Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1167: : Remediation 3 assistants

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! The family overlooked that there is an important figure beside Liu Bei, that is Zhuge Liang, with Zhuge Liang on the side making suggestions, the family’s plan is already in place Secretly for Zhuge Liang to see through, the reason why he didn't do it in advance was that he wanted to take the opportunity to eradicate the family who had a disagreement with Liu Bei in the city. The family in Jingzhou needed blood lessons to realize the difficulty of stability.

"This time, it is Kong Ming's contribution to eradicate Zhang Yun and other rebels." Liu Bei said, if Zhuge Liang hadn't made suggestions, he would most likely be defeated by the Jingzhou family.

Even if he got the news in advance, Liu Bei had consumed a lot of energy before the situation in the general stabilized, and only then could he lead his troops to the palace. Otherwise, mere military affairs would be enough to keep Liu Bei busy.

"This is a subordinate matter. The lord was above the court and did not put Zhang Yun to death. It is extremely difficult to subdue Zhang Yun." Zhuge Liang said.

After Cao Bao led his troops into the inner city, the first family to attack was the Zhang family. The Zhang family had a lot of influence in the city of Xiangyang. Only if the Zhang family disappeared from Jingzhou could the family in Jingzhou shake.

After Cao Bao took the shot, how could there be any mercy from his subordinates? The soldiers directly broke into the Cai's house and arbitrarily searched for it. Many soldiers even pulled out the weapons in their hands, causing the dead of Cai's family to run across the wild.

The tragic situation of the Cai family made the Jingzhou family more cautious. Through this incident, they realized the terrifying aspect of Liu Bei. They never thought that Liu Bei, who usually laughed three minutes at a time, would have such a terrifying side, the Cai family In Jingzhou, it was definitely a big family. The servants and private soldiers in the family totaled a thousand people. It was such a powerful family that fell directly into Liu Bei's hands.

"Persuade Zhang Yun to take refuge, I am afraid it will not be easy." Liu Bei muttered.

Zhuge Liang smiled and said: "Zhang Yun is a stupid person. Besides, General Cao Bao did not cause too many killings in the Zhang family. The important figures of the Zhang family are still there. It is natural to persuade Zhang Yun."

"Leave this to Kong Ming." Liu Bei said.

After Zhuge Liang personally took advantage of Ma Xiaozhi, Zhang Yun chose to take refuge in Liu Bei. The main reason was that Zhang Yun could not see much hope in the Cai family. Zhang family could not go to the funeral for the Cai family. For the preservation of the family, in order to be able to With greater deeds, Zhang Yun took refuge in Liu Bei, but it is unknowable whether this refuge is sincere.

Zhang Yun's refuge allowed Liu Bei to take charge of the Jingzhou navy. For a long time, the strength of the Jingzhou navy cannot be ignored. Being able to fight against the Jiangdong navy for many years without losing the slightest is enough to see how powerful the Jingzhou navy is.

After attacking the Cai family, Liu Bei was supported by the Ma family.

The Ma family in Jingzhou, when the Cai family and the Kuai family were strong, could barely be counted as a first-class family in Jingzhou.

The Patriarch of the Ma family at this time was Ma Yu, whose name was Bochang, and the most famous of the Ma family was Ma Liang, who was quite talented in Jingzhou. Although he was young, he had extraordinary insights.

The refuge of Ma family and other families made Liu Bei's position in Jingzhou more stable.

At the same time, Han Xuan saw that the Cai family's affairs were difficult to come by, opened the city gate and chose to surrender. Zhang Fei obeyed Liu Bei's instructions. After entering Changsha County, he did not make trouble for Han Xuan, but sent soldiers to send Han Xuan to Xiangyang.

The failure of the Cai family caused great turmoil to the four counties of Jingnan. The most powerful Han Xuan took refuge in it. It also shocked Liu Du, the prefect of Lingling County and Zhao Fan, the prefect of Guiyang, and asked to surrender. Liu Beihao After a bit of relief, he ordered Guan Yu to lead his troops back.

The turmoil in Jingzhou allowed Liu Bei to further stabilize his strength in Jingzhou. Even the Jingzhou navy was in control of Liu Bei. This situation disappointed Sun Ce, who was preparing to take action during the turmoil in Jingzhou. Sun Ce has been obsessed with it.

After the news of Jingzhou reached Chang'an, Lv Bu sighed in secret. Liu Bei's power in Jingzhou has been formed, and Zhuge Liang played a vital role in this change in Jingzhou. Combined with Zhuge Liang's previous deeds, for a time , Zhuge Liang became famous among the princes.

Jingzhou even took out the things that had attracted Zhuge Liang when Lu Bu visited Shuijing Villa to build momentum for Zhuge Liang.

After Tian Yu and Jusui joined forces, they caused a lot of turmoil among the family in the land of Sansuke. Jusui, who was a little respectful to the family, suddenly changed his face and directly issued an order from Chang'an to take back the land from the family. .

At this time, the officials of the inspectorate and the inspectorate have been flying eagle soldiers in the land of Sansuke for a period of time. They have investigated the noble families and families in the land of Sansuke. For the family who disobeyed the order, Jushou and Tianyu adopted iron-blooded methods. For a time, there was a lot of noise in the family in the land of Sanfu, and even many families chose to leave the land of Sanfu For the departure of the family, Chang'an did not have any embarrassment.

In Lu Bu's eyes, the aristocratic family is always a huge hidden danger. Of course, this is for the situation in Bingzhou, and the aristocratic family may be a great help under the rule of the princes.

The land of Sansuke began to divide the fields vigorously. If at the beginning, Lu Bu’s behavior in Bingzhou shocked the princes, after so many years, they have gradually adapted to Lu Bu’s move, even Jizhou. Lu Bu dared to act like this in the place where the family was strong, let alone the weak Sili family.

At the same time, the Chang'an field built the Recruitment Hall and the Yanwu Hall to recruit talents and military commanders for the three auxiliary land. At the beginning, the Han Emperor was moved to Chang'an by Dong Zhuo, and there were many talents that followed. When they were assisting, they went into hiding, but when Lu Bu was soliciting, many people walked out of the dark.

Lv Bu was terrible in the eyes of the princes and aristocrats. What can not be ignored is Lv Bu's strength. In today's world, only with sufficient strength in his hands can he have more power. Many people have realized that the era of princes' struggle for hegemony has come. If the room goes down like this, sooner or later it will be replaced by the princes, and the person most likely to win the title is Lu Bu, the prince of Jin.

Aristocratic families pursue the interests of the family, but some aristocratic families chase fame. If they can help Lu Bu calm the world, they will get more intangible. These fame cannot be rejected. Under such circumstances, Lu Bu has obtained a lot of talents, which relieved the pressure on talents for the combined state.

Of course, these officials still have to be screened. It would be extremely unfavorable for Chang'an if people from the princes were mixed into the ranks of the officials of the third auxiliary.

After dealing with the affairs at hand, Lu Bu decided to walk around the city of Chang'an and feel the city of Chang'an.

(End of this chapter)

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