Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1092: : Po Ye City (middle)

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Even if the Jizhou Army defended Yecheng in the end, what will happen to other places in Jizhou, and now the Bingzhou Army and Youzhou Army are outside the city, but When they learn that there is no hope of breaking the city, what kind of damage will be caused in the hinterland of Jizhou.

After this battle, the generals of the Jizhou army talked about the discoloration of the enemy outside the city. The aggressiveness of the soldiers was crushed by the Bingzhou army. There is no fighting power at all. A powerful monarch will bring them to the civilian officers and generals under his command. More things.

The strength demonstrated by the Binzhou Army is enough to make many generals yearn for.

It was late at night, but the Jizhou army on the east city was in a state of tension, because the Bingzhou army did not give up its attack on Yecheng because night fell. This Jizhou army has become accustomed to this matter for more than a month, but in general When it is the turn of the troops stationed in the east of the city, they must be careful to guard against the offensive of the Bingzhou Army.

From the previous battles of the Union State Army, it can be seen that even at night, the defenders cannot relax their vigilance.

At a shift, the Thunderbolt outside the city suddenly stopped its attack on Yecheng, which left the defenders at the head of the city at a loss.

However, Zhang Xi appeared in the city at this moment and shouted: "Send orders to the generals of the various ministries to come to this general to discuss matters."

The generals did not dare to neglect Zhang Xun's orders. At this time Zhang Xun had a high prestige in the army, even though the soldiers stationed in the east of the city were not under Zhang Xun's direct management.

Glancing at the generals approaching, Zhang Yun said slowly: "The Bingzhou Army suddenly stopped attacking the city, I don't know what you think?"

When the generals below heard the words, he talked all of a sudden and became a general, and he understood some principles.

A general looked suspiciously at the guards who suddenly appeared. These guards quietly approached the room where the generals were when Zhang Xi was discussing important matters in the army with the generals.

"General Zhang, who are these soldiers?" a general pointed to the soldier outside the door in surprise.

A smile appeared on Zhang Xi's face, and he said in a low voice: "Now the situation in the city is extremely unfavorable to our army, and the Binzhou Army is a division of benevolence and righteousness. This general has already decided to join Jinhou. It's up to you to decide."

"General Zhang, how can Yehou trust you? How can you do such a treachery." The general just then said angrily, and immediately winked at the surrounding generals.

The Bingzhou Army attacked the city. Although the people's hearts in the city were floating, there were naturally many supporters of Yuan Shao in the army.

Seeing several generals approaching in his own direction, Zhang Xi coldly snorted: "If you are willing to follow this general to join the Marquis of Jin, and join the Bingzhou Army, you will still retain your current status. First place."

The generals in the court felt a chill when he heard the words. Zhang Yun said these words at this critical moment, and he had obviously made up his mind to take refuge in Lu Bu.

In the face of the choice of life and death, more people will still choose to survive, following the just-in-chief general and preparing to behead Zhang Yun. After all, there are only a few people. The generals eradicated.

Pressing the right hand on the sabre, the sabre hanging around his waist was unsheathed, and a Jizhou army general who was slightly forward did not react, and he went down. The struggling body further deepened the Jizhou army general. Of fear.

"Kill Zhang Xi."

After a loud shout, there were very few generals who followed. It is undeniable that Zhang Xi’s prestige in the Jizhou army at this time is not comparable to this general. Besides, Zhang Xi is not a stupid person. Ready to prepare.

The resistance of the generals of the Jizhou army was weak in Zhang Yun's eyes, and Zhang Yun beheaded them all.

In the face of Zhang Xi’s power, many generals once again chose to be silent. Zhang Xi’s martial arts is not weak, even if it is not much worse than Yan Liang and Wen Chou, but there are Yan Liang and Wen Chou in the Jizhou Army, which makes Zhang Jai’s The sense of existence has been greatly weakened, and now there are no Yan Liang and Wen Chou in the Jizhou Army. Gao Lan led his troops to retreat to the Hejian. Who in the Jizhou Army can be compared with Zhang Jai.

"Willing to follow General Zhang." A general hurriedly agreed. He knew that if Zhang Jaw could not be satisfied, it would be difficult to get out of this house.

Other generals all agreed, but it is unknown whether they really support Zhang Xi deep down.

Zhang Yun squinted his eyes and looked at the generals on the scene for a moment and said: "Since you have chosen to join the Marquis of Jin, this is the general's robe, you will stay in the room later, and talk about it after the Bingzhou Army enters the city."

Many generals who wanted to sabotage Zhang Yun's conspiracy after leaving the room lowered their heads. Zhang Yun's move was obviously to account for these generals.

The generals of the various ministries were imprisoned in the room. Facing Zhang Xi's order, the soldiers guarding the city gate hesitated for a while, and then opened the city gate.

Outside the city, Dianwei led Feiqi quietly waiting for the moment when the city gate opened.

Seeing that the gate of the east city really opened as Lu Bu Dian Wei did not hesitate at all, leading the flying cavalry towards the city, the rumbling iron cavalry made the city's defenders panic, but With Zhang Xi in the army, and the soldiers in all ministries lacking generals, no one dared to question him.

Not long after Feiqi entered the city, Huang Zhong led Lieyang Archers into the city, followed by Gaoshun's camp, and Chen Dao's strong crossbowmen.

At this time, there were many Jizhou troops in Yecheng. Even after entering the city, there will be fierce battles. This is also the consequence of the inferior number of the Union State Army and Youzhou Army. However, it is already possible to break through the outer city. And the state generals were unexpected.

Yecheng is the most important place in Jizhou. If Yecheng can be broken, the rest will be much simpler. Originally, Jizhou was in turmoil under the power of the Bingzhou Army and Youzhou Army. Yecheng became Jizhou at this time. With the spiritual support of officials everywhere, if Yecheng exists, they can continue to support Yuan Shao with confidence. If Yecheng is lost, it will be another scene.

After the Bingzhou Army entered the city, he immediately took over the control of the city gate. Zhang Xi was very cooperative, and now that he has no retreat, the best choice is to continue with Lu Bu.

Dianwei led Feiqi towards the north gate of the inner city. Only when the inner city was breached would Yecheng belong to the Bingzhou Army in a true sense.

A team of Bianzhou troops entered the city from the east gate. Their goal was to quickly occupy the outer city and firmly control the control of the outer city. Otherwise, once the Jizhou army resisted at a critical moment, they would attack the inner city. The Union State Army will be in danger.

Lu Bu met Zhang Yun when his army finally entered the city. For this military commander who has a not weak reputation in history, Lu Bu is naturally happy. As the land under his control grows larger, the more capable generals are needed.

(End of this chapter)

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