Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1395: : Breaking Linzi (5)

Looking at the densely packed Qingzhou sergeants under the fire, Lu Bu felt a stunned heart. He originally thought that after entering the city, he would be able to defeat the enemy’s barracks as quickly as possible. For the loss, I didn’t expect the enemy to be prepared. First, Zhao Rui led the army to entangle, and then Yuan Tan led the army to come. After a rough judgment, Lu Bu had some understanding of the strength of the defending army. In terms of combat effectiveness, They may not be high, but they are quite large in number. As long as the opponent's general is beheaded, the enemy will be defeated in exchange.

"I am the Marquis of Jin. The army outside the city has entered the city. Those who lay down their swords will ignore the past, kill Yuan Tan's people, and directly promote them to partial generals, rewarding one hundred thousand dollars." Lu Buyun shouted vigorously.

Yuan Tan obviously did not expect that Lu Bu would suddenly come to this hand under such circumstances. From the gazes of the surrounding soldiers, he could feel that Lu Bu's words played a certain role. If it were not for the protection of his own body, These people may have already stepped forward, the partial generals and one hundred thousand dollars, no matter which one they are, they are worth the madness of ordinary soldiers. They have also faintly heard that they want to become a general in the Bingzhou Army. It is extremely difficult. For example, the current powerful generals in the Union State Army are basically in charge of one, with only about three thousand soldiers and horses under his command. As a result, the status of the partial generals is already very high.

"Prepare to meet the enemy, and those who dare to retreat, kill without mercy!" Yuan Tan gritted his teeth and said: "Those who kill Lu Bu will be directly named generals and rewarded with thousands of dollars."

Many soldiers of the Qingzhou Army couldn’t help but take a breath after hearing this last time, especially the tens of millions of dollars, which is very attractive to anyone. Once they get it, even for the rest of their lives. Lying on the bed, there are endless glory and wealth.

The most elite soldiers in the Qingzhou Army naturally knew how powerful Lu Bu was. However, those soldiers who joined the army not long ago learned how powerful Lu Bu is when they talked to each other. They have not really seen it before. They have always been. Somewhat questionable.

Getting closer and closer, the scimitar in the guard's hand has been replaced by a bow and arrow. At a distance of a hundred steps, the arrow flew away. The Qingzhou army general at the forefront fell more than 50 people, and the battlefield suddenly wailed. The sound of the night gave the arrows the best protection, making it difficult for the soldiers of the Qingzhou Army to find the arrows, and they ushered in death.

"Fall the arrow!" Yuan Tan shouted loudly.

There are hundreds of archers in the Five Thousand Qingzhou Army. If these archers exert their usual training strength, they can cause considerable damage to the enemy.

Accompanied by the arrow rain of the Qingzhou Army, even though the personal guards tried their best to avoid, more than 30 people fell down.

However, after a round of arrows, the Qingzhou Army and the guards started a head-on collision.

When the guards began to fight with the Qingzhou Army, the soldiers of the Qingzhou Army understood the terrible place of the enemy army, and it was even more terrifying than they had heard. After tearing it apart, the soldiers in the army only had the power to resist. The battle at the forefront appeared one-sided. Many soldiers of the Qingzhou Army noticed the battle ahead, but they showed tension.

After entangled for a while, Dian Wei led a hundred guards to kill. The battle at the gate made him feel unhappy, especially when he fought the enemy at the gate that was not too wide, his own strength was difficult to be effective. Play.

Lu Bu and Dianwei were in one place, led more than two hundred personal guards, and launched the most violent charge against the Chinese army of the Qingzhou Army. As long as the enemy's Chinese army is defeated, it means that they have won the battle. To win, Yuan Shao is bound to fail.

On the battlefield, where Dianwei and Lu Bu fought, there was a **** storm, and no one wanted to face the two alone.

A very strange scene appeared on the battlefield. It was clear that the Qingzhou Army had 5,000 soldiers. When facing the charge of more than 200 cavalry, they chose to evade. Seeing the cavalry coming, these soldiers were afraid to move more than others. Slowly, dodge in a hurry, and then cause chaos in the army.

Upon receiving the news from the front, Yuan Tan's face was blue. These five thousand troops can be said to be the last support in the city. If the five thousand troops cannot repel the third runner-up, it means that Linzi has been lost from his hands.

"General, it's not good, the East Gate is lost, the enemy has already entered the city!" A general yelled, and he didn't realize what this news meant for the Qingzhou Army at this time. It will be the fuse for the defeat of the Qingzhou Army.

Sure enough, after the news spread in the Qingzhou Army, many soldiers took advantage of the night and chose to escape. The North Gate was breached. It is conceivable that most of the enemy troops will soon enter the city. They are facing the enemy. There is no confidence at the time.

Lu Bu was happy, and the enemy's panic was the best chance to charge.

Looking at each other, Lu Bu and Dianwei once again launched the most violent charge towards the Qingzhou Army, which was much weaker than the resistance they had just encountered.

Yuan Tan pulled the sword to behead the general who was passing the message and shouted: "This person has disturbed the military's mind and has been killed by this general. Today, the East Gate is still in the hands of our army. All the soldiers only need to defeat the cavalry in front of them to save them. Linzi."

Many generals were puzzled when they heard this. In such an emergency situation, how could the generals guarding the gates deceive Yuan Tan on this matter? There is no need for this. From this point of view, Dongmen is indeed lost. There are not a few generals who have such cognition. They can appreciate Yuan Tan’s feelings and cherish their lives. No one wants to die on the battlefield. The change of the owner of the city is not too big for ordinary soldiers. The biggest loss is the generals in the army.

The Qingzhou Army faced the attack of the guards, and there was a looseness in the formation. In the previous battle, the guards had used their powerful combat power to make the soldiers of the Qingzhou Army awe.

After Yuan Tan beheaded three retreating soldiers one after another, the effect was still not great. Under the charge of the enemy cavalry, his soldiers had lost their spirit.

"The guards step forward!" Yuan Tan gritted his teeth. If the guards can't stop these cavalry, he will be completely at a disadvantage. Once the guards can entangle with the enemy cavalry, they will have the same number of advantages. The possibility of winning.

I have to say that Yuan Tan’s calculations are very good, but they are facing the guards under Lu Bu's command. They wield a scimitar constantly, reaping the lives of the soldiers of the Qingzhou Army. Wherever the cavalry goes, they are everywhere. avoid. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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