Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1495: :Bitterness

After drinking and eating, Zhao Fan kept Baolong.

"General Bao, there is news from the meticulous work of the Jiangdong Army. Sun Ce was furious because of Zhu Huan's negligence in front of the battle. He publicly wanted to execute the general Zhu Huan in the army. Fortunately, the generals in the army tried their best to persuade Zhu Huan to avoid death. , But he beat Sun Ce with twenty army sticks in public, which is extremely miserable." Zhao Fan said slowly.

Bao Long laughed and said: "Sun Ce and Jiang Dong are incompetent, can you blame others?"

"General, what this official meant is that if Zhu Huan secretly wins over Zhu Huan and thinks it should be, wouldn't it be easier to defeat Sun Ce?"

Bao Long was silent for a long time and said, "Premier Zhao, how can Zhu Huan change camp easily if he has followed Sun Ce for many years? If Zhu Huan pretended to take refuge, wouldn't our army be in danger."

Seeing Bao Long thinking of such a far-reaching issue, Zhao Fan smiled and said: "General Bao didn't know something. After Sun Ce hit Zhu Huan's twenty army sticks, he said a lot of bad things about Zhu Huan in public. How to think about it, although Guiyang County is at a disadvantage now, it is an orthodox man. If we can persuade him, why not let Zhu Huan turn to the official."

Bao Long's eyes lit up. When the same thing happened to him, he would also be extremely angry. In any case, Zhu Huan was also a general who had followed Sun Ce for many years. Not to mention the twenty army sticks, Sun Ce also said bad things in public, how not to feel sad, under these circumstances, Zhu Huan's refuge in Guiyang County, it is reasonable.

"Everything is in the words of an adult." Bao Long clasped his fists. This incident also showed Bao Long the horror of the literati. If this kind of wisdom can succeed, the damage to the Jiangdong Army will be much more severe than today's raids. Below, it is even possible to directly defeat Jiangdong Army.

The credit for defeating Jiangdong Army is absolutely huge. Even if Cao Cao supported the little prince to become the emperor of the Han Dynasty, his rewards were indispensable, and Baolong might be able to go to a higher position.

The generals in the army also have their dreams, and Bao Long's dream is to become a majestic general of the big man, not a general in Guiyang County.

The leader of Guiyang County's city seems awe-inspiring, but his actual status is much worse.

That night, Li Bu quietly went to the Jiangdong military camp outside the city and successfully met Zhu Huan who was sighing in the camp.

After seeing the visitor, Zhu Huan reluctantly sat up with the support of the soldiers, and said in a deep voice, "You said you are a fellow of this general, why hasn't this general seen you before?"

Li Bu smiled and said: "The general is high in power, so naturally I can't remember such a small person."

Seeing Li Bu glance at the soldiers beside him, Zhu Huan understood.

After the surrounding soldiers left, Zhu Huan said: "Now can I say it?"

"Don't hide the general, it is the staff of Zhao Fan, the prefect of Guiyang County." Li Bu said in a low voice.

Zhu Huan's complexion changed slightly, and he coldly snorted: "Now that the Jiangdong Army is at war with Guiyang County, when you go to the army at this time, do you want to take refuge in Wuhou?"

"No, although the Jiangdong army is strong, the general is brave, but Wu Hou has a lot of complaints about the general, otherwise he would not beat the general’s stick in public, and said in front of the generals that the general is not. Such characters are not. It's the master of Ming." Li Bu said slowly.

Zhu Huan shouted in a low voice: "The rebels dared to talk nonsense in front of this general. Could it be that the sword in this general's hand is not sharp?"

"The Jiangdong army is strong, but Sun Ce is a small-minded man. Zhao Fan, the prefect of Guiyang County, was appointed by the court. Sun Ce invaded Jingzhou City for no reason. Rebels. If the general is willing to take refuge in the court, why not worry about the general's ability. You can’t get a higher official position.” Li Bu persuaded that he did not worry about the long sword in Zhu Huan's hands. When he stated his purpose, and Zhu Huan did not call the soldiers outside the camp, Li Bu knew the possibility of success in this trip was extremely high. Big.

"Don't talk nonsense here, Wu Hou attaches great importance to a certain person, and a certain person has been following Wu Hou for many years, so how can he provoke you and others because of this little matter?" Zhu Huan said.

Li Bu smiled and said: "Why should the general deceive himself and others here? If Sun Ce pays attention to the general, he would not criticize the general so much in front of the generals. The general has followed Sun Ce for many years. The choice is also."

Zhu Huan fell into silence when he heard the words, and Li Bu saw Zhu Huan's intentions and continued: "Premier Zhao attaches great importance to the generals under his command, and after Shanyang Hou attacked Xiangyang, he supported the little prince Liu Cong to become a sage. What is the strength of Cao Jun. Strong, does the general think that with the soldiers and horses of the Jiangdong Army, he can stop the 100,000 Cao Army?"

For a long time, Zhu Huan gritted his teeth and said: "If this general helps you defeat Jiangdong Army, what kind of benefits will you get?"

When Li Bu heard this, his expression showed a complacent look. As expected, Zhu Huan’s dissatisfaction with Sun Ce had reached a certain level. After Zhu Huan was persuaded, it would be a trivial matter to break the Jiangdong Army. Become famous with credit.

"With the abilities of General Zhu ~, he will definitely be a general in the army when Taishou Zhao is under the command of Zhao Taishou. After Zhao Taishou defeated Jiangdong Army, he has made outstanding achievements and his position will be promoted again. However, the general will not worry about his future glory and wealth. "

"I don't know what plan Zhao Taishou has?" Zhu Huan asked.

Then Li Bu slowly recounted Zhao Fan's plan.

Zhu Huan nodded and said: "Such a strategy will surely defeat the Jiangdong Army."

After Li Bu left, Zhu Huan’s mouth showed a sneer. The injury on his body was real. This was also to deliberately confuse Zhao Fan in the city. As Zhou Yu expected, he learned that Zhu Huan had suffered. After the punishment, he really sent someone to discuss "major issues."

In order to make this matter more real, Zhu Huan didn't even have any psychological preparation when he was attacked by the army stick. After returning to the camp, he received secret news from Zhou Yu.

Naturally, Zhu Huan would not betray the Jiangdong Army just because of Li Bu's few words. The reason why Zhu Huan was beaten with a stick in public was to let Zhao Fan see it.

Three days later, in the middle of the night, there was silence in the Jiangdong Army’s camp. Outside the Jiangdong Army’s camp, there were densely packed Guiyang County defenders, and Baolong led all the cavalry in the army, about five hundred people. Come with it.

Although the Jiangdong Army has 20,000 people, as long as it is unexpected, the Jiangdong Army can be defeated by a combination of inside and outside.

Although the army dispatched this time was only four thousand people, the inside should be combined with the outside. When the Jiangdong army was in chaos, it was the time when the army was successful.

Since Sun Ce led his troops to Guiyang County, his performance was rampant, which made the generals in the city extremely dissatisfied. Besides, the generals led by Sun Ce and Jingzhou Army were enemies in themselves. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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