdi people betrayed mainly because of survival issues in Liangzhou. They farmed and built city roads for the Han people, but they didn't need to worry about food and clothing. It is not a good thing for the Qiang people to avoid them.

The main thing is how to look at this matter. From the perspective of the Qiang people, the arrival of the Han army caused them to lose their power. They naturally hate the Han army, but ordinary Qiang people think about how. Survive, so sometimes, war is only decided by a few people, and they impose their will on the attached people.

After the war in Wudu came to an end, a concrete road was built from Wudu to Chang'an. Not only that, the prisoners in Taishici's hands were divided into two groups, and the other group was to build concrete roads towards Longxi, as the counties of Liangzhou. After they can be connected by cement roads, Lu Bu's rule over Liangzhou will be more stable. The cement roads can make the army move faster. Once there is war in Liangzhou, the army can arrive at a faster speed.

Cement roads will inevitably become the mainstream in the future, not only under the rule of Lu Bu, but also under the rule of other princes, cement roads will surely appear one after another. When formulating the formula, some price was paid.

When Lu Bu ruled and entered the Union State, he was most impressed by the cement road, but now Lu Bu is trying to make the cement road run through under the rule. This is a great move. If it succeeds, the impact will be Far-reaching.

Not only Lu Bu realized the importance of cement roads, but also other princes.

When Zhao Yun led five thousand soldiers and horses to the outside of Fanhe City, there were only more than 300 Qiang people in Fanhe City. Seeing that the Han army was powerful, he directly chose to abandon the city and flee to the prefecture of Zhangye. There is a new Qiang King, Qinghe, the leader of Shao Dang Qiang.

Qinghe gathered Qiang soldiers and horses in Zhangye, and got a total of more than 15,000 Qiang soldiers. However, these soldiers did not make Qinghe feel at ease. The main reason was that the strength displayed by the Han army was too strong. Qinghe didn't dare to slack in the slightest, Bei Gongfeng had nearly 100,000 Qiang people in his hands, and they were still defeated by Lu Bu, let alone his soldiers.

Qinghe hated Yang Wan's behavior very much. He sent someone to ask for help, but he refused directly for Yang Wan, but Qinghe could not give up Zhangye. If he gave up Zhangye, it would mean that the Qiang people would leave their hometown, or Become a vassal of Yang Wan.

This is not something Qinghe is willing to endure. In the past, the Di tribe represented by Yang Wan was weak in Liangzhou, but it took advantage of the defeat of the army and took the opportunity to gather the soldiers of the Qiang people. If it were possible, Qinghe would have led the army to attack Yang Wan.

After Zhao Yun captured Fanhe, Zhang Yun led troops and horses to seize Lixuan. The two cities did not have decent resistance, facing the elite Han Qinghe gathered the most elite forces of the Qiang people. Together.

The city that the Qiang people struggled to capture at the beginning was easily captured by the Han army after the victory.

Ten days later, Lu Bu led an army of thirty thousand arrived.

After the experience of the war, these soldiers showed a strong killing air. This is exactly the transformation of the soldiers after experiencing the war. They are advancing on the road of elite soldiers.

Lü Bu regretted the death of a lieutenant soldier on the battlefield, but what he got was good soldiers. How could the soldiers not be on the battlefield? Only after experiencing the cruelty of war can they truly understand the importance of training and hard work.

The 30,000 army appeared in Zhangye, which caused a shock among the Qiang people. At this time, no Qiang tribe was arrogant to think that the Han army was nothing more than this. The battle outside Guzang City had already made the Qiang people see how powerful the Han army was.

Yan Xing obviously knew the Qiang tribes in Zhangye very well. He led his troops and easily smashed the Qiang tribes. Some Qiang tribes directly surrendered when they saw the arrival of the Han army.

Yan Xing saw this scene with emotion. Back then, how powerful the Qiang people were in Liangzhou. The Han army paid a heavy price to deal with the Qiang people, but now Lü Bu led the troops and horses. It only took the Qiang people a battle. The loss of fighting spirit also has a lot to do with the current situation of the Qiang people. Bei Gong Feng gathered all the elites of the Qiang people together. After the defeat of the war, it means that the Qiang people have no extra resistance. When facing the Han army, the Qiang people could only fear.

The county city can be said to be the highest city in Zhangye. Even the moat outside the city is relatively wide. Back then, the Qiang people paid no small price to be able to conquer the county city. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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