Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1429: : Qingzhou Conscription

The heads of the Liang family and the Zhao family, learned that the children of the family had been imprisoned, and hurried to the prefecture to plead for mercy. Compliant.

However, the Patriarch of the two families received an order that Lu Bu did not see anyone.

The Liang family and the Zhao family are not small families in the city, and their methods of inquiring about the news are also extremely powerful. After investigating what happened today, the two were panicked, although they were not involved in the assassination of Lu Bu. Among them, but the people of the two families are suspected of being unable to get rid of them in the restaurant.

The aristocratic family in the city once again became more popular, especially after Lu Bu met the assassin on the street, there were obviously more people who secretly investigated the family. This is only the face, through Du Yu's words, Guo Jia can imagine the city What kind of relationship is there between the aristocratic family and the Yellow Turban, as long as the aristocratic family is strictly investigated, you can get what you want.

Some aristocratic families secretly cursed stupidity, and even chose to shoot at Lu Bu when Qingzhou was just calmed down. In their view, even though Lu Bu's tactics were harsh, there was still an opportunity to take advantage of it. As long as the family members could gain a foothold in the officialdom, the family They will get what they want. As for the fields in the hands of the people, they have ways to recover them.

The army lieutenants who followed Lu Bu were training full of anger. If they were not restrained by the master, they might have taken their troops and horses out of the city to find the Yellow Turban Army. This incident also led to the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army in the future. encounter.

After Huang Zhong, Zhang Xiu and others heard what happened in the city, they were frightened. In the stable situation of Qingzhou, Huang Turban still dared to enter the city. Although it was not their reason, they still felt scared. If Lu Bu had something to do, It is absolutely unfavorable for the current situation. Lu Bu has absolute prestige among the army, and the same is true among the people.

The reason why the army is so strong is because of Lu Bu. The lieutenant officers have such a fanaticism towards Lu Bu, and this kind of thing has also been continued.

The assassination made the aristocratic family cautious and allowed Lu Bu to find a reason to attack the aristocratic family. The tens of thousands of troops in the city were a strong guarantee. As long as any aristocratic family showed a rebellious heart, it would inevitably be the army’s crazy revenge. There is no possibility of being spared.

The aristocratic family seemed to realize that a major event was about to happen, and the performance was very low-key. Many aristocratic families even explicitly ordered the family members not to travel at will.

Within Linzi City, immediately fell into a tense atmosphere, and it was in this tense atmosphere that officials from all over the country rushed to Qingzhou one after another.

Fighting against the aristocratic family, these officials are Lü Bu’s greatest confidence. Although there were flying eagle soldiers and shadow guards secretly investigating the situation, it was these officials who really competed against the aristocratic family. It violated the order of the prefecture and animal husbandry, and there was nothing too much. Anyway, they were able to learn some news in advance and respond in a timely manner. Lu Bu’s move was obviously unexpected by many families, and it would imprison the officialdom and the army. Firm control in the hands is equivalent to holding the family's life gate. Under such circumstances, the family's choice can only be cooperation, and there is no other way.

Of course, families can also choose to contend, but their resistance is bound to be fragile in front of the military.

After the officials from various places arrived in the counties, they immediately began to distribute the fields in the hands of the people.

Allocating fields is definitely a big event for the people of Qingzhou. The reason why they did not listen to the family’s secret instigation and instigation was because of the orders of the prefecture and pastoral mansion. Most of them chose to believe in the prefecture and pastoral mansion. If Lu Bu could not If the Zhou Mufu's orders are implemented, the people in Qingzhou will definitely lose their prestige. However, Lu Bu, who has a heavy soldier in his hand, will do so.

The family of Qingzhou found sadly, but there is no reason why the land in the hands of the family is not immune to Lu Bu’s governance. The most wise way is to sell the fields in time before Lu Bu arrives, so as to avoid the loss of the family. Otherwise, the compensation from the prefecture and herd’s recovery of the fields is a lot of wealth in the eyes of ordinary people, but it is not worth mentioning to the family. If possible, no family is willing to hand over the fields in their hands. The strength of a family is often dependent on the fields owned by the family.

The arrival of Lu Bu changed all of this. The Qingzhou family suddenly understood why the family under the world hated Lu Bu so much, but Lu Bu had such a strong strength, looking at the world’s princes, no one can rival, even the fourth generation and three male heads. Yuan Shao was defeated in the hands of Lu Bu.

Naturally, there are no lack of people in the aristocratic families who rebelled in secret, but these resistances were soon subdued. The strength of the aristocratic family is terrible in the eyes of ordinary people ~ ~ is weak in front of the army.

At this moment, the Qingzhou Army began to conscript, recruiting 40,000 troops, and selecting 20,000 of them to enter the army. This scale and standard were never before, and the conscription had to choose from them, which in the eyes of some people is incredible. Yes, if it is possible, no one wants to join the army. Joining the army means life is in danger.

When the people learned of the various benefits after joining the army, it was impossible to say that they were not moved. After a period of contact, the people of Qingzhou found that the soldiers in the city were not as cruel as they thought they were when they treated the people. It was still very good, so there were more things to inquire about the soldiers in the army.

The soldiers under Lu Bu did encounter such a thing before, but after the governance is completely stabilized, this situation will be greatly reduced.

Prior to this, the generals of the various ministries were obviously well prepared. Besides, every soldier knew their treatment in the army and the treatment of their generals, and there was no need to memorize them by rote.

For a while, the people in Qingzhou were ready to move, and they could get so many benefits after joining the army, and the fighting power of Lu Bu's army was so strong, perhaps it was a good way out. Besides, after more than five years in the army, they could choose to go home. Have more thoughts.

The people of Qingzhou are poor, and many people’s daily lives are also miserable. Especially when Lu Bu led an army to attack Linzi, the city gate was closed, which meant that their way of life was cut off, and if they wanted to live, They can only cooperate with the aristocratic families in the city, or hand over the fields in their hands, or become the servants of the aristocratic families. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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