Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1479: : Cao Cao De Liu Cong

It was mainly when Liu Bei invited Zhuge Liang to go out of the mountain, and Zhuge Liang's performance made Guan Yu dissatisfied. As Liu Bei, he went to see Zhuge Liang again and again.

"The strategy of the military division really caused Cao Jun a heavy loss." Sun Gan praised.

Zhuge Liang smiled and said, "Although our army has lost, it is absolutely impossible for Cao Jun to keep us on the battlefield." Victory gradually returned Zhuge Liang's self-confidence.

The blade armor of the Cao Jun heavy cavalry is definitely a good thing for the soldiers in the army. The Cao Jun heavy cavalry who fell into the pit ushered in the swords and spears of the Jingzhou Army, and then the armors on their bodies and the blades in their hands were taken. Go, even the armor worn by the warhorse hasn't been let go.

Xiahoudun led the heavy cavalry and fled in a hurry. After the Jingzhou army stopped pursuing and killing, he found that the heavy cavalry had damaged nearly 300 people. For the heavy cavalry, it was definitely a heavy loss. The heavy cavalry was Cao Jun. In order to build these heavy cavalry, Xiahou Dun has even imagined the punishment he will be punished after returning to the army, and all this is brought by the Jingzhou army. Don’t think about it. There must be Zhuge Liang's figure. When Cao Ren led the army to attack Xinye, he suffered a lot from the hands of the Jingzhou Army. It is said that it was because of Zhuge Liang's plan at the time.

Among the generals of Cao Jun, Zhuge Liang is the one who must kill.

Without Cao Jun’s obstruction, the Jingzhou Army was able to retreat calmly. However, the food and grass in the city were so tight that there was no time to burn them. Xiangyang City was hoarding a large amount of food and grass. After Cao Jun got it, he could relieve the food and grass to a great extent. pressure.

The sky was twilight, and the city of Xiangyang exuded a faint smell of blood. Although the resistance of the Jingzhou Army in the city was not violent, it still did not stop after Cao Jun broke Xiangyang. The sporadic resistance caused Cao Jun to lose a lot of soldiers and horses.

However, after the invasion of Xiangyang, Cao Jun’s soldiers did not disturb the people of Jingzhou under the strict orders of the soldiers, which relieved the people in the city a lot. Under Zhuge Liang’s deliberate propaganda, the blood debts Cao Jun committed in Xuzhou in the past were even more so. It was known to the people in the city, which also caused them to be extremely afraid of Cao Jun.

The flag of Cao Jun floated on the city of Xiangyang, and soldiers were cleaning up the traces of the war in the city.

After Cao Cao learned that the Jingzhou army general Wang Wei escorted Liu Cong and Cai’s family, he was extremely pleased. Compared with Liu He, Liu Cong was more suitable to become the new emperor at this time. He didn't become an emperor, but died in the hands of Gongsun Zan. There is a huge difference between the identities of the two.

After comforting Liu Cong and the Cai clan, Cao Cao started planning to attack Jiangling. The food and grass in Xiangyang City were sufficient, which made Cao Cao extremely satisfied.

According to the news from meticulous work, Jiangling is hoarding a large amount of grain and grass in Jingzhou. These grains and grass definitely cannot be transferred to Yizhou in a short time. As long as these grains and grass are obtained, it will be enough to make up for the consumption of Cao Jun’s war. Reflected in a moment.

Cao Cao’s promise made the family in the city a lot of relief. For the Jingzhou officials who followed Zhuge Liang to leave, they secretly pityed the Jingzhou officials. Cao Jun would not give up Jiangling easily. This has become inevitable. Following Zhuge Liang, there is only one road to Yizhou. How powerful is the aristocratic family in Yizhou, how can they watch the family power being violated by people from Jingzhou, and Jingzhou officials have no foundation after arriving in Yizhou, Liu Qi is a mediocre emperor, what Liu Bei said? According to words, this is what disappoints Jingzhou officials the most. Following these monarchs, they can't see any hope.

But Cao Cao is different. The most important thing is that at this time Cao Cao has Liu Cong in his hands, and the meaning revealed in Cao Cao’s words is to recognize the affirmation of Liu Cong’s status by the first emperor, which makes Jingzhou officials extremely excited. .

Although Liu Cong was young, he was extremely intelligent, and Cao Cao was strong. If Cao Cao assisted Liu Cong, the revitalization of the Han Dynasty would be very promising.

However, some people of insight do not have such naive ideas. The princes have powerful armies, and they will not be willing to hand over the power in their hands. The most likely thing is to become officials with the power to influence the court. This Under such circumstances, the emperor is still the plaything of the princes and needs to act according to the will of the princes, and what they bring to the princes is righteousness.

For example, Lu Bu, the so-called righteousness of the Han family, is nothing in front of him, because Lu Bu has a tyrannical strength, even if the Han family bows their heads in front of Lu Bu, Lu Bu has already proved him through battles. The tough.

Of course, Cao Cao's attitude is extremely important to the aristocratic family in Jingzhou at this time, and they are also cooperating with Cao Jun's actions to eliminate Liu Bei's remaining forces in the city.

After occupying Cao Cao was full of confidence, but Lu Bu’s attitude was very important to Cao Cao. Otherwise, once Lu Bu followed the persuasion of Sun Ce and Liu Bei and sent troops from Wuguan to Jingzhou, Nanyang could be allowed The county was in turmoil.

After the Jingzhou Army fled all the way back to Jiangling, there was no initial rush in his expression.

On the way, many soldiers left secretly. They could not see any hope after following Zhuge Liang and Guan Yu. They were from Jingzhou and were unwilling to follow Zhuge Liang to Yizhou in the future. Even if Liu Bei had a good reputation in Jingzhou, they couldn’t. Influencing their decision, the homeland is difficult to leave, and the same applies to soldiers. This is also the reason why local soldiers will be recruited in the army under Lu Bu's rule, and soldiers from all over the world will be allowed to return to their locations after they are completely stabilized.

When Zhuge Liang led the army to Jiangling, there were only more than two thousand soldiers under his command. The armor was damaged and the complexion was dark. There was no image of a mighty teacher.

Nanjun prefect Zhang Xian knew that the army had arrived, so he hurried out of the city to greet him. The soldiers and horses of the two sides merged together. There were more than 5,000 people. Jiangling, as the heavy city of Jingzhou, was not weaker than Xiangyang.

Regarding the war in Jingzhou, the soldiers in the army have no hope, unless a strong force can enter Jingzhou and affect the current situation in Jingzhou. It is impossible for Liu Bei to send troops from Yizhou. There is no sign of sending troops in Chang'an. No one can do it anymore. To relieve the crisis in Jiangling, as long as Sun Ce seizes the four counties of Jingnan, he will definitely turn his attention to Jiangling.

Now the Jingzhou Army is the meat on the chopping board, the existence that can be slaughtered by others.

After the news that Xiangyang was breached spread in Jiangling, from officials to the people, everyone was panicked, as if the Cao army would be coming down the city in the next moment. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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