Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1139: : Back to Bingzhou

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! "Jizhou is rich in grain and grass. Benhou hopes to see a powerful Jizhou in the future, not a turbulent Jizhou." Lu Bu solemnly said. .

"The humble duty swears to the death to complete the lord's order." Gu Yong saluted.

"Yuan Tan's family is still in Jiangdong. Although Gu's family is not a small family in Jiangdong, there is always enmity between Sun Ce and Benhou." Lu Bu said.

Gu Yong said: "The subordinates will definitely persuade the family to go to Jinyang."

Regardless of whether Lu Bu was really worried about the Gu family or was trying to use his family to contain him, Gu Yong was extremely grateful for Lu Bu's trust. The scholar died for his confidant. Under Lu Bu's rule, he found his own value.

Zhang Yun is a rising star in the Jizhou army. After the rebellion in the Jizhou army, many aristocratic families once believed that Zhang Yun was going to end.

However, Zhang Yun was trusted by Lu Bu again, and now he is in charge of the army. The Euphorbia who originally belonged to Zhang Yun has also returned to Zhang Yun's command. This kind of strength is absolutely powerful in the Jizhou Army, not only that, The generals Gao Lan and Zhu Ling, who originally belonged to the Jizhou army, were also reused by Lu Bu. This way of wooing the generals in the army made the aristocratic family even more unpredictable about Lu Bu's behavior. The army suffered a lot.

Zhang Yun's main contribution in Jizhou was to put down the rebels. After the state army occupied Jizhou, many soldiers fell into the grass and robbed their houses. Zhang Yun led his subordinates and soldiers to make frequent moves and won a victory.

The aristocratic family could see that Gao Lan and Zhu Ling surrendered in desperation, and Gao Lan was originally one of the four pillars of Hebei.

What is even more feared by the family is that the officials from Bingzhou, with the cooperation of the Inspector’s House and the Inspector’s House, and the shadow guards led by Wang Yue, caused turmoil in the officialdom of Jizhou. With the strong support of the army, they did not cause much turmoil. turmoil.

With powerful means, Lu Bu got a lot of things. Especially in Yecheng, all the wealth of the family members who participated in the rebellion belonged to the Zhou Mufu, and the stores of the aristocratic families were also under the name of the Zhou Mufu.

Nowadays, the influence of the State Shepherd House in Jizhou has become greater and greater, and the family has become more cautious in their actions.

Of course, there are not a few aristocratic families that benefit from it, such as the Zhen family and the Xu family. After they set their sights on doing business, they took advantage of the products produced by the Bingzhou craftsman's workshop to collect a lot of money.

The most difficult thing for the aristocratic family is that it is necessary to pay taxes when doing business, and there are special officials who are responsible for interrogation. Once it is discovered that there is a tax evasion by businessmen, the consequences that follow are not what the aristocratic family wants to see. They have no means for Lu Bu. Suspicion.

After Jizhou settled down, Lu Bu led the camp and the Lieyang archers returned to Bingzhou. As for the other troops, they stayed in Jizhou temporarily. Guo Jia also led the Youzhou army back to Youzhou. The army that stayed in Jizhou is enough. Allowing Jizhou to cope with the war will be a great help once the soldiers expropriated from various places are trained successfully. Zhang Liao has become the chief general of the Jizhou army. From a general to a military commander, the speed of the improvement of his status can be imagined.

However, Zhang Liao himself was a general under Lu Bu and had followed Lu Bu for many years.

Zhang Xi also became a deputy general of the Jizhou army, with a prominent position.

When Lu Bu returned to Bingzhou, it was already April.

The princes jointly attacked the Bingzhou, but it made Lu Bu lose the slightest affection for the Han Dynasty. After winning, Lu Bu decided to award the officials and generals under his command, and at the same time changed the system in the army.

Today, the costumes of the princes are roughly the same. When fighting, the soldiers need to distinguish between the enemy and us and make an obvious sign. If the battle is urgent, it is very likely that one's own soldiers will be injured in the hands of Roboze.

The Binzhou army has proved their loyalty to Lu Bu after a series of battles.

After returning to Bingzhou, Lu Budang was about to convene the high-level officials of Bingzhou to discuss the issue of awarding civilian officers and military commanders.

In Dahan, the position of important generals needs to be recognized by the Han family. Even if the princes have no original respect for the Han family, this has not changed. In the face of this situation, the princes could not give the Han family a reward when they rewarded their generals. Please indicate that this will weaken the influence of the monarch in the army to a certain extent. In order to cope with this situation, many generals who have not been named before are widely used among the princes.

Among the generals of the Han Dynasty, the position of the general is the most respected, ranking above the three men, in charge of the world's soldiers and horses, and has absolute influence.

Under the generals, there are generals of Hussars, generals of chariots, and generals of Wei, which are equivalent to the three males. When the Han Dynasty is at peace, the generals’ official positions are compared with civilians, although they are at the same level, but there is a big gap. , However, in today's world, the status of military commanders cannot be ignored, even if the civilian officials are still courteous when they see a general with real power in their hands.

Under General Wei, there were Generals of Sizheng, Sizhen, and Siping. These generals are well-known among Dahan The Han Dynasty has been weak in recent years, and they are not stingy with the rewards of the princes. The original position is important. The generals have reduced the value by a lot.

General Zhonglang and Lieutenant were originally not low in the Han's army. However, with the frequent battles, Lieutenant became low-level generals. However, Lieutenant Lieutenant in the Bingzhou Army had a high status.

In the combined state army, the corps leader is in charge of five people, the leader is in charge of ten people, the team is in charge of 30 people, the chief is in charge of 100 people, the army is in charge of 300 people, the lieutenant is in charge of 500 people, the army is in charge of 1,000 people, and one is in charge. The general is in charge of 3,000 men, of which there are a hundred cavalry. This is the equipment under normal circumstances. In terms of specific duties, the cavalry is higher than the infantry.

According to the merits of soldiers on the battlefield, it is a very complicated matter to determine military merits. It is necessary to make detailed assessments based on the specific performance of the generals on the battlefield. There are not a few strong generals in the state army, and there are many generals with credit. .

This time, Gao Lan and Zhu Ling followed Lu Bu to Bingzhou, in order to learn the system of the Bingzhou army and the methods of training soldiers as soon as possible.

As well-known generals in Jizhou, Gao Lan and Zhu Ling have not weak skills, especially Gao Lan, who is good at leading the battle, Huang Zhong has suffered a lot in his hands.

After arriving in Jinyang for the first time, Zhu Ling and Gao Lan were surprised after seeing the prosperity of Jinyang. Yecheng was prosperous in their eyes, but Jinyang in front of them was not weaker than Yecheng.

The atmosphere in the Union State Army made them feel even more emotional. In the Jizhou Army, unless it is an elite team, when the ordinary army is training, it is more like dealing with the above orders, and the soldiers in the army are spreading. When encountering a war that is beneficial to one's own side, these soldiers may be able to erupt with strong combat effectiveness, and once the war is stalemate, they are most likely to flee.

(End of this chapter)

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