Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1130: : Back to Jizhou

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"Master Xu, it is caused by the lax control of the soldiers in the low-ranking control army, and the low-ranking is also extremely guilty." Zhang Yun said.

Xu You nodded and said, "Tonight, the official is hosting a banquet in the mansion to invite the general. I wonder if the general can appreciate it?"

Xu You has always valued Zhang Xi. Otherwise, he would not pull Zhang Xi when he betrayed Yuan Shao. However, after the Bingzhou Army took control of Jizhou, Zhang Xi did not show his intention to move closer. This made Xu You feel a little bit in his heart. Dissatisfaction, if there is no him, how can there be Zhang Xi now, and now Zhang Xi has encountered setbacks in Jizhou, if he can win his own camp, it will definitely be a great help in the future.

Zhang Xi was silent for a moment, clasping his fists and saying, "Master Xu, you must be busy with the handover of military affairs, and you will go to the mansion to harass you in the future."

Xu You nodded slightly, there was not the slightest displeasure in his expression.

Seeing Zhang Yun's back, Xu You's eyes flashed with a haze, Zhang Yun's choice made him a little confused.

The family members in the city are in danger. As long as they are close to the three families, they are all interrogated. As long as problems are found, they will be temporarily controlled by the Bingzhou Army. The restaurants in the city are also visited by soldiers. .

Yuan Shao, who was rushing to Yecheng with his troops and horses excitedly, met high-ranking officials on the way and explained the course of the matter. Yuan Shao sighed and led the army back to Qingzhou.

I originally thought that the opportunity to take charge of Jizhou again came, but I didn't expect it to be an empty joy.

This move of the Yecheng family had a great impact on the family in Jizhou, even the family in other counties in Jizhou, some people were worried.

On the night of the rebellion in Yecheng, there were riots in four cities in Weijun, but the scale of the turmoil was much smaller than that of Yecheng, and it was quickly settled by the Bingzhou army, and these families were all controlled.

After what happened in Jizhou passed to Jinyang via Kuaima, Lu Bu's expression was full of anger. He asked himself whether he treated Jizhou's aristocratic family badly, but these aristocratic families still thought about the Yuan family, and even broke the net.

"Pass the order, let Jia Xu and Wang Yue come." Lu Bu said solemnly.

Since Jizhou's aristocratic family did not give up, he had to make these aristocratic families pay a heavy price. Originally, he wanted to gradually make Jizhou's aristocratic family accept the policies implemented by Bingzhou now. It seems that he needs to forcefully crack Jizhou's things.

A stable Jizhou is in Lv Bu's interests. What Lv Bu needs is not Jizhou with a powerful family. This has never changed.

After briefly recounting what happened in Jizhou, Jia Xu said: “The Jizhou family wants Yuan Shao to re-incorporate Jizhou.

In Bingzhou for many years, Jia Xu has been deeply influenced by Lu Bu. He is definitely not a good impression on the family. Although Jia Xu is a pivotal figure in Bingzhou, the people of the Jia family are very low-key in Bingzhou.

"Commander Wang, you lead all the shadow guards to Jizhou, secretly explore the fields of the Jizhou family, and pay close attention to the movements of the Jizhou family. If there is any change in the Jizhou family, you don't need to report to the prince, cut first and then play!"

"Here." Wang Yue clasped his fists coldly. From Lu Bu's words, he could feel Lu Bu's anger.

After Wang Yue left, Lu Bu turned his attention to Jia Xu and said: "Wenhe, the matter of Bingzhou, I will leave it to you for the time being. After Jizhou is stabilized, Benhou will return to Bingzhou."

"Here." Jia Xu said with his hands. He knew that if the situation in Jizhou wants to be improved nowadays, it must be guarded by powerful people. If Lv Bu is in Jizhou at this time, even the aristocratic family in Jizhou will not dare to have this. Normal behavior.

Jia Xu has even seen what changes will take place in Jizhou where Lu Bu sits.

Three days later, Lu Bu and Dianwei returned to Jizhou, accompanied by more than fifty officials from the Inspectorate’s Office and the Inspectorate’s Office. Since they are determined to take action against the Jizhou family, there must be sufficient reasons.

After Lu Bu returned to Yecheng, the steadfast army and important officials from Jizhou gathered together.

Looking around everyone, Lu Bu slowly said: "During his return to Bingzhou, he had already learned about what happened in the city. Gu Yong was able to make the correct response at the critical moment to avoid the disaster in Jizhou. In the event of a large-scale rebellion, although the main general Zhang Xi had an inescapable responsibility, he was able to control the Jizhou army in a timely manner. There was a certain amount of credit. Zhang Xi was fined for half a year in order to emulate you and train the Euphorbia."

Zhang Yun stood up, clasped his fists and said, "Thank you Jinhou."

Lv Bu said lightly: "General Zhang is a strong general in the army. Since there are methods to train soldiers, he must show sufficient ability. In the future, there will still be places where he needs to rely on the general."

"The lord has an order, and the general will die without hesitation." Zhang Yun solemnly said. At this time, Lu Bu chose to believe in him, so that Zhang Yun was instantly full of fighting euphorbia was a member of the Jizhou army. Being elite, regaining control of the Euphorbia, is of great significance to Zhang Xi.

Xu You, who secretly looked at Zhang Yun, was a bit regretful. Between a few words, Lu Bu had completely drawn Zhang Yun to his side. If Lu Bu punished Zhang Yun, maybe Zhang Yun would return to his side.

At this time, Xu You also realized that he had underestimated Zhang Yun before. From Zhang Yun's performance, he was an ambitious person. Such characters are unwilling to succumb to others.

"The Liu family, the Zhu family, and the Yao family have committed a rebellion in the city this time. The crime is not to be blamed. The prefectural government immediately dispatched officials to count the properties of the three families. All were executed, and the rest were filled into the ranks of the Xianbei people. Since Jizhou has been destroyed, we must do something for Jizhou."

Although the people in the court heard that they were a little puzzled, they felt sorry for the fate of the three families. Originally, the three families were not weak in Jizhou, but they came to the road of violation with the Bingzhou army.

The ranks of the Xianbei people have naturally been heard of by the family in Jizhou. The existence of these people is to add bricks and tiles to Lu Bu's rule, and the food they get every day can barely survive. It is conceivable. What kind of encounters will people have after joining these teams.

"The current living conditions of the people in Jizhou are very worrying. If you have free time, you can go to Bingzhou to see it. Although Bingzhou does not have the profound background of Jizhou, the people of Bingzhou can live and work in peace and contentment without a day. Worry for three meals."

Xu You's eyes tightened. The meaning behind Lu Bu's remarks was too obvious. It can be seen that the previous actions of the three families have really offended Lu Bu. Regarding the Bingzhou style, the Jizhou family is repulsive and no one wants to. Give up the benefits you get.

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