Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1470: : Road meets thieves

A concrete road from Jiguan to Chang’an was built, which not only made the army more convenient, but also made the merchants in the past feel a lot more comfortable. When the merchants went to do business under Lu Bu’s rule, they felt the most comfortable. The cement road saved the merchants much. The turbulence has also become faster in speed. Of course, business fleets need to pay a certain fee to walk on the cement road, which is used for the maintenance of the cement road. Although this regulation just came out, although the businessmen were dissatisfied. However, after comparing the cement road and the dirt road, they had no complaints and acquiesced to this rule.

Looking at the villages along the way, Lu Bu felt a lot more relaxed. When he broke Chang'an, he might not be able to see people for dozens of miles. The fields on both sides of the road make people look comfortable. This is a stable cure. Under the scene.

Millions of people migrated to Sansuke, and many of them were forced to go to Chang'an. It is impossible for the prefectural government to take care of every citizen's thoughts.

What Lu Bu has to do is to do his best to let the people benefit and let them have a stable life.

The marching army suddenly stopped.

Lu Bu asked with a low expression, "What happened ahead?" When the army was out, the caravan pedestrians wanted to avoid it after seeing it.

After a while, Dianwei rode back.

"Lord, there are people blocking the road ahead, saying that there are bandits nearby, and many villages have been looted." Dian Wei said that his face was a little unsightly.

"There is such a thing?" Lu Bu said, "Let the people come to see the lord."

"Here." Dianwei said with a fist.

After Dian Wei brought the two people who looked hurry and with a little blood on their clothes, they knelt to the ground with a bang, and kept protruding: "I beg the general to be the master of the people of Zhangjiacun." After a while, the two people. His forehead was covered with blood.

Lu Bu motioned to Dianwei to lift the people up. Judging from the looks and behaviors of the two people, it was obvious that they had been robbed. In the land of Sanshou, there were indeed many bandits before, especially during the period when the coalition forces of the princes attacked Bingzhou. The people who traveled from Hanoi to Sansuke were plundered by these thieves. During the occupation of Chang'an by Li Lai and Guo Bang, they were a disaster for the people. Many people were forced by their lives and fell into trouble, and they started the business of strongmen. , Relying on the past pedestrians to make a living, and soon after the state army entered Chang'an, there was the incident of the princes' coalition attacking the state, so that the army could not take action to clean up the bandits.

However, after the princes retired, they cleaned up the thieves in the land of Sanshou. I didn't expect that there were such rampant thieves.

"What happened, tell me in detail!" Lu Bu said solemnly.

"The Caomin was originally the people of Hanoi. Now they are in the Zhangjia Village of Futing, 20 miles south of Huayin County. Recently, a group of strongmen came from Taihua Mountain, robbed their homes, and committed no evil. Now three villages have been looted. Chang and You Jiao were all killed." When one of the people mentioned these bandits, his expression was full of panic.

"Taihua Mountain?" Lu Bu questioned. It is said that Huayin's defenders would not let such bandits be so rampant. "Can you tell Huayin's defenders?"

"General, although Huayin's defenders have come several times, these thieves are extremely cunning and have avoided the defenders many times." Thinking of the tragedy in the village, the people knelt on the ground again and said: "Those thieves have looted not long ago. Will go far, I implore the army to send troops to wipe out these thieves."

Lu Bu said: "General Dian, temporarily place these two men in the army."

"Here." Dian Wei's expression was also a little low.

From this incident, Lu Bu saw the instability of the land of Sansuke. The thieves and the like will certainly not be completely calmed down by the frequent actions of the army. The county says it is not big, and it is not small, if it is. These thieves can easily get the news in advance. The people who migrated from Hanoi and Binzhou are themselves relatively wealthy, and they can get a lot of things after looting.

Lu Bu ordered Guo Jia to lead the army to move forward, leaving two hundred cavalry and two hundred Modao army behind.

After a while, Wang Yue got the order and hurried over. The leader of the shadow guard, who was in charge of the shadow guard and made the princes look distorted, did not dare to be presumptuous to Lu Bu.

"Master." Wang Yue bowed his hand and bowed.

"To investigate the news of the thief in Jiuhua Mountain with all your strength, Benhou will get the news in an hour." Lu Bu said in a low voice.

Wang Yue left in a hurry. Although he didn't know what happened, Wang Yue had some guesses when he saw Lu Bu's expression.

At this time, Lu Bu turned his gaze to Ju Yi and said: "General Ju Yi is willing to follow Ben Hou to destroy the thieves?"

Ju Yi clasped his fist and said: "This is a matter for the subordinates."

Since joining Lv Bu, Ju Yi has still been in charge of the Xiandeng dying soldiers, and received Lu Bu's promise. After returning to Chang'an, all the weapons of the Xiandeng dying soldiers will be forged by a hundred soldiers. The crossbow used will also be replaced with a strong crossbow, which is enough to show that Lu Bu attaches great importance to him.

And Ju Yi's identity was even promoted to a general because of his combat merits. This speed of improvement is definitely very fast in the army.

Although Ju Yi was dissatisfied with this status, through the military system, Ju Yi realized that his own opportunity was coming. Unlike the systems of other vassals, in Lu Bujun, only you have enough ability. If you can get more credit on the battlefield, you don’t have to worry about not being promoted. The more elite the team, the more credit is needed to promote your position. When a general's credit exceeds the nine generals or eight generals, It will be replaced, and this system is a great encouragement to the generals in the army.

Who doesn't want to be the best fighter in the army, it's very simple, you can do it only with credit, as long as you have the ability and ideas, you will get support.

The Xiandeng dead soldier is an elite soldier, and he is invincible on the battlefield. Ju Yi is confident to lead the dead soldier to get more credit on the battlefield. This is better than Yuan Shao's reliance on the personal preference of the monarch to determine the generals in the army. The status should be more inspiring. When he saw this system, Ju Yi realized that his own opportunity had come.

The weapon forged by Hundreds of Steelmaking, after hearing Lu Bu’s words, Ju Yi couldn’t help but marvel at Lu Bu’s courage. Once he had more powerful equipment, he would become even more powerful on the battlefield. exist.

Ordinarily, with Lu Bu’s status and status, when encountering such things, he only needs to send a general to complete it. However, Ju Yi did not expect that Lu Bu would choose to stay in person. This also made Ju Yi understand why the people would treat Lu Bu. So fanatical. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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