Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1233: : Changes in the family

"Hmph, if the aristocratic families in Xiapi city are not acquainted, there will be no need to exist after Benhou breaks through Xiapi." Cao Cao said coldly.

Although Cao Cao treated the aristocratic family with lenient means, it was extremely easy for the aristocratic family to be ruined. It was normal for the aristocratic families to squeeze each other out for profit. After the capture of Xia Pi, only a word from Cao Cao was needed. Then, it would make the aristocratic family in Xiapi city unsustainable.

This is also the reason why the aristocratic family sometimes has to consider the strong side.

"Lord, our army is attacking the city one after another. The soldiers are tired and the defense in the army is loose. Beware of the enemy's attack on the camp." Cheng Yu reminded.

Cao Cao smiled and said, "If Zang Ba dared to attack the camp, Benhou would have saved a lot of things."

Since Cao Cao led the troops out of the battle, the defense of the camp has been extremely tight.

Seeing Cao Cao's expression full of confidence, Cheng Yu relaxed a lot. As a counselor, he reminded the monarch at an appropriate time.

In such a siege battle, there are very few strategies that can be achieved, but if Xiapi can be broken, it means that Zang Ba's forces in Xiapi will completely retreat from Xiapi County.

At the second shift, the city gate slowly opened, and Zang Ba led a thousand cavalry soldiers, quietly came outside the city, and under the cover of night, headed towards Cao Junying.

After removing the antlers and entering the camp, Zang Ba's heart suddenly burst. It is said that under this kind of sneak attack, Cao Jun will definitely panic, but after his cavalry enters the camp, the camp is surprisingly quiet.

"Set fire!" Zang Ba ordered.

After a tent was set alight, no soldiers' screams were heard. Zang Ba frowned and the secret path was not good. He was about to order the cavalry to retreat. Suddenly, there was a roar of galloping horses on the left and right sides. When Zang Ba had just left the city, Cao Cao got the news.

With regard to the attack on the camp, Cao Cao has become a lot more cautious since going through the war at Huguan. The soldiers of the various ministries and soldiers usually train, but they came in handy when Zangba attacked the camp. This also caused Zangba. After entering the camp, it was discovered that there were no Cao Jun soldiers in the camp.

At this time, the Cao Jun soldiers had assembled under the orders of the generals.

When Zang Ba sneaked an attack on Cao Jun, it was impossible for Zang Ba to come straight forward. Even the horse's hooves were covered with cotton cloth. During the journey, he was worried that Cao Jun’s secret whistle would discover that he would naturally be cautious. This gave Cao Jun time to prepare. .

"Withdraw!" Seeing that the situation is not good, Zang Ba directly issued the order to withdraw.

In the rear, the figure of Cao Jun's heavy cavalry appeared.

After the heavy cavalry appeared, he did not hesitate to kill the cavalry led by Xiang Ba.

Even though the cavalry under Zang Ba's command was elite, they encountered an ambush in a surprise attack on the enemy's barracks. The shock caused by the cavalry was conceivable, and the heavy cavalry in the Cao army had great power.

Zang Ba led the cavalry to rush from left to right, broke out of the Caojun camp, and returned to the city. After counting the soldiers and horses, he found that half of the cavalry had been damaged, and the morale of the cavalry became extremely low after the defeat.

After Chen Gong listened to Zang Ba’s account of the situation on the battlefield, the secret path was dangerous, and Cao Cao’s ability to withstand him was clear. He was sure that Cao Cao didn’t know that Zang Ba was going to attack tonight. If he knew in advance, Maybe someone has been sent to deceive the gate of the city by disguising as one's own cavalry.

"The general does not need to be discouraged. With the support of the family in the city, two thousand private soldiers are enough to withstand the Cao army for a while." Chen Gong exhorted, after all, this sneak attack was carried out under his leadership.

The news that Zang Ba led the cavalry assaulted Cao's army and lost half of the cavalry. The news spread in the city at an extremely fast speed. The news of this failure caused tremendous turbulence in the army in the city.

At this time, the aristocratic family had one more thought. Through the battle outside Xiapi City, they could see that Zang Ba and Cao Jun still had a big gap. If things go on like this, it will only be Cao Cao who will win in the end. , And they gave Zang Ba too much help when Cao Jun attacked the city. Once Cao Jun entered the city, their families would definitely be unlucky.

However, the things promised to Zang Ba last night are impossible not to be fulfilled, but they can secretly use their hands and feet to send the weak private soldiers in the family to the elite level of the private soldiers.

Five days later, the family in the city could no longer see hope from Zang Ba, and gathered in secret to discuss the matter of offering Xia Pi to Cao Cao.

Zang Ba and Chen Gong did not realize that the actions of the aristocratic family, these aristocratic families had been entrenched in Xiapi for many years, and the methods of their actions were naturally extremely concealed. Besides, the family had handed over most of the private soldiers in their hands, and to a certain extent, they eliminated them. Zang Ba's concerns.

After Cao Cao received the letter from the city, a smile appeared on his face. These families finally couldn't help to tell these families that after Ben Hou entered the city, he would definitely not embarrass the people who have made merits. "Cao Cao said.

"Here!" Xun You's spirits lifted up after hearing the words, and being able to win the support of the family in the city is of great significance to Cao Jun at this time. Only a stable Xuzhou can make Cao Cao stronger under the rule of Cao Cao, such as Yanzhou and Yuzhou. After successive wars, the people suffered serious losses.

Over the years, the war between the princes has never stopped. They fought each other for their own interests, and the demand for soldiers is also increasing day by day. As a far-sighted adviser, Xun You naturally sees the fatigue of the big man at this time.

This kind of fatigue is manifested when the princes are fighting against each other. If the war lasts for many months, it will be unsustainable just by the consumption of food and grass.

If Yuzhou, Yanzhou, and Xuzhou can guarantee stability for a few years, their strengths must be strong, and Xuzhou must be stabilized.

"My lord, after breaking down Xia Pi, Zang Ba still has the East China Sea and Langxie in his hands. Our army is bound to face successive bitter battles." Xun You said.

Cao Cao's eyes lit up, and he asked, "I wonder if Gongda has any good ideas?"

Xun You said: "If Xia Pi is captured by our army, there will be great chaos in the Zang Overlord. At that time, the lord can let the cavalry pretend to be soldiers in the Zang Overlord to attack the East China Sea. At that time, the lord can secretly win over one or two."

Cao Cao stroked his beard, smiled, and nodded: "Just in the words of Gongda, Xia Houyuan was told to come, and Lao Gongda planned this matter."

"The lord can send heavy cavalry to set up ambush here. This is the only place where Zang Ba retreats. At that time, the people in the Zang Ba army are panicked. When they encounter heavy cavalry, they will inevitably be defeated." Xun You pointed to the topographic map.

"Well, with Gongda's assistance, why can't I quell Zang Ba." Cao Cao laughed.

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