Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1474: : Interrogation

At first, Gao Xiang could still yell at him, but in his mouth there was a piece of rag that he didn't know where he got from, and then he could only hear Gao Xiang's constant low roar, which was absolutely shocking. The two guards outside the carriage secretly increased their vigilance after hearing the movement inside, and they could not offend their commander in the future. This is completely a demon. Listening to Gao Xiang’s voice, you can know what he has suffered. treatment.

When Dianwei removed the rag from Gao Xiang's mouth, Gao Xiang's eyes were red, and big beads of sweat kept slipping down.

"General Gao, would you like to say it? In fact, this general doesn't want you to explain it so quickly. This general still has a lot of methods to try." Dian Wei Yinsi laughed.

Seeing this scene, Ju Yi shuddered for no reason.

Gao Xiang said weakly, "I am willing to say."

"What? You still don't want to say it? It seems that the general's methods are not enough." Dian Wei smiled.

"I'm willing to say!" Gao Xiang roared, exhausting all his strength.

The nearby guards and the Mo Dao Army all cast curious glances, not understanding what happened in the carriage.

After Gao Xiang explained everything, he was temporarily left in the carriage.

After listening to Dianwei’s words, Lu Bu’s expression turned low. It turned out that Gao Xiang had something to do with the Zhang family in the city. Not only that, even the Li family had looked for him in secret. After all, Gao Xiang was the biggest thief in the neighborhood at that time. The Zhang family understands that in order for the family to achieve greater development, a good relationship with Gao Xiang is inevitable. As for providing Gao Xiang with some general trends, as long as you are cautious, there will be no mistakes. To get more things, in comparison, the Li family’s contacts are much less, mainly because the family’s merchants have been looted repeatedly, and the defenders in the city are helpless in the face of these thieves. They can only think of using family means. To solve this matter, who knows that Gao Xiang is totally inadequate, and only after he has enough benefits will Gao Xiang be open.

It's not that the Li family had never thought of telling the Chang'an Mansion about this incident, but after receiving Gao Xiang's secret warning, he put out his thoughts, Gao Xiang's thieves are powerful, and if they anger them, these angers are not the Li family. Can afford.

Gao Xiang's most failed action was when Lu Bu returned to the army without inquiring about the good news in advance. It happened that they made a move, so that the people happened to meet Lu Bu's army. Otherwise, after learning that the army had arrived, how could he easily make a move? , As long as he waits for Lu Bu to leave, he will still be able to go away in Jiuhua Mountain.

Guo Jia led tens of thousands of troops stationed outside the city. The officials in the city hurried out to greet the city. However, Guo Jia ordered the generals under his command to take over the city gate. Therefore, he did not dare to resist Guo Jia's order, and Huayin allowed Zhao Si to see Guo Jia.

After talking for a while, Zhao Si invited Guo Jia to go to the city, but he refused for Guo Jia. Lu Bu's whereabouts were kept secret as much as possible under the rule. After all, Lu Bu's identity was too sensitive, and there were too many people secretly trying to deal with him.

A general quickly walked into the camp and whispered: "Military division, the lord has led the army to the outside of the city."

"Hurry up to meet him." Guo Jia stood up and said.

"Dare to ask the military division, what is this for?" Zhao Si hurriedly asked when he saw Guo Jia's expression.

Guo Jiadao: "The Marquis of Jin will soon be in the army."

Zhao Si was taken aback for a moment, and hurriedly followed behind Guo Jia. His expression became more respectful. No wonder the army has taken control of the city so strictly. It turned out that Lu Bu arrived, but this matter is also reasonable. After all, Lu Bu’s Status and status, after entering the city, it is inevitable that there will be chaos by the Xiaoxiao generation. Thinking of the Xiaoxiao generation, Zhao Si's brows are slightly frowned. There are such Xiaoxiao Xiaoxiao around Huayin. Although there are only three hundred defenders in the field, they are With a not-so-weak fighting capacity, the most common task is to train or assist officials in the government to catch criminals.

However, these thieves were extremely cunning, and they had been dispatched several times to get news in advance and escaped. If these thieves could be wiped out, it would definitely be a great contribution to Huayin Ling.

However, this is also the place where Huayinling is most disturbed. If Lu Bu knows about it, it will definitely arouse Lu Bu's anger. As an official from Jinyang Academy, he still has a certain understanding of Lu Bu.

Zhao Si is definitely an excellent student in the school. However, after taking a post in the locality, he showed a side that was inconsistent with the school. The ability to govern the locality can be said to be competent. However, he has mastered the situation in the city. But there are great shortcomings. There are only two families in the city that have been weakened a lot, the Zhang family and the Li family, which often makes Zhao Si feel a headache.

The other small families also want to get more benefits, and Zhao Si doesn't want to get involved in secret contests.

Zhao Si looked more and more respectful when he saw the team from far and near

"Meet Jin Hou." The crowd saluted in unison.

"Forget it." Lu Bu got off his horse and walked toward the camp, but his expression was a little low.

"I don't know what happened on the way?" Zhao Si asked a general in a low voice.

The general lowered his voice and said: "Jin Marquis encountered thieves and robbed the people."

One sentence made Zhao Si's mood suddenly fall into a low point. Could it be that these thieves were really not open their eyes and appeared at this time, but the fate of these thieves is predictable. When they shot, they could only be counted as Jinhou. Unlucky.

After entering the camp, Lu Bu asked, "Can the city gate be controlled?"

"The lord and the soldiers at the gate are all soldiers in the army. Without the lord's order, no one can leave the city." Guo Jia then introduced: "This is Huayin Ling Zhao Si, who was once a student of Jinyang Academy. "

"Meet your mentor." Zhao Si respectfully saluted, but all the students of Jinyang Academy are Lu Bu's pupils, not just Jinyang, but also in other schools, but at this point, Jinyang Academy It is ahead. Now there are many students in Jinyang Academy. They are officials in other prefectures and counties, and their influence is definitely not comparable to other schools in other places.

Lu Bu coldly snorted, "Why are there robbers near Huayin who are making trouble, and they can't be cleared in time?"

With cold sweat behind Zhao Si, "Teacher, incompetent disciples, sent troops to encircle and suppress thieves many times, all for the sake of thieves."

Hearing Zhao Si’s words, Lu Bu’s expression lightened slightly. He hated the officials who did not act. Zhao Si may have insufficient abilities, but his ability to send soldiers to eliminate these bandits shows that he has worked hard. "How many guards are there in Huayin City? Army?" The online service of the real lady sister will help you find books and chat with you. Please Wechat/Search/Search hot web articles or rdww444 are waiting for you~

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