Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1386: : Yuan Tan's Plan

"General, guess from his subordinates, but now there may be a family in the city who has secretly sought refuge in Lu Bu and has no choice but to guard against it." Wang Xiu reminded.

Yuan Tan's face changed slightly, and he said coldly: "Shuzhi is responsible for investigating the matter. After confirmation, he does not need to report to the general and kill him directly."

"Here." Wang Xiu arched his hands.

After hearing Yuan Tan’s words, the officials in the venue were shocked for no reason. Yuan Tan had previously felt that they were in a weak position, especially the officials and generals from Jizhou. After all, Yuan Tan and Yuan Shangzhi were Yuan Tan is at a disadvantage in the competition between them, otherwise he would not come to Qingzhou.

However, Yuan Tan at this time gave them the feeling that he was a decisive person.

Among the officials, there is no shortage of family members.

Yuan Tan glanced around at the middleman and slowly said: "Now is the most critical moment in Qingzhou. If any family has taken refuge in the enemy, don’t blame this general for being merciless. Any family, as long as you find out, this general will let you 'S family was destroyed before the enemy attacked the city."

"Subordinates swear to follow the general." The generals in the army took the lead in expressing their views after this. In the past, the generals in the army were always at a disadvantage when facing civilian officials. The enemy attacked the city, but let the army. The status of the generals has been greatly improved. In the past, seeing their arrogant civil officials, this time also showed sufficient etiquette, which made the generals extremely excited.

Under the rule of other princes, the same situation will inevitably exist. Although the position of the generals in the army is important, the civilian officials always behave like superiors when facing them. Although the generals are angry, they are helpless, unless they are under the rule of Lu Bu. The civilian officials did not dare to be so presumptuous, after all, Lu Bu was a military commander.

Seeing this, the other civil servants expressed their opinions.

Yuan Tan smiled. As long as the civilian officers and generals in the city can closely follow him, it will be no problem to block the enemy outside the city.

"According to this general's order, let the aristocratic families in the city gather at the prefecture tonight." Yuan Tan said slowly.

The family members in the field were shocked when they heard this. During this time, the family was ostensibly cooperating with Yuan Tan, but secretly they had some small actions. They did not dare to bet on the fate of the family, whether Yuan Tan could hold Qingzhou or not. Once Lu Bu breaks through Linzi, these families who are very close to Yuan Tan will be unlucky. Under such a mentality, many families secretly send people to the enemy army outside the city, hoping to find opportunities for the family's continued survival.

This is the family. For their own preservation, the monarch is nothing in their eyes. Their previous cooperation is only based on the monarch's ability to bring them enough benefits.

After receiving Yuan Tan’s order, the family in the city naturally did not dare to neglect. No matter how powerful the enemy army outside the city, Yuan Tan is still Linzi’s master. If he can’t pass Yuan Tan’s place, it means that the family will be there at any time. The danger of destruction, Linzi has reached the most critical moment at this time. In order to win, Yuan Tan will definitely do whatever it takes. The scruples of the family in the past have been reduced to the lowest level under the oppression of the powerful enemy outside the city.

After Yuan Tan's warning, seeing the clever side of the family in the city, he felt relieved a lot, especially when many families expressed their willingness to provide private soldiers in the family to the defenders on the spot.

Private soldiers, every family has it. This is already a rule. Of course, this rule is for other princes. It is precisely because the family has private soldiers that the monarch will be more jealous. Once the family is crazy, choose The death of the fish and the breaking of the net are not good for both parties. Under normal circumstances, unless the actions of the family really make the monarch angry, there will not be much disaster, at most, the strength of the family will be somewhat compromised.

Similarly, the strength of private soldiers is also extremely powerful. Private soldiers are not afraid of death when fighting. They will do whatever it takes to order the Patriarch’s orders. This is something ordinary military lieutenants do not have. Private soldiers become crazy. Even if it is an elite army, there is still some trouble facing them.

In terms of cooperation, the private soldiers are much worse, and in terms of madness, they far exceed the lieutenant generals.

Yuan Tan was relieved to get private soldiers from the family. As long as Linzi City is a piece of iron, even if the enemy outside the city is more powerful, it is impossible to break Linzi. Of course, there is a situation that will cause the defenders to lose their lives. , That is the grain and grass. The matter of grain and grass is related to the survival of an army. Without grain and grass, even the elite soldiers will only fail.

After the news of Lu Bu's attack on Gaotang reached Linzi, Yuan Tan gathered grain and grass from various places to Linzi. At this time, the grain and grass in the city were enough for the army for half a year. He did not believe that Lu Bu dared to lead the army on the expedition for half a year.

After the war has reached a certain level, the princes will not let Lu Bu go wild like this. A powerful prince is not in the interests of other princes. Under mutual restraint, the enemy forces are very likely to retreat. This is also the most common in war. It's up Since this year, Lv Bu has not only fought in Hanzhong, but also mobilized troops and horses to attack Yuan Shao, showing a very solid foundation.

After temporarily stabilizing the family in the city, Yuan Tan set his sights on the generals in the army. Today's Qingzhou Army is no longer the elite soldier he led when he entered Qingzhou. In order to break Jizhou, Yuan Shao made sufficient preparations and was the first to bear the brunt. It is the most elite soldiers, more than 80% sent to the battlefield in Jizhou, which also resulted in unavailable teams. At the general level, the defenders in the city are much worse than the army under Lu Bu. From the battle against Lu Bu, No one dares to challenge it.

There is no doubt that military generals worship the strong, and Lu Bu’s performance at this time is definitely the strong one among the strong. After taking refuge in Lu Bu, they can get more things. Looking at the world, Lu Bu’s The strength is already at the top. Only by following such a monarch can they do more. Under the deterrence of the enemy outside the city, the generals will inevitably have more thoughts.

Yuan Tan followed the advice of Wang Xiu and Han Fan and went to the army in person to win over a group of generals who were loyal to him, so that the situation in the army was temporarily stabilized. However, Yuan Tan knew that the most important thing to solve this problem was outside the city. If the enemy troops outside the city never retreat, the promises made today are not attractive to the generals in these troops. As long as they can hold the enemy's pace, Yuan Tan will succeed.

Wang Yue appeared in the Bafang restaurant in Linzi City. Although the enemy was attacking the city outside the city, it still could not stop the demand from the nobles in the city. Under these circumstances, it is still very popular. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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