Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1579: : King Qiang

"The general should keep a useful body against the Qiang army. Hearing that the army under the Jin king's account is extremely elite, it is natural to defeat the Qiang." The lieutenant said with relief.

Liang Xing sighed. He was not more sure that King Jin led the army to defeat the Qiang people. How powerful the Qiang people in Liangzhou were. Liang Xing knew that Han Sui chose to unite with Lu Bu and attack the Qiang people. Although they were dissatisfied and hated by the generals in the army, their strength was far from reaching the level of confrontation with the Qiang. Over the years, although Han Sui has been eroding the Qiang’s territory, and The strength of the Qiang people was driven by this, and gradually gathered together, otherwise, how could Bei Gongfeng be able to mobilize so many Qiang people so easily.

There were shouts of killing, and a large number of Qiang cavalry appeared on the left and right sides of the army.

The soldiers of the Han army, who had just experienced the defeat of Fanhe, faced a sudden attack by the Qiang cavalry, and they could only run wildly under the leadership of Liang Xing, while the Qiang cavalry was chasing after him. Liang Xing paid a lot. The price.

After escaping from the Qiang and hunting down, Liang Xing checked the cavalry under his command. There were originally 500 cavalrymen, but now there are only more than 300 men left.

"Let me closely investigate the situation of the Qiang tribe." Liang Xing ordered. He felt an extraordinary taste from the Qiang's attack on Fanhe. The Qiang displayed in front of him was different from the past. There is a big difference between the Qiang people in knowledge. From this war, it can be seen that the ingenuity displayed by the Qiang people is shocking. If there is no other reason for this, then the Qiang people have become even more terrifying. NS.

The reason why the soldiers of the Han army looked down on the Qiangs was more because of the recklessness of the Qiangs. When they were fighting, they didn't know how to use their own advantages, didn't know how to use their own intelligence, and only relied on the bravery of the lieutenant soldiers.

The Qiang army attacked Fanhe too suddenly, not to mention the people in the city, even the defenders in the city were only a few who could escape from Fanhe.

After the Qiangs entered the city, they began to celebrate wildly. They turned their butcher swords at the Han people, as if only killing could make them vent their anger and reflect their joy after breaking through the city.

A Chinese named Han people struggled in despair, and a named Han woman became a plaything of the Qiang people. For all this, no Qiang generals will stand up to stop them. They need this kind of celebration to improve the morale of the army. After allowing the soldiers in the army to get tangible benefits, in the future battles, they will use their lives even more.

"It's a pity, so much food and grass are burnt down by the abominable Han army." Feng said regretfully.

"The leader can order the warriors in the tribe to gather their armors after killing the Han army. Although the Han army ignited the food and grass, there must be a lot of armor, weapons and money in the treasury. "Cheng Qian reminded in a low voice that, of course, Cheng Qian knew very well about the habits of the Han people.

Bei Gong Fengshen nodded in agreement. He is also the patriarch of the tribe. However, the warriors in the tribe are outstanding. Among the tribes of the Qiang people, they have gradually gained prestige and now have their current status. If they can get more With more armors, the strength of the tribe will be stronger, and his position will be more stable.

Moreover, occupying the treasury and obtaining armor can also enhance his prestige among the Qiang people. The Qiang people are very practical. They respect their leaders. This is a natural thing. However, if they can give them more benefits, they It will also strongly support.

Armor and weapon blades have a fatal attraction to the warriors of the Qiang tribe. They rush on the battlefield. If they want to save their lives on the battlefield to a greater extent, they must have sophisticated weapons and armor, and these things are the Qiang people. Tribes are scarce, especially armor, which can only be possessed by outstanding characters in the Qiang tribe.

With Leili’s help this time, the Qiang people broke the city without spending too much money, and there were many Han troops in the city. The armors and weapons on them were Qiang’s spoils. If the weapon is used properly, it will not only increase the prestige of the Beigong seal among the Qiang people, but also greatly strengthen the fighting power of the Qiang people.

Raleigh made outstanding contributions in this battle, and brought Beigong to his side. This kind of treatment is absolutely unexpected for Raleigh. People who can be brought around by Beigong. Among the Qiang people, they are all people with status and status, and because of this credit, he was able to enter the core level of the Qiang tribe, which surprised him a bit.

However, Raleigh also paid a lot in this battle. It sounds simple to sneak into the Han military city and put the poison on it, but it is difficult to do it. If you make a little mistake, you will lose all previous efforts. What are the Hans? Cunning, but under the blindness of interest, their eyes will not be as bright as they used to be.

"Now that the leader is occupying the Han army retreats from Zhangye, and the leader can seize the entire territory of Zhangye in one fell swoop. This time the leader of the army is the King of Jin, and the leader is the lord of the Qiang and Di people. , Why not take the Qiang king, in terms of status, no weaker than others." Cheng Qian suggested.

It is a fatal temptation for the Han people to call the king, but for the Qiang people, it is not so important. Just like the Di people, there are many Di kings. This is also the custom of the Qiang tribe. Di kings are very common. Moreover, the strength of the Di people has declined over the years, so that their status in the Qiang tribe has not been improved. Therefore, the status of the Di King is a bit embarrassing.

As if seeing Beigongfeng’s doubts, Cheng Qian smiled and said: “The leader, in the eyes of the Han people, the king is a superior existence, even the emperor of the Han people cannot easily interfere. The king is definitely the most noble existence, and the Han family is weak, otherwise Lu Bu would not dare to claim the king easily."

When Bei Gongfeng heard these remarks, he suddenly smiled. The most noble person, this is what Bei Gongfeng desires, and laughed: "Tell the patriarchs of the tribes to come to this general to be aware."

Cheng Qian corrected and said: "If the leader becomes the king, he will call himself his own king in the future."

"This is nature, this is nature." Bei Gong closed his eyebrows and smiled.

The patriarchs of the tribes did not dare to neglect the order of Beigong Feng. They naturally had no opinion on Beigong's title of king. They just changed their previous title of chief or general to the king of Qiang. These titles belong to the Qiang people. It seems that it is not that important. What they are pursuing is the improvement of strength. As long as they have strong strength, they can have more things. This is the unchanging truth in the Qiang tribe. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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