Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1399: : Winning Hu Chuquan

However, at this point, Yuan Shao has no more choices. As long as he can defeat the enemy, everything in front of him will remain his. If he fails, everything will become a mist, and no one will pity the failed. .

"Yuan Tu strictly investigates the details of the military, and there must be no omissions." Yuan Shao said.

Simpi hurriedly stepped forward after hearing the words: "Master, now is the most critical time for the battle with the enemy. General Ju Yi is a fierce general in the army. It is very strategic to lead the army. Only in the hands can there be more powerful combat effectiveness, the subordinates boldly proposed to let General Ju Yi return to the army."

"Lord, Ju Yi still hasn't been able to find out." Feng Ji glanced at Xin Pi in a puzzled way, and said hurriedly. Before that, Xin Pi had repeatedly shown good wishes. Otherwise, his position in the army would not be so stable. Feng Ji I don't like the feeling that the person who was originally in control is beyond the control.

Guo Tu said: "Lord, as Mr. Xin said, General Ju Yi led the death guard to inflict damage on the enemy's cavalry. If he can entangle the enemy's cavalry, the battle will be more beneficial to us."

Yuan Shao meditated for a moment and said: "Let Ju Yi come to see the lord."

Feng Ji naturally did not dare to violate Yuan Shao’s order. Yuan Shaoken saw Ju Yi, which showed that he had forgiven Ju Yi to a certain extent. Indeed, as Simpi said, the soldiers in the army were unruly and rebellious. The people sent by Feng Ji didn’t say anything at all. Their training was still formulated in accordance with Ju Yi’s among the dead Xiandeng. This made Feng Ji a little helpless, and even the general in charge of the dead Xiandeng changed two people. , Still has no effect, the previous generals used to deal with ordinary soldiers in the army, but it has completely lost its effect among the dead soldiers in Xianden.

At the same time, Feng Ji also understands the role of Ju Yi. For a large army, the existence of such a fierce general as Ju Yi can greatly arouse the fighting spirit of the soldiers. The banner figure in the enemy army is Lu Bu. Through the magnificent military exploits, the subordinates have a cohesive force beyond imagination.

"Master, there are 10,000 cavalrymen in the enemy army. If the two sides fight, these cavalrymen will be extremely troublesome, so we should deal with it as soon as possible." Simpi said.

Yuan Shao, who had been in a better mood, suddenly turned low after hearing Xinpi’s reminder. Although his rewards can improve the fighting spirit of the lieutenant soldiers, there is a big gap between himself and the enemy. That is, in the cavalry, there are vast grasslands and sophisticated horses, and even among the enemy forces there are 6,000 alien cavalry. These cavalry have done what Lu Bu says, and the fighting method of aliens is extremely crazy. Once on the battlefield If you encounter these cavalry, it is definitely not good news for your soldiers.

"Does George have a good strategy to deal with the enemy cavalry?" Yuan Shao turned his gaze to Simpi.

Simpi shook his head and said, "The subordinates are so talented and shallow, they have no strategy to deal with the cavalry."

Not only Simpi, but also put these things on other princes, not only the alien cavalry, at this time, there are also Sunbow Cavalry and Wolf Cavalry on the battlefield, not counting the cavalry in other armies.

Just by gathering these cavalry in one place, you can easily get a 10,000-person cavalry. If a 10,000-person cavalry charge frantically, even if it has 50,000 infantry, it will be difficult to resist.

The confidence that had just increased was lowered again under Simpi's reminder.

"Lord, as the so-called soldiers come to block, water comes to cover, there are now two hundred bed crossbows in the city. If these bed crossbows can be used properly, they will definitely be able to cause serious damage to the enemy's cavalry." Guo Tudao.

Yuan Shao sighed: "Lü Bu has fought on the battlefield for many years. It is not easy to arrange the crossbow in the army under his eyes, and the crossbow among the enemy's army is even more than our army in range."

Seeing that the atmosphere in the tent was a little solemn, he said in a meeting: "Lord, you have a decisive battle with the enemy army. You can wait until our army is ready before making a conclusion."

Yuan Shao nodded knowingly when Feng Ji seemed to have something else to say.

After Xinpi and Guo Tu left, Yuan Shao asked: "Yuan Tu has anything to say, but it doesn't matter."

Feng Ji said: "The subordinates are in charge of contacting the enemy generals who are dissatisfied with Lu Bu on the order of the lord, but now they have gained some gains. If they are used properly, they may be able to contain the enemy's surprise soldiers."

Yuan Shao was happy when he heard the words. The strength of the enemy cavalry was what Yuan Shao worried about the most. After the cavalry was solved, the battle would have a greater chance of winning.

"Hurry up!" Yuan Shao's voice was a little anxious.

Feng Ji lowered his voice and said, "According to the news received by his subordinates, among the enemy generals who are dissatisfied with Lu Bu, Hu Chuquan, the leader of the Huns cavalry, is the most dissatisfied."

"But I learned that Hu Chuquan was loyal to Lv Bu, and he had followed Lv Bu for many years, and made a lot of credit. How could these people easily betray Lv Bu?" Yuan Shao doubted.

"Lord, the reason why Lu Bu was able to get the support of the Huns was because of Lu Bu's promise. At the beginning, Lu Bu promised the city of the Huns. Now, although the Huns live in the city, the power of the city is in the hands of the Han officials. How can people give up? The respect they show to Lu Bu now is because of Lu Bu's strength. If they resist, they can only die, and they can only endure it for a while, and Lu Bu treats these alien cavalry well, when he is charging and fighting. , But the alien cavalry is in front. After the war, the most damaged cavalry is often the alien cavalry." Feng Ji said.

After listening to Feng Ji’s words, Yuan Shao had a clear feeling. As long as he can draw Hu Chuquan into his camp, when fighting, the foreign race headed by Hu Chuquan suddenly betrayed, causing an impact on the enemy. It must be extremely powerful.

"This matter is very important. If Hu Chuquan has any conditions, you can handle it at your discretion." Yuan Shao exhorted.

Yuan Shao was left in the arena again. He did not expect that he was now relying on aliens. He has a huge disadvantage in cavalry. After the war, this will directly affect the victory of a war. The cavalry was added together, but there were only a thousand people. The task of these thousand people was to protect the Chinese army.

The war outside Huguan made Yuan Shao look at him. If he couldn't defeat the enemy with thunder, he would give the enemy a chance, and no one would want to see what he had seized by others.

"Lv Bu ah Lv Bu, if the Lord didn't fight with you at the beginning, what kind of scene is it now?" Yuan Shao murmured. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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