Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1484: : United Jiangdong

For several days, Yu Fan appeared outside the city. After seeing the scenes of the army outside the city, he had more ideas. The Jiangdong Army might learn from the Chang'an Army’s system, so that the soldiers in the army can deal with the training. At that time, I am more passionate and able to train more actively.

Yu Fan also understands that if you want to truly learn the essence of Lu Bu's army, you need not only the situation, but also the painful price. Just like Lu Bu, he has faced difficulties several times since his rise in Bingzhou. The situation, if it weren’t for Lu Bu to resolve the crisis every time, would Chang’an still have the current situation at this time? The power of the aristocratic family is powerful. When the monarch chooses to oppose the aristocratic family, he must be fully prepared, not only The family under the rule rejects you, as is the case with other families under the rule of the princes, especially when they are attacking the city, the experience is the most profound. With the support of the family, there is a world of difference from the inability to get the support of the family in the city.

Just like Cao Jun without the support of his family, it would take longer to break through Xiangyang.

However, Lu Bu was extremely successful among the princes. Not only did he contain the family, but he also possessed a large number of talents. Not to mention how useful the students from the school were to Lu Bu, they came from Lu Bu's family, but Lu Bu's. Disciple, with this level of relationship, they will be more loyal to Lu Bu, and these disciples will become the backbone of Lu Bu's resistance to the family.

"It seems that we are going to visit the Marquis of Jin again." Yu Fan said, visiting Lu Bu three times in a row, only to see Jia Xu, and between the words, he could feel the hatred of the officials under Lu Bu's rule towards Jiangdong and thought a little bit deeply. Then you can understand the reason.

Lv Bu had a lot of help to Jiangdong. When the princes attacked Dong Zhuo, Sun Jian was in a critical moment. It was Lv Bu who rescued him. When Jiangdong Sun Ce encountered the assassin, it was Lv Bu who helped him. It was only these two games. Ende, Jiangdong people must admit, but when the princes attacked Bingzhou, Jiangdong did not stand with Lu Bu. As the Jiangdong messenger at the time, Yu Fan naturally understood the matter.

The failure of the allied forces of the princes to attack Binzhou is the beginning of the decline of the princes, such as Yuan Shao, disappearing from the princes.

Cao Cao was a person who refused to admit defeat, and had the action to attack Jingzhou. In this battle between princes, no princes were willing to fail and were unwilling to bear failure, because the price of failure was too heavy for them, not only It is to withdraw from the stage of princes' struggle for hegemony, and it is very likely to become a thief in the eyes of others. This is the reason for winning and losing.

Knowing that Yu Fan asked to see him again, Lu Bu still ignored it. Jiang Dong might think that Lu Bu would adopt a strategy of distant and close attack, but he ignored Jiang Dong. Jiang Dong’s behavior was an ungrateful person. For these people, they cannot be given to them at a critical moment. Good face.

"Master, Jiangdong is after all an important force to contain Cao Cao. If the two parties are united in one place, it will be extremely detrimental to Chang'an in the future." Jia Xu reminded.

"Wenhe, Jiangdong and Cao Jun will inevitably have a battle, and what Changan has to do is to recover from the battlefields of Hanzhong and Qingzhou as soon as possible." Lu Bu said.

Jia Xu handed over and said here.

"The lord might as well give Jiang Dong a hint. If Jiang Dong has the confidence, he can use his best against Cao Jun." Guo Jiadao.

Lv Bu laughed after hearing the words: "With Feng Xiao on the sidelines, why not let Cao Jun and Jiang Dong Jun die. The more severe they are damaged, the more beneficial it will be for Chang'an."

After receiving Lu Bu’s hint, Jia Xu’s tone of voice was much better when facing Yu Fan again. After Jiangdong paid a lot of money, Jia Xu even agreed to form an alliance with Jiangdong Army. Originally, after the princes attacked Bingzhou, the princes paid At a certain low price, he became an ally with Lu Bu. At this time, the relationship between this alliance seemed so fragile, and the princes had to carefully maintain this relationship. The Jiangdong Army knew that Lu Bu needed their alliance to contain Cao Cao. However, the Jiangdong Army had a greater need for Lu Bu. Sun Ce didn't want to become someone else's wedding dress after breaking through the four counties of Jingnan. To preserve everything in his hands, he needed not only a strong army, but also the power to deter Cao Cao.

After Yu Fan received Jia Xu's answer, he was overjoyed and said, "In the next generation, Wu Hou thanked the Lord."

Jia Xu said: "This is what the Marquis of Jin said, otherwise the official would dare to do so."

Yu Fan took a deep look at Jia Xu. Jia Xu felt reluctant to speak. However, after many conversations, Yu Fan noticed Jia Xu’s shrewdness, especially when it comes to doing things for others, he doesn’t give others. Leaving the slightest handle, relatively speaking, Lu Bu's Guo Jia seemed a bit wild and unruly when he acted.

"Jiangdong is willing to pay the same price and buy two thousand war horses from Chang'an ~ one thousand steel-making knives." Yu turned.

Jia Xu nodded slightly and said, "This is what it should be."

Chang'an is waiting to be thriving. The busiest person in the city is Mi Zhu, who is in charge of the Chamber of Commerce. Today, the name of the Chamber of Commerce has been changed to Changan Chamber of Commerce. Although many people in the Chamber of Commerce came from Bingzhou, they still need to spend a lot of money. Energy, the princes and merchants in Chang'an need too much.

Especially the war horse has become a hot item. If it is not for a merchant who has a certain Monroe in the city, it is not a simple thing to buy a war horse.

After entering the lobby of the Chang'an Chamber of Commerce, Yu took a look at the scene inside and felt a little surprised. The lobby of the Chamber of Commerce appeared extremely wide. In the lobby, many businessmen were queuing in an orderly manner, although there were quite a few. The businessmen looked anxious, but they were still waiting in the team. In the Chang'an Chamber of Commerce, they must follow the rules, otherwise the only ones who suffer are the businessmen. Don’t think that your status in other places is so prominent. It is useless in Chang'an, unless your identity can alarm the high level of Chang'an, otherwise you will suffer only if you are in the chamber of commerce.

"Dare to ask you, where should I buy war horses and weapons?" Yu Fan asked, arching his hands.

"There are soldiers in the lobby, just find a soldier, just ask." The businessman seemed a little impatient. He was originally in the last position of the team, but now it is even more disturbed. It would be strange if he could have a good tone of voice. NS.

The guards who followed Yu Fan suddenly became a little unhappy. Although it was in Chang'an City, Yu Fan's identity was Jiangdong's messenger, and his status was many times higher than that of these merchants. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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