Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1388: : Siege preparation

"What you need next is accurate information. If you delay Jinhou's major event because of a delay in the information, you must know the consequences." Wang Yue reminded.

Lin Si's heart sighed, "Don't worry, your lord, the subordinates understand how to do it."

If there are people from the city’s family here, I’m sure to be surprised by Lin Si’s attitude towards Wang Yue. Lin Si is also a temporary figure in Linzi City. By virtue of his extraordinary means, Bafang Restaurant can stand out among the many families. Controlling 30% of the Jinjiu business in the city, even if you meet the Patriarch of an ordinary family, he has proud capital.

"In that case, I will leave first." Wang Yue finished his words and walked out of the room.

Lin Si breathed a sigh of relief and made her heart more peaceful. Just like the restaurant in Shouchun, the Bafang restaurant in Linzi has not existed for a short period of time. This has not aroused the suspicion of other families. Otherwise, once the identity is leaked, What followed was an absolute nightmare, and neither the princes nor aristocratic families would allow such strength to exist under their rule.

The mission of these dark sons is to one day be able to really come in handy, not just to provide information for Lu Bu.

After leaving the restaurant, Wang Yue walked around the city and confirmed that no one was following before returning to the inn where he lived.

The reason for walking around the city is to verify the accuracy of the information on the topographic map.

In the evening of the next day, Wang Yue came to Zhang's house.

Although the main power of the Zhang family was transferred to Donglai, there were still family powers. After the main power of the Zhang family left Linzi, they did not suffer too much embarrassment. They will completely offend another family. What they need is to continuously strengthen their own strength, not to kill. The family's counterattack before dying is extremely powerful, and the Zhang family is not weak in Donglai.

Zhang's family advocates that following the secret news from Donglai, they are naturally extremely respectful of Wang Yue. When it comes to the joint rebellion, they quickly negotiated.

Within half a month, Wang Yue's figure appeared among many families in the city. These families all had the intention of taking refuge in Lu Bu, and Wang Yue's mission was to secretly unite the amounts of these families and deal a fatal blow to Yuan Shao. .

The siege is still going on. With the gradual progress of the war, the defenders on the city are still afraid when facing the Thunderbolt, but they don’t have the initial panic, as long as they completely hide behind the female wall. , Basically will not be attacked, but this is not absolute, especially the boulder thrown by the giant thunderbolt, hitting the arrow stack, can directly destroy the arrow stack, the soldiers hiding underneath can be imagined. What kind of end.

Hu Zhao looked down at the enemy army outside the city. He could clearly feel the slight trembling of the city wall under him. Thinking of the command from the Patriarch secretly, Hu Zhao couldn’t calm his heart and opened the city gate to take refuge in Lu Bu. It is a huge opportunity for the Hu family. As long as they are connected with Lu Bu, the Hu family will not be able to survive this turmoil.

Hu Zhao is a general in the army. What he hopes most is to be able to make contributions on the battlefield. Although things in the family are important, his aspirations and ideals have not changed. He wants to achieve a career on the battlefield, which is also a lot. No one is willing to be mediocre what the generals pursue, but they lack an opportunity.

The enemy's offensive outside the city is more fierce than ever, and the Perak car has reached an astonishing 200. This is also the result of the army's craftsmen constantly building the Perak car after the army came to Linzi. At this time, Lu Bu just wanted With the thunderbolt, the abrupt generals' fighting spirit was defeated.

Three days later, Lu Bu received news from the city, with a smile on his face. Some of the aristocratic families in Linzi finally couldn't bear the huge pressure and gradually gave up Yuan Shao. This is the effect brought about by the life and death crisis, the army. Although there was no siege, the Perak’s attack never stopped. What Lu Bu needed was to keep the defenders in the city tight and dare not relax at all.

This also has a lot to do with Lu Bu's record. Looking at the past, Lu Bu has won countless victories on the battlefield. Even though the defenders in the city are roughly equal in number to the enemy outside the city, they still haven't brought them confidence.

"Mi Fang, in the second shift, you led the Mo Dao Army to the east of the city, using fire as the name to attack the city. Your task is to hold the city gate after capturing the city wall to ensure that the army can enter the city." Lu Bu cast his gaze on Mi Fang.

"Here." Mi Fang looked a little excited.

As for Mi Fang's efforts, Lu Bu was also in his eyes. Mi Fang's ability to lead soldiers in battle, coupled with the tyrannical existence of Mo Dao Army, made Mi Fang even more motivated.

"Master, where's the final general?" Seeing that Lu Bu had no more text, Dianwei couldn't bear it.

Lv Bu laughed and said, "General Dian followed Benhou and led his guards into the to end Yuan Shao's control of Qingzhou."

Although somewhat dissatisfied with these appointments, Dian Wei nodded and said yes.

As if seeing Dian Wei’s thoughts, Lu Bu whispered: "What if General Dian stays in Qingzhou after he breaks Qingzhou? Qingzhou has many yellow turban remnants. If Yuan Tan escapes from Linzi, he will be entrenched in other places in Qingzhou. In the future, it will have a significant impact on the stability of Qingzhou."

Dian Wei's eyes flashed, and he shook his head. Although he was warlike, he heard other meanings from Lu Bu's words, that is, after Linzi City was attacked, Lu Bu might leave Qingzhou. It is the leader of the personal guards, how can he leave the lord's side, and will always follow the lord in the end."

Lu Bu smiled bitterly and nodded. Dian Wei is a fierce general. After years of training with Lu Bu, he has made considerable progress in leading the battle. He can completely lead the army to fight. However, Dian Wei is here. On the other hand, there is no other pursuit, and he is only willing to be the leader of personal guards.

At one shift, the number of private soldiers of the Hu family had reached 600 in these three days of quiet operation. This is a private soldier who is about to change the situation in the city. They come from five families, before these five families. Although it was not so harmonious, in front of big enemies like Yuan Tan, they still chose to believe in each other. As long as Lu Bu's army entered the city earlier, their family would not suffer a greater loss. The original five private soldiers were added together. There are a full 2,000 people, but now it has been reduced to 800 people. It can be seen to what extent Yuan Tan's oppression of the family has reached. If this situation develops, even if the family has the intention of rebellion, there is no Has enough strength. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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