Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1073: : The Might of the Wolf Rider (Part 1)

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Gao Lan coldly hummed: "Zang Hong, and now this general is the main general in the army. To help Wei Jun, this general has his own plan. If the lord is held accountable in the future, this general will bear it."

Seeing Gao Lan's anger, Zang Hong said goodbye and left, but he was a little dissatisfied with Gao Lan. The way Gao Lan marched in the war seemed to Zang Hong to be too conservative.

What can you do with the elite of the Youzhou Army? If he were the main general in Yecheng, he would not allow Youzhou Army to be so arrogant outside the city. However, Yuan Shao valued Gaolan very much. Dare to tear his face with Gao Lan at this time.

Zang Hong has been longing for the name of Hebei Sitingzhu for a long time. Since Wen Chou died in battle, the Sitingzhu has been missing. This has made many Jizhou army generals secretly active and can become the backbone of the army. Existence can enhance its influence in Jizhou.

Ru Yanliang, despite repeated defeats against the Union State Army, is still trusted by Yuan Shao. This is the difference between ordinary generals and top generals, and the same benefits will be huge.

The promotion of one's position is followed by various benefits. After having power in the army, it means that they can control the destiny of more soldiers. If they want to have greater achievements, they must pay corresponding things. The situation is not uncommon in the Jizhou army.

The closer you get to Wei Jun, the more disturbed Gao Lan's heart is.

"Can the scout find anything?" Gao Lan asked in a low voice.

"General, the scout did not find a trace of the enemy on the battlefield." The general in charge of the scout in the army replied truthfully.

Gao Lan said: "The scouts in the messenger army must not relax their vigilance. Once they find the enemy army, they don't need to entangle and inform the army as quickly as possible."

"Here." The general clasped his fists.

After Gao Lan left, there was no respect for the general's expression. When an ordinary soldier measured a general, it was more often based on the general's combat effectiveness. If there is no strong martial arts, it is very It is difficult to truly convince the soldiers in the army.

For this, Gao Lan naturally saw it, but as long as he could smoothly get rid of Youzhou Army in this battle and alleviate the power of Yecheng, he would be the hero of Jizhou.

A Jizhou army scout galloped along the road. After taking a strategic look at the surrounding situation, the cavalry did not stop at the slightest. As a scout of the army, it was extremely hard, especially after following the cautious general Gao Lan. There are even more cases where scouts are needed, and Gao Lan often asks about the situation on the battlefield.

At this moment, the sound of crossbow arrows rang out in the grass beside the road. The scout did not react, and fell from the horse, causing dust and smoke.

"Chen Heizi, how about it? This is the second enemy scout who has already been killed. You want to compare with Laozi, but you are a little bit worse." He looked triumphantly toward the dark-looking army chief Chen Weidao. .

Chen Wei is a member of the wolf rider, but Chen Wei joined the wolf rider not long ago, perhaps because of the wealthier family. Chen Wei is more bloated than the others in size. Originally, for this class of soldiers, he was not in the same state. The army will not accept it. If the body is too bloated, it will greatly affect the coordination of the body. As a cavalry, what he wants is not how great his own strength is, but the control of the horse under him.

Since joining the army, Chen Wei has become like a human being, and even more taciturn. Even after the training, he can be seen on the training ground. What he has paid is a generous return. Today, Chen Wei Wei has become a great leader among wolf riders. This result surprised the soldiers who had trained with Chen Wei. They knew what kind of virtue Chen Wei was.

Zhang Liao had just given the news of the Qing's suppression of enemy scouts. This name was so long, but Chen Wei met him.

While the two were arguing in a low voice, there was a sound of horseshoes not far away, and the two leaned over to avoid them, for fear that they might be seen by the enemy scouts.

Chen Wei did not pay attention to the provocation of this extremely long. He cast his eyes on the direction of the enemy scouts. Through experience on the battlefield, Chen Wei easily judged that the number of enemy scouts was three. This is also the normal team of scouts.

As night fell, many scouts were not eager to return to the army after walking out of the large barracks.

With a wink at Shi Chang on the side, Chen Wei nodded.

The cooperation time is not short. Although this very long quarrel with Chen Wei in normal times, he will not relax his vigilance at critical moments.

The bow and arrow were wound, and the three scouts who had just appeared in everyone’s field of vision were not aware of the danger approaching. Two of the scouts were still talking in low voices, and bursts of laughter could be heard from time to time, and the speed of the horses also slowed down. A lot.

Ten arrows, wrapped in the sound of breaking through the air, came towards the direction of the three scouts, and fell to their deaths to their deaths. These three scouts only figured out the general direction of the enemy, but they didn't expect it. , There will be enemies in these places.

"Awesome, Chen Shichang's archery skills are becoming more and more superb." He just provocatively praised.

On the battlefield, such scenes are constantly being staged. This is a precursor to the wolf cavalry's attack on the Jizhou army. If the enemy is to complete a sneak attack without any awareness of the destruction, the first thing to deal with is the enemy's scout. , Only by clearing the enemy’s scouts can the enemy become blind on the battlefield.

In the Jizhou army, although there was no news from the scouts for a while, the general in charge of the scouts did not take it to heart. Perhaps after night fell, the scouts stayed on the battlefield for a while. Such things have not been uncommon in the past. happened before.

In the Jizhou army, if it is about elite Chengdu, the soldiers who followed Yuan Shao to join the state are the most sophisticated, and many of them are soldiers who have experienced war.

Gao Lan did not sleep, and patrolled the place where the soldiers were stationed carefully. After asking some questions, Gao Lan ordered his guards to call the general in charge of the scout again.

The general looked at Gao Lan's serious face, and said in a convincing manner: "General, the scout sent out has not yet returned to the army. The humble post has ordered the scout to investigate the situation."

Gao Lan's expression changed slightly, and he said in a deep voice, "Why didn't the scout tell this general in time? If it is because of this incident, do you know what the crime is?"

The general’s complexion was pale. When Gao Lan led the army, he had extremely strict requirements on his subordinates. He was one of the generals in the Jizhou army who would not allow ordinary generals to see him. Similarly, as a general in the army, Gao Lan’s requirements for himself It was also common. If ordinary generals were able to do it, Gao Lanhui took the lead in setting an example, but it did not cause any complaints in the army.

(End of this chapter)

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