Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1107: : The army enters the city

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At this time, although there were only more than four hundred euphorbias, they were a force that could not be ignored in the city.

Yu Hu appeared among the Eucalyptus soldiers. Although it was seen by many soldiers of the Jizhou Army, it did not lead to suspicion. Gao Lan secretly imprisoned Yu Hu, and he would definitely not tell the soldiers of the Jizhou Army that he knew about it. Only a handful of people.

More than 400 euphorbia soldiers, led by Yu Hu, walked out of the camp and headed towards the north of the city. The soldiers in the Jizhou army naturally did not dare to stop the euphorbia soldiers, but the generals who were celebrating the victory in the army felt that they did not. Wonder, the sudden departure of the Euphorbias made them feel uneasy. Gao Lan's previous order was to let them stare at the Euphorbias.

Euphorbias have a high status in the Jizhou army. Ordinary patrol soldiers do not dare to come forward easily when they see them as Euphorbias. They know that any one of the Euphorbias is not easy to provoke. If there is a conflict, they will only be unlucky in the end.

Among the foot soldiers of the Jizhou army, the dead soldiers and euphorbia soldiers cannot be offended.

At this time Gao Lan was having a banquet with the Zhang family and the Liu family in the mansion. This victory made Gao Lan relax a lot. If the Bingzhou Army did not send reinforcements, there would be no danger in Hejian. From Ye According to the information from the city, the number of the Union State Army in Yecheng was not large, and the possibility of supporting Hejian was unlikely.

Gao Lan didn't want to control Hejian. If he could hold Qinghe in his hands, his strength would be even stronger, and he would have the capital to fight against Lu Bu.

Gao Lan, who was in the imagination, suddenly got the news that Yu Hu was leading the Euphorbia to the north gate. The wine cup in his hand fell to the ground and he shot the case and said: "A group of waste, the cavalry, and the chase. Euphorbia, the guards at the north gate have no orders.

From Gao Lan's angry expression, Liu Chang felt a strong anxiety. He knew something about the Euphorbia, and the reason why Gao Lan did it at the beginning was because of Zhang Qian's persuasion.

Gao Lan's expression was a bit low. Yu Hu led the Euphorbia to the north gate at this time. The intention was obvious. Zhang Yun was the leader of the Euphorbia. Gao Lan could feel the enthusiasm of the Euphorbia for Zhang Yun. , You don’t even need Zhang Yun to lead the troops to Hejian, just let them get an order from Zhang Yun.

"Everyone, I'm missing." Gao Lan got up and left with a fist.

The court fell silent for a while, and Zhang Qian's expression changed slightly and said to Liu Chang in a low voice: "Get home quickly. If the Euphorbia decides to join the Bingzhou Army, it will be in danger."

Just as Gao Lan was worried, the Euphorbia sergeant approached the North Gate at an extremely fast speed, and encountered no obstacles along the way.

The defenders of the North Gate have received the news from the army at this time. Their task at this time is to block the shadow of the euphorbia, the famous tree of people, and the power of the euphorbia is in the Jizhou army. Knowing that, otherwise, the Euphorbia would not stop the wolf riding for such a long time.

"Who is in front and why is it near the North Gate." The city gate general stepped forward and asked with courage.

Yu Hu coldly snorted: "This general is Yu Hu, the deputy commander of the Euphorbia, and he is ordered by the general to go outside the city to kill the enemy!"

"By the order of which general, do you have a token of the general?" The general asked in silence for a moment, with cold sweat on his palms. The most important thing for him at present is to hold the Euphorbia. Although there are five hundred defenders at the north gate, It is very difficult to stop the Euphorbias. The best hope is to wait for the reinforcements in the city to arrive.

"On the order of which general, I don't need to tell you." Yu Hu said dissatisfied.

He Kang, who was hidden among the Euphorbias, whispered: "General Yu, this person is delaying time. I think he has received an order from Gao Lan."

Yu Hu looked at the general's eyes with a sharp look, raised the halberd in his hand, and shouted, "Out of the city!"

When more than 400 euphorbia soldiers approached the city gate in neat steps, they caused a lot of panic at the city gate. No matter whether the euphorbia soldiers were swords or armor, they were not comparable to ordinary soldiers. There is a strong presence on the battlefield.

Euphorbias kept advancing, while generals kept retreating.

Finally, the general couldn't bear the pressure brought by the Euphorbia, and shouted: "General Yu, if you are waiting for the city to leave the city, I hope that the general will not be an ugly soldier guarding the city gate."

A smile appeared on Yu Hu's face, "If your Excellency is willing to follow this general to join General Zhang Xun, this general will protect you from worrying about your lives."

"Okay, I will finally agree." After trying to understand the joints, the general replied.

After the other soldiers got the command of the general, they scattered a path. They didn't want to be an enemy of the Euphorbia.

The city gate was slowly opened under the command of the general.

Outside the north gate, Zhang Yan, who received news from He Kang’s order, led the wolf ride and waited quietly outside the north Seeing that the north gate in the dark opened slowly, Zhang Yan didn’t. With the slightest hesitation, the wolf rode towards the city with an order.

The wolf cavalry soldier’s heart can show that there is a wave of anger. He suffered a lot from the Jizhou army before. This incident made the wolf cavalry extraordinarily angry. The Jizhou army, which was defeated by them in the past, was actually given to them. Putting a line, all they have to do is to enter the city and teach the Jizhou army a severe lesson.

At the gate, there was only a road for the four cavalry to drive together. Through the fire, you can see the densely packed Jizhou army soldiers on both sides of the gate. They have bright knives and guns in their hands. This kind of thing is for the courage of the wolf rider. Said it is also a great test.

The victory of the Jizhou Army last night has quietly put away their contempt.

Although Zhang Yan's expression was slightly surprised, he didn't hesitate too much. As long as the city gate was occupied and more Union State troops entered the city, Gao Lan wouldn't be able to call the shots.

"Yu Hu, deputy commander of the Euphorbia, obey the orders of General Huang Zhong." Yu Hu stepped forward and shouted.

Zhang Yan understood the reason why these Jizhou troops were waiting here. He had heard of the name of Jizhou Euphorbias. Back then, the Montenegrin Army had suffered a lot from the hands of the Euphorbia. After encountering the Euphorbia, it was also a scene of defeat.

Zhang Yan replied with a salute on horseback: "General Huang Zhong leads the troops in the rear, and he will arrive later."

After speaking, Zhang Yan no longer hesitated, and led the wolf to ride away.

As soon as he entered the city, Zhang Yan encountered the first batch of enemies, the cavalry of the Jizhou Army. After receiving Gao Lan's order, Guo Yuan hurriedly ordered the cavalry to kill to the north gate, but it was one step too late.

"General, the cavalry in front seems to be the wolf cavalry of the Union State Army." A general was shining a faint flame, but he noticed the oncoming cavalry's banner.

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