Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1634: : Strategies for Battle

On the battlefield, the courage of the Qiang people is unquestionable. No matter how powerful the enemy is, the soldiers of the Qiang people dare to step forward. This is also the temper of their years of hardship.

The Qiang people need to survive in Liangzhou and they have to keep getting stronger. Only in this way can they win the battles, repel the enemy, and get more benefits.

The Qiang people cheered up and prepared to go to war. Pound also received news from the army outside the city.

For Qiang people's battle, Pound was naturally so happy. If Qiang people die in the ancient city, it would be impossible to break through the city with the Han army with fewer soldiers than Qiang people.

It is true that there are Han people in Lianxian, but after many years in the hands of the Qiang people, the blood of these people has long been lost. It is impossible for them to survive in this troubled world and become the internal response of the Han army. Things, maybe after they heard the arrival of the Han army, there will be a wave in their hearts, after all, they were once Han Chinese who stood high in front of the Qiang.

The blood of the Qiang people gradually made the Han people weak, and the **** Han people had already been killed by the Qiang people.

After Pound got the news, the generals of the generals hurriedly gathered together. This battle is related to the changes in the situation in Northland County. If they win, these Qiangs will be in a dilemma unless they escape into the desert, but In this way, the Han army has saved a lot of trouble, and it is a blessing for the Qiang people who entered the desert to survive.

Pound said: "This general has received the news that the Qiang people are already in the city to prepare for a decisive battle with our army. At this time, our army has 7,000 people, but the Qiang army has 8,000 people. Even if the Qiang people leave 500 people to guard the city, There are still more troops than our army."

Niu Fu said: "General, how can there be a large number of Qiang people? There are not a few Qiang people in Lingzhou City, and they will not be defeated by our army in the same way."

"General Niu, the situation is different today. The madness of the Qiang people must have been recognized by General Niu. Once the Qiang people have an advantage in number, it will be great for our army's foot soldiers. Test." Pound said.

Niu Fu nodded when he heard the words, the madness of the Qiang people's pawns, he had already seen that facing such a situation, if he wanted to win on the battlefield, he really needed to pay more.

On the battlefield, when measuring the merits of a general, the number of kills of the enemy has a great relationship with the number of soldiers lost by one's side. If the victory of the war is won at a small price, the credit will naturally be more.

"What should I do from the general's opinion?" Niu Fu asked.

Pound pondered for a moment and said: "The advantage of our army lies in the strength of the cavalry. If it can rely on the strength of the cavalry to occupy an absolute advantage on the battlefield, it will not be difficult to defeat the army of the Qiang people."

"Cavalry?" Niu Fu wondered: "These cavalry are all aliens. How can they use their best in such a war?"

Pound smiled and said: "General Niu thinks like this, and the Qiang leader will inevitably think like this. If the Xianbei cavalry is not enough to take on the important task, you think the Lord Guild will be so relieved that this general will lead these cavalry to come. Isn’t it? General Taishici’s hands are not only the Huns cavalry but also the powerful Xianden dead men."

"What does the general mean?"

"This general meant that when the decisive battle between the two sides came, this general led the cavalry to contain them from the flanks, the Qiang would inevitably send cavalry and infantry to resist the cavalry, and General Niu led the infantry to fight the Qiang's pawns, the Qiangs There are no more than a thousand cavalrymen. In order to resist the cavalry, a large number of infantry will be dispatched. In this way, the soldiers and horses in the hands of General Niu are roughly the same as those of the Qiangs, and the hands of General Niu have 300 cavalrymen, so they can be on the battlefield. Containing the strength of the Qiang, and as long as General Niu has the upper hand on the battlefield, the Qiang will definitely return the infantry that contained the cavalry. At that time, the general led the cavalry in a sudden attack, and it will inevitably be able to defeat the Qiang army based on it." Pound said. .

"Everything is in the general's words." Niu Fu said with a fist. He felt that this calculation would be extremely beneficial to his side. The three hundred cavalry can create huge damage on the front battlefield. In response, Niu Fu asked himself to gain an advantage on the frontal battlefield. Niu Fu used this method to achieve victory when he fought against the Qiang people. Although it was not bright, he finally won.

From Pound's words, Niu Fu felt the great responsibility of his own. If he could not contain the power of the Qiang pawns and cause the army to occupy the disadvantage, it would be difficult for Pound to succeed.

Three days later, the Qiang and Han people deployed their troops and horses in an open area ten miles east of the city, preparing for a decisive battle.

The most eye-catching thing on the battlefield is the nearly 3,000 black-clad Xianbei cavalry around Pound.

Zhang Qi also went out of the city with the army. In this battle, command plays a vital role. Proper command can help the army avoid more losses on the battlefield.

After Pound got the news from the scout, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"General, what's the matter?" Niu Fu asked when Pound looked wrong.

"Among the Qiang army, there is a Han man, and he must be the one who made suggestions for the Qiang people." Pound gritted his teeth and hated such lackeys who betrayed the Han people.

After Niu Fu heard the news, he also showed anger. In any case, the Qiang people are aliens after all. Helping aliens deal with their own clan, it will make people feel hated to say it.

"General Pang, this person has forgotten his ancestors. If he encounters them on the battlefield, he will definitely be killed." Niu Fu gritted his teeth.

Pound nodded with a heavy face. If there are Han people on the sidelines, if you want to win this battle, you need to spend more energy. The same Han people must have a certain understanding of the Han army's combat methods. The most important thing is the strategy of this person.

What puzzled Pound most was, since there are Han people in the Qiang tribe, why this Han didn't persuade the Qiang tribe to defend the city.

The army is coming from afar, if the grain and grass cannot keep up in time, it will definitely be difficult for long.

In any case, it is good news for the Han army that the Qiang can fight at this time. Only by defeating the Qiang army can the Qiang be driven away from the Han city and seize the city that belongs to the Han.

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