Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1109: : Gaolan refuge

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Gao Lan sighed: "This general has led his army against the Jinhou many times. If you go to Jinhou, you will be embarrassed." Facing the cruel facts, Gao Lan had already compromised in his heart.

Guo Yuan smiled and said: "General Gao is too worried. Jin Hou is a man of magnanimity. Although the general has suffered a lot from the Bingzhou Army in Lecheng, he has also shown the ability of the general. Under Jin Hou, Surely it can be reused, but I heard that after General Zhang Xun joined the Marquis of Jin, now he is the only leader in the Bingzhou Army. A general who can lead a single in the Bingzhou Army is a very extraordinary figure. ."

Gao Lan's eyes narrowed slightly. He was also one of the four pillars in Hebei. Gao Lan thought he was no worse than Zhang Yun. Unknowingly, he had fallen into Guo Yuan's guidance.

"Send the army to Zhongshui City." Gao Lan said.

From Gao Lan’s tone, Guo Yuan can feel Gao Lan’s determination, and his heart is also a lot easier. No one wants to let his future become elusive. If he follows Gao Lan and continues to confront the Bingzhou Army like this, it will be The real future is elusive. As long as he can make some achievements, no one is willing to sink into it. If he persuades Gao Nan, Guo Yuan has no selfish intentions.

Zhongshui City can only be regarded as a normal city in Hejian. Huang Zhong frowned when he learned that Gao Lan led the army stationed in Zhongshui. He did not understand Gao Lan's intentions. At this time, the Jizhou army could be said to have lost its fighting spirit. , Supposedly will not continue to resist in Jizhou.

The arrival of Guo Yuan made Huang Zhong relieved. He couldn't hide his joy in his expression. The attack on Hejian was full of twists and turns. From the previous battles, it can be seen that Gao Lan was a general with a strong strategy and got such a character. His allegiance was a great help to the Bingzhou Army. Like Zhang Yun, Gao Lan had a strong prestige in the Jizhou Army. With Gao Lan's help, it would be easy to pacify Hejian.

Gao Lan’s conditions were not too excessive, and Huang Zhong agreed. As for the attitude towards the family, it’s not Huang Zhong’s decision, but Lu Bu’s principle is clear, as long as the family is governed Rules, there will be no catastrophe.

Gao Lan’s refuge is not good news for the Zhang family and the Liu family. Although they have lost success, the two families still have a strong influence in Hejian. Otherwise, for so many years, Yecheng’s aristocratic family would not be so many years old. It is difficult to intervene in Hejian things.

However, Gao Lan's attitude played a vital role in Hejian at this time, and they could only choose to follow Gao Lan to join the Union State Army.

The Zhang family and the Liu family hesitate to take refuge in Lu Bu. The matter of joining the state and the Youzhou family is no longer a secret among the Jizhou family. However, the situation in Jizhou today does not give them much time to think, even if Huang Zhong doesn't have the strength to attack the cities in Hejian, but Hejian is close to Youzhou. With only Lu Bu's order, Youzhou's army can enter the river. The consequence of resistance will definitely be wiped out. After taking refuge, it may be possible to save it. After all, in Yecheng, many aristocratic families have taken refuge in Lu Bu. Once people have hope, they will not choose to go the other way.

The news of Hejian's peace soon reached Yecheng, and Lu Bu was overjoyed.

Guo Jiadao: "Lord, now although the counties and counties in Jizhou have already taken refuge, the strength of the Jizhou family is the most important thing to ignore. When Yuan Shao ruled Jizhou, he treated the family with caution."

Lv Bu nodded and said: "The situation in Jizhou is naturally understood by Benhou. As the prefecture and county of the great Han and wealthy, Jizhou has many powerful families, but Benhou is confident that after a few years, in Jizhou, it will become like a state in Jizhou. Generally stable, Ben Hou is not Yuan Shao. What he dares not to do does not mean that Ben Hou dare not. As long as these people dare to oppose Zhou Mufu, Ben Hou will not be soft."

"The lord's remarks must not be known to the family in Jizhou that these people can do anything for the benefit of the family. The reason why this is so quiet now is because the lord did not take action against the family." Guo Jiadao .

Lu Bu said: "Fengxiao rest assured, Benhou still knows this point. If Jizhou is captured by Benhou, then Yuan Shao has become the end of the force."

Guo Jia was able to feel the joy in Lu Bu’s tone. Not only Lu Bu, breaking Yuan Shao was also a huge encouragement to Lu Bu’s civil servants and generals. Who is Yuan Shao, who is the most famous among the princes, and his strength is also great. Not to be underestimated.

At this moment, Dianwei heard the news of Zhen Yao's request.

Lü Bu frowned slightly. When he was in Bingzhou, the Zhen family put him together and asked him to agree to his marriage with the Zhen family. Not many people knew about this matter in Bingzhou, even Guo who was in Youzhou at the time. Jia didn't know.

"My lord, the Zhen family's secret refuge in Bingzhou this time has played a vital role." Guo Jia reminded that he thought that Lu Bu had any dissatisfaction with the Zhen Zhen family was attacking Huguan by the Allied Forces of the lords. I have taken refuge in Bingzhou before, and it can be said that he is a great contributor to Bingzhou. The Zhen family can still support Bingzhou at a critical moment, which shows its determination.

With a long sigh, Lu Bu recounted what had happened in Jinyang.

Guo Jia laughed and said: "The lord, my subordinates have heard that the female of the Zhen family is beautiful and beautiful, and even many aristocratic families expressed their willingness to make peace with the lord, but it is a step earlier if you don't want the lord, haha... ."

"Humph, Feng Xiao is also here to make fun of Benhou, if it weren't for Wenhe's intentional saying, how could Benhou agree?" Lu Bu said.

"The lord is a hero. Besides, after marrying the Zhen family, he will definitely be able to make Jizhou more stable. It also conveys goodwill to the Jizhou family. The family with floating hearts will also stop a lot because of this matter, and even will Moving closer to the Zhen family is a good thing for the lord, not to mention the lord’s embrace of the beauty." Guo Jia chuckles. In front of Lu Bu, he is not as cautious as other officials.

Lu Bu patted Guo Jia on the shoulder and sighed: "I didn't expect Feng Xiao to be a general cognition with Wenhe. It seems that Benhou will go to meet the people of the Zhen family for a while."

"Lord, when the time comes, his subordinates are willing to go to Zhen's house with General Dianwei to propose marriage." Guo Jiadao.

Dian Wei immediately showed excitement, how could such a lively thing be without him.

"Let Zhen Yao come in." Lu Bu said.

The meeting with Zhen Yao was in the study room of Yuan Shao in the Zhou Mufu. I have to say that Yuan Shao, as the lord of Jizhou, has a lot of books in his collection. Most of them are books produced in Bingzhou. This has become a trend in the world. After all, there are books printed on paper, which are many times lighter than the previous books. Whether it is normal flipping or transportation, they are much simpler, and they are highly sought after by the upper class.

(End of this chapter)

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