Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1576: : Qiang Breaks Through the City (Part 1)

Bei Gong Feng nodded his head satisfied after hearing this. From everyone discussing the strategy, only Lei Li, the leader of the wolves and Qiang tribe, and the patriarch of this Qiang tribe can make him agree with him. If Lei Li’s strategy is successful, He would be able to capture Fanhe from Han Sui's hands without a **** sword.

The method is cruel, and there is no problem in Beigongfeng. At this time, the Han army is in the team camp with the Qiang. As long as the strength of the Han army can be weakened, Beigongfeng seems to be a useful method. .

Cruelty is for the Han people, and it is enough for the Qiang people not to be harmed.

This discussion of the Qiangdi tribe has greatly changed the situation in Zhangye.

From the beginning to the end, Bei Gongfeng did not reveal Lei Li's strategy.

After everyone left, Bei Gongfeng kept Lei Li. Lei Li was very familiar with Han Chinese. If Lei Li was responsible for poisoning, he could play a bigger role. Lei Li came from Wolf Qiang, in the use of poison, is not comparable to others.

"General Lei Li went to Fanhe quietly, remember not to miss the whereabouts, and the poisoning thing, not to mention it with anyone, pick a clever and proficient Chinese from the tribe, sneak into the city, waiting for the opportunity, this time If it succeeds, Shen Langqiang will definitely grow stronger in the future." Bei Gong Feng said.

Lei Li saluted: "Thank you, the leader, after joining the wolf Qiang, he will definitely obey the leader's orders."

"Okay, you go back and prepare. If you need something, you can just come directly. The key to breaking Fanhe is on you." Bei Gong said.

Lei Li vowed to say: "The leader can rest assured that the warriors who participate in the wolf will definitely be able to complete the task."

On the next day, Lei Yi led ten warriors from the tribe, quietly rushed to Fanhe, and lurked outside Fanhe city.

The news that the Han army is about to conquer the Qiangs has made Fanhe’s atmosphere a bit solemn today. There are still many people entering and leaving the city. If the people want to survive, they must go out of the city to work. Some families in the city learned that the battle with the Qiangs is about to come When he arrived, he hurriedly left Fanhe.

How powerful the Qiang people are, these aristocratic families know that they don't want the wealth that has just condensed to become the spoils of the Qiang people after they break the city, and many people also took the opportunity to leave Fanhe.

For those who left, Liang Xing did not stop them, and now the food and grass in the city are enough for the army for two months, and Lv Bu led the army to come to Zhangye for at most one month, even if the Qiangs attacked Fanhe during this period of time. , Liang Xing also has the confidence to hold on to Fanhe.

The Qiang people’s strength in fighting on the plains, Liang Xing, is certain. However, when they attacked the city, the Qiang people had big flaws. They lacked enough siege methods. They only need to hold on to the city to cause the Qiang people. Huge damage.

Liang Xing did not intend to go out of the city to fight the Qiang people. There were only five thousand troops in the city, but the Qiang people could gather tens of thousands of soldiers and horses to attack Fanhe, Liang Xing would have to bear huge pressure.

According to the news from the Qiang tribe, Beigong Feng is recruiting soldiers and horses from the Qiang tribe. After the soldiers and horses are gathered, they will definitely lead the troops. Before Lu Bu leads the army, Jiang Fanhe will wait for the three cities from the Han Dynasty. The seizure by the army can not only damage the morale of the Han army, but also get more things.

Even though the Qiang people are strong, they have a lot of disadvantages in armor blades. After breaking Fanhe, they can greatly alleviate the current situation of the Qiang people's lack of weapons and armor.

Lei Li entered the city easily, pretending to be a Han citizen. Lei Li hated the greed of the Han soldiers guarding the city gate. It was because of the greed of the Han officials that the Qiang tribe was oppressed, and the Qiang was in the Han. In his eyes, his status is very low. He didn't expect that the Han soldiers would still look like before. If they enter the city, if they don't have any benefits, they will have to keep interrogating them.

Fortunately, the greed of the soldiers of the Han army caused Lei Li to enter the city without much effort.

If you want to put the poison into the Han army, it is best to be close to the place where the army is cooking, and if it is poisoned, it is a very dangerous thing in itself. If it is leaked, it will inevitably die.

The behavior of the Han soldiers allowed Lei Li to find a way. As long as he spends enough money, he can still be close to the Han soldiers. Brother Chen, you have five thousand Han soldiers, and you need a lot of consumption every day.

This time Lei Li sneaked into Fanhe City, and Bei Gongfeng also gave a lot of money.

Under the temptation of money, Lei Li really found an opportunity. That was the team that went to the army to deliver food. As long as he could get into this team, after the arrival of the Qiang army, it would be able to make a sudden attack. Greater role.

As he wished, Lei Li entered the team that delivered food to the army. Lei Li's appearance was not much different from that of the Han people, and he was extremely fluent in Chinese, but he did not attract the Han people's suspicion.

Among the Qiang people, many intermarried with the Han people, and some Qiang people are not much different from the Han people in appearance.

There are so many Qiang tribes in Liangzhou. They have lived in Liangzhou for many and they are quite familiar with the habits of Han people.

After half a month, the atmosphere in the city suddenly became serious. The Qiang army came, and the densely packed Qiang army camp outside the city was shocking. According to the news from the scouts, the number of Qiang people outside the city had reached 40,000. Many people, and the Qiang tribe is still mobilizing soldiers and horses.

Although the Qiang people used a single method to attack the city, they were extremely crazy when they attacked the city. The courage of the Qiang people largely made up for the lack of the Qiang army's siege methods.

Liang Xing looked at the Qiang army camp outside the city, with a contemplative expression on his face. The Qiang gathered an army this time to attack Fanhe. In his expectation, there will be a Han army in Fanhe city, which is not small for the Qiang people. threat.

"General, General Yan ordered someone to send an order, if the Qiang army is siege of the city, it will not go out of the city to fight." The deputy general whispered.

Liang Xing was known for his bravery in Han Sui's army. Although he was not as good as Yan Xing in martial arts, he had a reputation. In every war, Liang Xing was able to lead the way and was loved by the lieutenant generals.

Liang Xing smiled bitterly: "This general wants to go out of the city to fight the Qiang people. At this time, the city has no more than 5,000 troops and no more than 500 cavalry. It is not easy to repel the 40,000 Qiang army."

Hearing this, the lieutenant nodded bitterly. The Qiang people gathered so many soldiers and horses that it was difficult for them to resist.

From the soldiers and horses gathered by the Qiang tribe, it can be seen how determined the Qiang people are to break Fanhe.

Over the years, Han Sui has maintained a good relationship with the various tribes of the Qiang people, and Han Sui also has a lot of prestige among the patriarchs of the various tribes of the Qiang people. At the beginning, even the Qiang people went to the Han city for business. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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