Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1178: : Qin Tian kills Qin Chu

The genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Qin Chu sneered, and the long sword was unsheathed at a very fast speed, easily resisting Qin Hao’s assassination of "Qin Hao, Ben The general asked himself whether he treated you badly, and even dared to do such things to this general."

"It is the lord Qin Tian who is loyal to him, not you, and he will die soon." Qin Hao bullied himself with a sword.

As an important person in the Black Ice Tai, Qin Chu's swordsmanship is beyond doubt.

The people of the surrounding Black Ice Platform saw such a huge change suddenly happening in the arena, and looked at each other for a while, but no one came forward to help either side. Although they were Iron Eagle Swordsmen, they were just ordinary assassins before this.

Qin Chu was even better at swordsmanship, and after a while, Qin Hao suffered two hideous sword wounds on his body.

When Qin Tian entered the Qin's Inn, the atmosphere on the scene became a little dignified for a while. The assassins on the first floor were the first to bear the brunt. When they saw Qin Tian appear, their bodies could not stop shaking slightly, and many people even put them away. The long sword in the hand.

"Those who are willing to follow this general will stand behind this general." Qin Tian said coldly.

After seeing Qin Tian, ​​many assassins walked towards Qin Tian's rear without hesitation.

Looking at the remaining dozen or so assassins, Qin Tian's eyes were cold, and the long sword was unsheathed, and he shouted, "Kill without mercy!"

The thirty iron eagle swordsmen who followed Qin Tian got the order without any hesitation, drew their long swords at the fastest speed and slammed into the assassin on the opposite side.

These iron eagle swordsmen were not the iron eagle swordsmen under Qin Chu at this time. All of them were selected after careful selection. Naturally, Qin Tian’s orders were executed without compromise. When Qin Tian was arrested After being captured, these iron eagle swordsmen who were captured at the same time were tortured.

The Iron Eagle Swordsman showed a fierce battle, but in a moment, he killed all the assassins on the first floor of the inn.

When Qin Tian rushed to the second floor, Qin Hao had stopped fighting with Qin Chu, and under the protection of several assassins, he was constantly fighting against Qin Chu's people.

Qin Tian’s position in the Black Ice Platform is far from being achieved by Qin Chu’s win-win. Qin Tian’s prestige has already been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people in the Black Ice Platform. Otherwise, Qin Tian’s words after appearing would not Having caused such a big turmoil in the inn, if the same thing were put on Qin Tian's body, the effect would definitely be completely different.

"Qin Chu, I didn't expect that this general would come out again. At the beginning, this general was captured for the Marquis of Jin, and you re-take the charge of the Black Ice Platform. This general has no opinion. It is just that the General now wants to make the people of the Black Ice Platform better. But you are blocking the way out. Don't blame this general's men for being ruthless. Since this general came out of Jinyang, you haven't spent much time thinking about it." Speaking of this, Qin Tian sneered.

Qin Chu coldly snorted: "Qin Tian, ​​you are the biggest traitor of the Black Ice Platform. Have you forgotten the mission of the Black Ice Platform, but for your own safety, you have taken refuge in Lu Bu. Lord of the ice platform."

"Qin Chu, don't dream of that distant dream, even if you capture Yizhou, what can you do? Do you think that the land of Yizhou can stop the powerful Bianzhou army? Yizhou is the land of abundance, you can see the benefits Wouldn't Jin Hou and Liu Bei see the importance of the state?" Qin Tian said: "Jin Hou is a hero. If the people of the Black Ice Terrace followed Jin Hou, he would have an explanation for the things behind him. This general is not only thinking about himself, but also for the people of the black ice platform. Do many of them really want to be in the black ice platform from the bottom of their hearts? I think you know it too."

The brief conversation between the two made the atmosphere in the arena more dignified. What followed was that more assassins stood on Qin Tian’s side. Qin Tian’s words touched their hearts. They are also humans, and they don’t want to. Always live a life in the dark, always need to worry about being alive is the life of a loved one.

After a while, Qin Tian saw more than 30 assassins still staying beside Qin Chu. He gave an order and the Iron Eagle Swordsman killed him. The long sword in Qin Tian's hand flicked and took Qin Chu straight.

In order to completely control the Black Ice Terrace, Qin Chu must die, and Lu Bu would not allow the Black Ice Terrace to have fish that slip through the net at this time.

The Iron Eagle Swordsman and Qin Tian took action at the same time, setting off a **** storm among more than 30 assassins headed by Qin Chu. Everywhere they passed, the assassins fell to the ground.

Qin Chu snorted coldly, and the long sword in his hand was unsheathed, facing Qin Tian. By now, he had seen that there was no way out. The assassins who had fallen to him turned back after Qin Tian appeared. There was a feeling of frustration, he knew that he could no longer escape, but the pride in his heart did not allow him to turn to Qin Tian.

Even if he died in battle, he would not hesitate.

The two played against each other, and in a blink of an eye, it was more than thirty closes. After all, Qin Chu had consumed a certain amount of strength before, plus his own strength was not as good as Qin Tian. After thirty closes, he had already shown defeat. As for The people of the Black Ice Platform who followed him suffered heavy casualties in the hands of the Iron Eagle Swordsman.

"Qin Chu, you can be considered a temporary figure in the Black Ice Platform. This general allows you to have a decent way to die." Qin Tian said coldly, the situation on the scene has been completely controlled by him, and Qin Chu has no escape. Chance.

Qin Chu said angrily: "Qin Tian, ​​you will regret your choice now. Do you think you can get reused after taking refuge in Jinhou?"

"This matter is not something you need to worry about. Since this general has chosen Jinhou, he is naturally confident." Qin Tian said firmly.

Qin Chu slowly placed the long sword in his hand on his neck, and glanced at Qin Tian bitterly. With a slight force on his wrist, the blood was sprayed, and he fell to the ground, his expressions full of unwillingness, if Qin Tian refused to accept it. If you take refuge in Lu Bu, you will inevitably die of Jinyang, and he is the owner of the Black Ice Terrace. However, the world is fickle. Who would have thought that Qin Tian would turn to Lu Bu, and with Qin Tian’s prestige in the Black Ice Terrace, even Tian has other choices, and there will still be many people following. It can be said that Qin Tian's appearance is the beginning of his defeat.

"The dead will be buried well." Qin Tian sighed. The people who were the same as the Black Ice Platform, but suffered heavy losses in each other's fight.

After conquering the black ice platform, Qin Tian immediately followed Dianwei to Lu Bu's place. At this time, the number of people in Qin Tian's hands had reached two hundred. Without the black ice platform after Qin Chu, it was easy to be conquered, and Qin Tian was the superior. For many years, he understands the worries of the superiors about the powerful subordinates.

After listening to Qin Tian’s narration, Lu Bu nodded slightly and said: “General Qin is able to quell the rebellion in the Black Ice Terrace and re-conquer the Black Ice Terrace. This Houhou is very pleased. However, General Qin still has to be careful that there are The stranger, then General Qin temporarily took charge of the Black Ice Terrace, inquired about the news and assassinated Benhou."

Chapter Six!

(End of this chapter)

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