Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1604: : Taishi Ci Po Qiang (4)

In the face of the cavalry, even if the Qiang soldiers stepped forward recklessly, it was difficult to stop the invincible momentum of the cavalry.

After Mitang learned the news of the enemy’s last cavalry dispatch, he immediately ordered a thousand guards to step forward. These thousand guards are the power to protect the Chinese army and the pride of the Qiang tribe. It is extremely sophisticated, of course, this is extremely sophisticated in the eyes of the Qiang people.

Seeing the movement of the sergeants among the Qiang people, Tai Shici sneered. Five hundred cavalrymen, without encountering strong obstacles, were enough to defeat the Qiang army.

The most dazzling thing on the battlefield was Taishici who rode a horse to rush to kill. Whether it was a Qiang general or an ordinary soldier of the Qiang, he did not hold on to two rounds in Taishici's hands.

The Qiang people admire bravery, and they look at Tai Shici with a hint of awe. Ma Chao caused a lot of damage to the Qiang people back then, and Ma Chao’s martial arts are powerful, and he is respected by the Qiang people as the god-powerful general. It was Hanyang that the Qiang people nearby did not dare to make trouble.

Today, Taishici’s martial arts is far more impressive than Ma Chao. He is also a titan on the battlefield. Taishi Ci, who led the charge of the Xiongnu cavalry, is as powerful as Ma Chao, who led the charge of Xiliang cavalry.

Thousands of guards set up their formations. In their looks, there is not much fear. They are the strongest soldiers of the Qiang tribe, and they are also warriors of various tribes. Even if they face the charge of cavalry, they will not have it. retreat.

Tai Shi Ci squinted his eyes and looked at the Qiang pawns ahead, slightly surprised. When facing the cavalry charge, these pawns did not show any fear. He led the cavalry just now, but he saw many Qiang pawns dodge. , It can be seen that in the face of true life and death, Qiang people will not be so brave to fear death.

The Huns cavalry began to collide with the guards. A famous guard fell under the horses of the Huns cavalry, and the Huns also kept falling off. After the cavalry loses the advantage of speed on the battlefield, they can only become an existence that can be slaughtered.

Using these methods to stop the cavalry attack, the Qiang soldiers paid a considerable price, but they have become a barrier to protect the Qiang army on the battlefield.

Tai Shici frowned, and he did not expect these Qiang soldiers to be so crazy, and they would not give in when facing the cavalry.

When more than a hundred cavalrymen gathered around him, Tai Shici urged his horses to kill his guards. Since these guards were so strong, he broke through the formation of the Qiang people in a more rude manner, and resisted the cavalry with his infantry. The Qiang people's combat method did have a good effect, but when hundreds of cavalry charged together, they were able to hold on to such an offensive.

When cavalry charge is the most powerful thing is the power caused by the horse under them, the charge horse is enough to cause huge damage to the infantry.

Hundreds of cavalry charged together under the leadership of Tai Shici, making the Qiang soldiers who were already difficult to resist, and the formation became loose.

Tai Shici took the lead, making the Huns cavalry more powerful.

After the Qiang army, Mitang noticed this situation, he was shocked. These Qiang guards are the last force to protect the Chinese army. If these guards cannot stop the Han cavalry, it means that the Chinese army is in danger. .

When fighting with the Han army, the Chinese army plays a vital role in the army of the Qiang people. If their coach is still there, they can continue to fight on the battlefield. Once the banner representing the Chinese army falls. If they go down, it means that their army has been defeated. Even though the Qiang people’s personal strength is strong, even when the Chinese army has failed, they cannot afford to raise their fighting spirit. The soldiers in the army are brave and can change to a certain extent. The situation of war, but for an army, the Chinese army is the Dinghai Shenzhen, the soul of an army in battle.

Mitang was once a warrior of the Qiang tribe, but when faced with this situation, he showed panic. At this time, there were only more than a hundred soldiers beside them. How to face these cavalrymen.

Mitang has the intention to retreat, but on the battlefield at this time, the soldiers on both sides are already in a fierce confrontation. If one party chooses to retreat, the consequences will be extremely disastrous.

The Chinese army was exposed to Tai Shici, making the Xiongnu cavalry excited.

At the same time, the army led by Diwang Agui also launched a charge against the Chinese army of the Han army. The soldiers of the Di tribe were extremely brave in the battle, and they were three points crazier than the Qiang soldiers. They completely put their lives behind. The soldiers of the Han army were excellent, and the soldiers of Diren were crazy. By virtue of their madness, Agui led the soldiers, which made the formation of the Han army continue to shrink.

It’s only two hundred steps away from the Chinese army of the Han At this time, the cavalry of the Han army on the battlefield is constrained by the cavalry and soldiers of the Qiang. Able to defeat the Han army, this battle is the victory of the Qiangdi army, and with the victory of this war, the status of the Di tribe can be greatly improved in front of the Qiang tribe. The soldiers admired the most are the brave soldiers. When the soldiers of the Qiang tribe were at a disadvantage, the soldiers of the Di tribe played a decisive role. In the future, will the Qiang tribe look down on the Di tribe? This is also the rise of the Di tribe in Liangzhou Opportunity.

Agui’s idea is very good, but he ignored the tenacity of the Han army. The middle army of the Qiang army is the most elite soldier in the army, and the same is true for the middle army of the Han army. They are more crazy than the soldiers of the Qiang tribe. It’s a little worse, but in normal training, they are extremely hard. When they first faced Di people tribe soldiers, they might be in a state of being suppressed. Once they got used to the Di people’s offensive, they would It is very difficult to defeat the formation.

Jushou was good at strategy, and he was not weak when he commanded the army, but seeing more than 500 soldiers in the Chinese army, under the command of Jushou, he steadily resisted the attack of the soldiers.

If you want to break through the last line of defense of the Han army, there is still a big gap just by relying on Agui’s current strength. If this is the case, even a hundred cavalry will be able to break the current deadlock. It was like Taishici led the cavalry to break through the Qiang's elite line of defense.

The insufficiency of madness can block the attack of the cavalry on the battlefield, and it is only to a certain extent. The cavalry that rushes up can completely tear the formation directly. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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