Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1164: : The situation in Xiangyang city

A genius remembers the site address in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Dian Wei waved his hand and the guards killed him. Although it was a wooden weapon, he still waved quite vigorously.

The guards led by Dian Wei rushed among Zhao Yun's guard cavalry, killing thousands of guards steadily retreating. Chen Wu relied on the number and elite of the guards, and Dian Wei relied on the strength of the guards.

Dian Wei is best at foot combat, and naturally spares no effort in training personal guards in foot combat.

Dianwei, who takes the lead, is like a killer on the battlefield. No one can stop wherever he goes.

The situation on the battlefield did not go beyond Lu Bu’s expectations. Zhao Yun’s guards were formed soon. How could they be comparable to Lu Bu’s guards in terms of combat effectiveness? Dian Wei’s guards can be described as sweeping. Zhong Zhong is like a sharp spear, easily tearing the formation of Zhao Yun's personal guard.

This kind of battle scene made the onlookers dumbfounded. Since entering the army, they have regarded themselves as the elite of the army, and the brilliant record of the state army has given them great satisfaction, most of which are recruits.

"Zilong, the personal guard is a force that should not be underestimated on the battlefield. Only by being more elite can you achieve greater victory on the battlefield." Lu Bu said.

"At the end, I will have the confidence to train an invincible guard cavalry to reproduce the white horses of the past." Zhao Yun clasped his fists, his tone full of confidence.

This frustration allowed the guards to come out of their previous blind arrogance. How could there be weak guards who were favored by Dian Wei and trained.

Chen Wu's expression lived up to his previous jealousy, and the guards led by Dian Wei gave him a head start, allowing him to see a more powerful army.

"Before the general was offended in words, I hope the general will forgive me." Chen Wu is also a person who can afford to let go.

Dianwei laughed and said: "It's okay, it's okay, and the generals in the state army, but I have a lot of complaints about Laodian."

Dian Wei did not exaggerate this point, especially the most elite presence in the Bingzhou Army. He was absolutely afraid of Dian Wei, not afraid of Dian Wei’s personal force, but was afraid of being beaten by Dian Wei’s personal guards. The personal guards who are often weak in number can achieve hearty victories, so how to prevent the generals in the army from being uncomfortable.

"Zilong, in future training, we must be strict. The army is vital to ensure stability under the rule. There must be no slack. Although the situation in Chang'an has temporarily stabilized, Hanyang has Ma Teng, and Hangu Pass has Cao Jun, there is Jingzhou Army outside Wuguan, we need to be more cautious, and we must not be anxious because of victory." Lu Buyu said earnestly.

Zhao Yun clasped his fists and said yes.

Lu Bu went to Chang'an without any concealment. The princes who followed Jinyang naturally got the news.

At this time, the most worried people were Ma Teng and Liu Bei. The four counties of Jingnan did not obey the orders, which caused the Jingzhou army to be devastated. At this time, the Jingzhou army was also facing this great pressure. Yanzhou Cao Cao supported Liu Cong to become the Han Dynasty. The emperor of Lv Bu is also the same. At this time, Lu Bu rushed to Chang'an with a somewhat intriguing purpose.

In the city of Xiangyang, people in the Cai family’s camp were naturally overjoyed when they learned that Lu Bu had arrived in Chang’an. Originally thought that Lu Bu would let Chang’an’s Bingzhou Army attack Jingzhou and build momentum for Liu Cong. I didn’t expect Lu Bu to be so swift. Go directly to Chang'an.

They didn't know the purpose of Lu Bu's visit to Chang'an, and it did not prevent them from thinking about all this for the better. As long as Lu Bu unswervingly supported Liu Cong, Liu Bei had to think carefully.

The situation in Jingzhou is a bit urgent because of the turmoil in the four counties of Jingnan and Lu Bu's arrival in Chang'an.

"Kong Ming, in your opinion, did Jin Hou go to Chang'an at this time, did he have the heart of plotting Jingzhou?" Liu Bei's tone was full of worry. Lü Bu's style of behavior is unpredictable, and it is often impossible for them. , It may become a fact when it comes to Lu Bu.

Take Lu Bu's seizure of Jizhou. At that time, the Union State Army had just gone through a great battle and suffered serious damage. However, at this time, he resolutely led his troops to attack Jizhou and drove Yuan Shao out of Jizhou.

Zhuge Liang was silent for a moment and said: "Looking at it with Liang, Jin Hou will definitely not attack Jingzhou at this time. Although Chang'an has resisted the previous attack, there are many hidden dangers in the land of Sanshou. Relationship, if you attack Jingzhou, the rear will be unstable, and Chang'an will be aggressively recruiting troops this year. These soldiers have only been trained shortly. Even if Lu Bu can fight well, can he lead these soldiers to attack Jingzhou?"

"The Jin Hou's move was either for the situation in Chang'an, or for the little prince to build momentum, or for the Hanyang Ma Teng."

Liu Bei said: "Even so, Jin Hou appeared in Chang'an at this time, making Jingzhou people's hearts floating. In Xiangyang City, there are not a few who secretly support Liu Cong."

Zhuge Liang raised his brow slightly. The reason why the family of Jingzhou and the four counties of Jingnan did it like this has an inseparable relationship with Liu Biao's previous attitude and the strength of the Cai family, even if Liu Bei took the command of the army. Zhong Daquan did not dare to attack the Cai family in a short period of time. There is the Queen Mother Cai in the palace. Since Liu Bei supports Liu Qi to become the emperor, it is the recognition of the Han family. If you attack the Queen Mother, you can imagine it. What a disturbance in the world, the two forces of the Cai family in the army are intertwined. There are many generals in the army that have a relationship with the Cai family. If the two sides die at this time, it will be extremely unfavorable for Jingzhou.

"The top priority is to pacify the four counties of Jingnan. If the four counties of Jingnan are flat, then the family of Jingzhou will definitely have more thoughts. At that time, the prestige of the lord in the court will be unmatched, and then secretly win over the generals. , Excluding the generals who are close to the Cai family, Jingzhou is also stable." Zhuge Liang said slowly.

Liu Bei nodded in agreement. Although Jingzhou has experienced a lot of wars, during the period when Liu Biao was in charge of Jingzhou, Jingzhou has been greatly developed and possessed a profound foundation. Once Jingzhou is stabilized, it will last a few years. Within that, Liu Bei can train a good soldier.

Zhuge Liang has shown his abilities in a series of incidents, and Liu Bei trusts Zhuge Liang very much, and there are advisers like Shan Fu in the army. As long as he is careful to win the final victory, he is most likely.

"Jingzhou family? Cai's family?" Liu Bei's eyes flashed with an invisible killing intent. Since the start of the army, Liu Bei has suffered many setbacks. Pingyuan, Xuzhou, Jingzhou, and even his family have fallen in Xuzhou, Lu Bu's The rise made him feel a strong crisis. If he can't achieve greater success when he recovers in Bingzhou, he will be in danger in the future, and he will not have his place among the princes.

Chapter 8, the last chapter of today, good night, brothers!

(End of this chapter)

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