Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1464: : Meet the messenger

As the former capital of the Han Dynasty, Chang'an, even though it is dilapidated, is still not comparable to other cities.

At this time, the city of Chang'an was under construction. Naturally, the prisoners who built the city were the prisoners that Lü Bu had obtained since the war. It was not bad for these prisoners to save their lives. Not to mention the construction of the city and roads, and also the money, which made the prisoners overjoyed. The reason why I joined the army was to be able to eat a bite of food and not to starve to death in the troubled times. After becoming a prisoner of Lu Bu, this idea has quietly changed. They have to be more diligent, and then do it under Lu Bu's rule. A common people, this is the consensus of many prisoners, especially after seeing some prisoners who have been released because of good performance and enough time, their original satisfaction has become a higher goal.

Food and clothing are not difficult for these prisoners. They have to live in their own houses, cultivate their own fields, and it is best to have their own home.

Seeing the people who were repairing the city wall, Yu Fan was so energetic that he couldn't help but be puzzled. He stepped forward and asked, "You are responsible for repairing the city. Can you get money every day?"

A prisoner of the Liangzhou Army heard this and said with a smile: "Your Excellency must have come from other places. The city and roads built in Chang'an are all prisoners of the army."

Yu Fan felt even more depressed. Since he was a prisoner, why did he show a shocking scene.

As if seeing the doubts in Yu Fan's heart, the captive said, "Repairing the city will not only provide you with enough food, but also money. As long as you perform well, you will become ordinary people in three years."

Yu Fan nodded, thoughtfully, even the prisoners in the army had such a yearning for life. From this trivial matter, Yu Fan paid more attention to Lu Bu.

The status of captives under the rule of the princes is very low, unless the prince’s army is severely damaged, and the elites are selected from these captives to supplement the army, otherwise, these captives will be the people with the lowest status under the rule.

However, in Chang'an, he saw a different scene. The captives could also become ordinary people. From the mouths of these captives, Yu Fan felt the yearning for a better life. The captives had such an idea, how can he not feel it? strangeness.

Also, the people under Lü Bu's rule basically don't have to worry about the issue of war. Lü Bu has a powerful army, and it is basically Lü Bu who is invading other princes.

The experience in Chang'an City surprised Yu Fan. At the same time, he was even more afraid of Lu Bu's strength. The family hated Lu Bu. However, from the people, he felt his enthusiasm for Lu Bu, especially the people who migrated from Bingzhou to Chang'an. .

Under the rule of other princes, such a large-scale migration is difficult to complete. The task of relocating people is extremely arduous. Many things must be considered, otherwise it is extremely easy to cause turmoil and the homeland is difficult to leave. This is the case. If you can live a stable life, no one is willing to drag your family away from home.

But Lu Bu did it, allowing millions of people to migrate to the land of Sansuke, bringing the vitality of the land of Sansuke.

As for Lu Bu shifting the focus of his rule to Chang'an, within the princes' expectations, they did not expect Lu Bu to be so eager.

Just like Yu Fan, after entering Chang'an, the envoy of Jingzhou Yi Ji and Cao Cao's envoy Manchong were shaken by the vigor that Changan showed. The dilapidated city of Chang'an was rejuvenated in the hands of Lu Bu, and the merchants came and went. Absolutely, it embodies the prosperity that a heavy city should have.

Jia Xu turned his gaze to Pang Tong and smiled: "Shiyuan, now it seems that the princes want the lord to help."

Pang Tong also smiled. In his opinion, it was a pity that he failed to follow Lu Bu in the battle in Qingzhou, but Chang'an City was a waste of time and needed to take care of all aspects.

"Military officers and the three envoys all want to gain an advantage for their respective monarchs, and Chang'an can just benefit from it." Pang Tongdao.

Jushou nodded in agreement. After first learning about Yuan Shaobing’s defeat, Jushou was very depressed. In any case, he was formerly a courtier under Yuan Shao's command. Even Yuan Shao did not have Lv Bu's role in employing personnel. He is a good person, but he still has deep feelings for Yuan Shao, but he quickly came out of this loss. Yuan Shao’s defeat was already doomed. When Yuan Shao drove Lv Bu away from Jizhou, Ju awarded Guessed the ending of Yuan Shao.

Yuan Shao should not provoke Lu Bu when he is not strong enough. If he does not really understand Lu Bu in depth, he will never understand the horror of Lu Bu. Lu Bu relies not on the power of the family but the power of the people. Facts have proved that the power of the people. It is more reliable and more terrifying than the aristocratic family. When the homeland is invaded, these people will rise up and resist. Everyone was moved.

"Then note you will be responsible for receiving Cao Jun's envoy." Jia Xu said: "Jiangdong envoy will be in charge of Shiyuan, and this official is responsible for Jingzhou's envoy."

Jia Xu was the most dissatisfied with Zhuge Liang’s choice that year. In order to get Zhuge Liang to take refuge, he went to Shuijing Villa as Lu Bu and was condemned. After Zhuge Liang came to Bingzhou, he still refused and even tried to embarrass Lu Bu many times. Jingzhou was caught in the current situation, but he thought of Lu Bu. If he didn't let Jingzhou's messenger retreat, how could Jia Xu be reconciled.

As if he had seen Jia Xu's idea of ​​receiving the envoy from Jingzhou, Pang Tong said: "Military strategist, a certain and Kong Ming are old acquaintances, and I hope the strategist can be merciful."

Jia Xu laughed and said: "Shiyuan rest assured that the defeat of Jingzhou has become an inevitable thing. Even if the lord agreed to send troops, I am afraid that Jingzhou will not insist on that time."

Jushou was shocked. Judging from the current situation, although the situation in Jingzhou is critical, Xiangyang’s troops are enough to resist Cao Jun. In Jia Xu’s mouth, Xiangyang is unable to support even Changan’s troops. It can be seen that Jia Xu is definitely in control. What's the news.

When Jushou was in Chang'an, he also experienced Lü Bu's powerful intelligence capabilities. He was able to pervasively deal with the situation of the princes, but at that time Jusui was in contact with the intelligence of the army of the princes. Under the rule of the princes, the situation was no different. Learn more.

"It is a wise move for the scholar Yuan to choose the lord." Jushou said solemnly. He switched from Yuan Shao to Lu Bu. He has a deep understanding of this point. A literati, from another monarch. Pang Tong's betrayal is a stain for the literati, a stain that is difficult to erase for life, Pang Tong is different, Lv Bu is Pang Tong's first lord. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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