Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1056: : Decisive Battle of the Allied Forces (5)

The genius remembers the site address in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Without Cao Ren's order, the Qingzhou Army spontaneously killed Dianwei. This is their fighting style. Once they encounter an enemy on the battlefield , That is the situation of endless death, there is no retreat in their minds, even if it is the last person in the battle, they must stick to it.

Dian Wei's heart suddenly burst. The Qingzhou army in front of him is not only powerful, but also crazy. In the Qingzhou army, Dian Wei even feels the courage of the camp, that is, under the charge, there is no death. pregnancy.

The cavalry who came with Dianwei also encountered a lot of trouble, and the state army’s excellent riding skills can pose a great threat to the infantry. However, it is obviously not the first time that the Qingzhou army has faced cavalry. It is on the battlefield. The performance was extremely flexible, and the spear stabbed the cavalry from unexpected angles. Many cavalry of the state army fell in the confrontation.

The strength of the Qingzhou Army was shown vividly at this moment. When the infantry encountered the cavalry, they were basically defeated. Thousands of Qingzhou Army abruptly prevented the cavalry from attacking. When the surrounding princes and soldiers saw this, they rushed forward and beat the fallen dog. No one wants to let go of the opportunity.

Cao Ren saw the scenes around him, his face was not very good. The Qingzhou Army was the most elite infantry in the Cao Army. It is conceivable that the elites selected from them were so powerful that they seemed a little weak when facing the ordinary cavalry of the Bingzhou Army. In the past, the Qingzhou Army had not faced cavalry combat.

The addition of the rest of the soldiers gave Cao Ren a long sigh of relief. As long as he could hold the enemy cavalry forward, he would have a certain advantage for himself.

After all, the princes coalition soldiers on the battlefield are more than 30,000 more soldiers than the Bingzhou Army. The advantage of 30,000 may not be realized at the beginning. Once the two sides are in a stalemate, the advantage of numbers will gradually manifest, unless A tyrannical force appeared on the battlefield to break this balance.

Dianwei was caught in a battle with the Qingzhou Army. At this time, he was only two hundred paces away from Cao Cao's position. Normally at the speed of a cavalry, two hundred paces were fleeting, but now it has become an insurmountable gap. .

The heavy armor of the Jiangdong Army retreated. Facing the trapped camp, they could not resist. The surrounding Jiangdong Army saw that its most powerful infantry was retreating under the power of the trapped camp. The impact of this can be imagined.

On the battlefield, in the direction of Jiangdong Army, the formation began to shrink continuously towards the direction of the Chinese Army. It was dominated by the trapped camp, and the sergeant of the state broke out with strong combat effectiveness. The Jiangdong Army had an advantage in numbers, although the camp was brave. The Chinese Army was fine for a while.

Cao Cao said: "The cavalry who don't want to join the state army are so strong. It is only reluctant to resist with the elite infantry of the Qingzhou army."

"The lord, the Union State Army does not lack war horses. The horses used by the cavalry are far from comparable to our army. Under the Union State Army system, the combat effectiveness of the soldiers of the State Army can be imagined." Xun You said.

When Cao Cao heard this, he fell into silence. There were very few soldiers who looked at the princes of the world against the Bingzhou Army in the same number. This was brought about by Lu Bu's courage. Ordinary soldiers were paid for. It was just this. One point, it is not something that the princes can follow.

In the Bingzhou Army, Lü Bu passed the order. The thousands of cavalry who were ready to go on the battlefield launched an assault against the coalition forces of the princes. It was very difficult for Dianwei to lead the thousands of cavalry to attack the enemy's army. When Lu Bu sent Dianwei and led thousands of cavalry to the battlefield, Jia Xu had already expected it. With Jia Xu's shrewdness, would he fail to see Lu Bu's intentions?

In terms of elite level, the flying cavalry is absolutely top-notch, even if some of the flying cavalry are temporarily selected from various cavalry at this time, it is not comparable to ordinary cavalry in terms of combat strength.

The strength of the flying cavalry is not only due to the excellent armor and weapon blades, but more importantly, the aura on the flying cavalry, indomitable in the face of powerful enemies.

Thousands of flying horses under the leadership of Lü Bu, like a tiger into the flock, wherever they pass, the soldiers of the princes are extremely evasive. Lü Bu at the forefront of the flying horses is the most dazzling existence on the battlefield.

But on the battlefield, Lu Bu was holding a Fangtian painted halberd, wearing a purple gold crown, a red rabbit horse chasing the wind under him, wearing a beast-faced head swallowing chain armor, a lean lion brutal belt on his waist, and a white cloak. It is definitely an eye-catching existence on the battlefield. As a military commander, dare to have such a cool dress on the battlefield. It is either stupid or self-confidence in his own strength.

Chituma appeared extremely cheerful when charging on the battlefield. The whirring wind in his ear made Lü Bu feel an unprecedented joy. Under Fang Tian’s painting of a halberd, there is no enemy of one, no matter where he passes. Whether it is an ordinary soldier or an enemy general, it is a blow.

The power brought by Lv Bu alone made the princes and soldiers evade Many coalition soldiers saw Lv Bu's heroic figure in the army like no one. This powerful strength, It seems to be worthy of the name of a peerless general.

The flying cavalry who followed Lu Bu also showed strong combat effectiveness. Under the scimitar, the soldiers of the princes died and wounded countless.

Lü Bu led the cavalry to go into battle in person, which stimulated the fighting spirit of the Bingzhou army to the greatest extent. Their generals have already gone into battle personally. They have any reason not to fight hard.

Jiangdong Army and Cao Jun were surprised to find that the Bingzhou Army on the opposite side seemed to have fallen into a state of madness. Under the attack of this crazy Bingzhou Army, the soldiers of the princes kept retreating. Looking at it from a distance, the Bingzhou Army seemed to be in constant state. Drive princes and soldiers out of the battlefield.

The generals in front of the coalition forces of the princes kept ordering the soldiers under his command. However, under the frenzied offensive of the Union State Army, the soldiers of the princes were unable to resist and showed no support.

A soldier of the Union State Army stabbed the enemy's spear with a hideous face, and resolutely walked forward, letting the spear pierce his body, hugged the enemy soldier, and won the opportunity for the robe behind him.

A Lieutenant of the Union State Army, whose entire left arm was chopped off, was still fighting desperately on the battlefield.

Such scenes shocked the coalition soldiers, and the Union State Army, who had just been evenly matched with them, seemed crazy at the moment when Lu Bu led the army to charge out.

Jia Xu in the Chinese Army also noticed this scene, his expression slightly changed. He could imagine that Lu Bu personally went into battle to improve the morale of the army, but he did not expect to be so terrible. It can be said that the Bingzhou Army at this time Crazy for Lu Bu, fight for Lu Bu.

Feeling the changes in the military situation, Cao Cao said in surprise: "What happened ahead."

Xun You replied with a dignified expression: "Lord, Lu Bu personally led the flying cavalry into battle, and the state army is crazy."

(End of this chapter)

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