Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1555: : Send troops to Liangzhou (middle)

"Father, when you are on the battlefield, don't be brave. Uncle Dian always said that you were fighting bravely on the battlefield. Lingqi didn't want her father to kill the enemy on the battlefield." Lu Lingqi said here, tears are more like. The broken pearl is like a rustling falling.

Lu Bu suddenly messed up her hands and feet. "Lingqi doesn't cry. With the ability to be a father, who can be hurt as a father on the battlefield, don't listen to your uncle Wei talking nonsense there, even if Lingqi has no confidence in the ability to be a father. , I should trust you Uncle Dian Wei, he is a fierce general on the battlefield, able to drive tigers across the stream, chasing tigers in the mountains running everywhere."

Lu Lingqi seemed to have forgotten her sorrow and opened her eyes wide and said: "Father, Uncle Dian Wei is so amazing?"

"That's natural, otherwise, how could it be your father's personal guard leader." Lu Bu said.

"Father, you must come back as soon as possible. When Aunt Zhen'er and Aunt Shuang'er gave birth, you were not by your side." Lu Lingqi pouted.

Lu Bu glanced at Qiao Shuang and Mi Zhen apologetically.

Such things, usually only Lu Lingqi dared to speak such words in front of Lu Bu.

"As long as the husband can be safe on the battlefield, the concubine will be content." Mi Zhen said obediently. After becoming a mother, it is obvious that Mi Zhen has matured a lot.

"Okay, after the king returns to the mansion, he will inform the person who proposes to go to the palace." Lu Bu laughed.

Lu Lingqi's face flushed, and the other women were diverted by Lu Bu's remarks. Lu Lingqi was extremely popular in the palace, and Lu Lingqi's marriage made the women extremely concerned, and Yan Lan even took Lu Lingqi to him. Brought aside and asked in a low voice.

Lu Lingqi looked at the smile on Lu Bu's face, her mouth pursed in dissatisfaction. He had clearly seen through Lu Bu's intentions.

But Lu An quietly walked to Lu Bu's side with a little excitement and pulled La Lu Bu's clothes. After Lu Bu picked him up, he asked with a straight face: "Father, are the enemies on the battlefield terrible?" "

Lü Bu nodded and said, "The enemy is a person who thinks about how to make you die. If An'er faces the enemy in the future, you must not be soft. As long as the enemy is dead, it is the safest thing. Otherwise, you We will face life danger at any time."

Lu An nodded solemnly, "Father, Haier understands. From now on, Haier will definitely be a winning general on the battlefield."

"Haha, when did An'er **** your Uncle Zhao Yun's reputation? If your Uncle Zhao knew, he would definitely spank you." Lu Bu laughed.

Diao Chan looked at the two people, one big and one small, and her expressions were full of infatuation. Although she spent a short time with Lv Bu in the palace, she could feel Lv Bu's love for her. She also had a child with Lu Bu, and she was a lot satisfied.

Compared with Lu An, Lu Bu can clearly feel that Lu Ping looks calmer in normal times. When he is studying, he is more attentive than Lu An, while Lu An is interested in marching and fighting and martial arts. , So that he often asked Dian Wei seriously, and Dian Wei taught Lu An very seriously, so that the servants of the palace could not laugh or cry after seeing it.

Although Dianwei was the leader of Lu Bu's personal guards, he was Lu Bu's beloved brother. Even the wife in the palace treated Dianwei very politely.

With the laughter of children, it seems that the urgency of the coming war has temporarily disappeared in the palace, but Lu Lingqi has become the focus of several women. The marriage of Lu Lingqi is extremely important for them, and it is most important to them. What Lan was crazy was that he hadn't received any news about this matter before, and this situation made her a little bit weird.

However, looking at Lu Bu's expression, it was clear that I had already understood this matter. I couldn't help being slightly angry with Lu Bu and Lu Lingqi. It can be seen that the two had already colluded, so I didn't know it.

Although Lu Lingqi’s face is very thin, she will definitely not confess Xiao Mu’s things easily. Although her personality is cheerful, she still understands that once these things are said, they will definitely cause trouble to Xiao Mu, but as long as Lu Bu supports him. This matter, then Lu Lingqi has nothing to fear.

Since childhood, Lu Bu has always loved her very much, and for this way of marrying, Lu Lingqi is the favorite. When she had a private conversation with Cai Yan, Cai Yan would be envious of her. Lu Lingqi is even more proud and proud.

When she learned that the Jiangdong messenger actually proposed marriage, she was shocked. Fortunately, she was sternly rejected by Lu Bu. If she put it on other princes, how could she take care of the life and death of her children? Besides, marriage is of great benefit to the princes themselves. However, Lu Bu resolutely rejected the Jiangdong messenger for her happiness, which required a lot of courage for a prince.

If Jiangdong can marry Chang'an, the alliance relationship between the two sides will definitely go further, just like Lu Bu's invasion of Liangzhou this time, there is no need for such a lot of trouble, sometimes, the marriage can give people a sense of security~www makes people feel at ease.

Just like the Zhen family in Jizhou and the current Mi family, it was because of Mi Zhen and Zhen Mi's affairs that they did their best to Lv Bu's orders. This is the charm of marriage.

Looking at the lively palace, Lu Bu smiled with satisfaction. He was on the expedition, rushed and killed, and led the soldiers to victory in wars, not only for the military and civilians under the rule, but also for the relatives in the palace. If the chaos is brought to life. , The first one must be the Royal Mansion, so no matter how difficult it is, Lu Bu will not retreat in the slightest. He has to do his best to maintain all this, even if the battlefield is dangerous.

Among the soldiers of the Chang'an Army, there must be soldiers who are tired of the war, but they are still insisting on it, just for the relatives behind them. If they are not involved in the war, who will protect all this.

"After your husband arrives on the battlefield, you must be careful. The battlefield is ruthless with swords and guns, and with spears and arrows. Although your husband is brave, he is a body of ten thousand gold." Diao Chan walked up and said softly.

"Chan'er feel relieved, your husband will definitely come back safely." Lu Bu smiled. From Diao Chan's expression, he felt a deep love.

The next day, several women went into battle and put on armor for Lu Bu.

Looking at Lu Bu, who was awe-inspiring with a sword hanging from his waist, Lu An bounced and said, "I will be as majestic as my father in the future."

After leaving, Lü Bu did not look back. He was afraid that after turning back, he would soften up and chose to stay. War is cruel to the soldiers and civilians under the rule. Isn’t it true to the lady in the palace? No one wants his husband to fight on the battlefield. Stop, no one wants to keep the vacant room alone, but after all, it needs someone to guard it. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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