Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1039: : Turbulence in Yecheng

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! It was Zhang Yan’s arrival that made these thieves grow stronger in Julu. However, the Jizhou army’s siege of the city caused a lot of The thief made up his own small calculations, and now Zhang Liao's arrival has caused these people to quietly put away their careful thoughts.

The Jizhou Army is powerful, but in front of the Youzhou Army cavalry, it appears to be so weak. Following behind such an army will make them feel more secure. Many thieves are even more careful to follow Zhang Liao into the city. Wolf ride.

Without mentioning the ideas of other bandits, Zhang Liao and Zhang Yan entered the city to discuss the issue of sending troops to Weijun.

Wei Jun is the most important place in Jizhou. As long as Wei Jun is caught in the war, it will play a vital role for Bingzhou at this time.

Three days later, Zhang Liao led the wolf rider towards Wei Jun. He did not intend to rely on the wolf rider to capture Wei Jun, but to let Wei Jun fall into the panic of war.

After the news of Zhao Rui's defeat and Julu's siege by Youzhou Army spread to Wei County, it caused a lot of turmoil at the top of Wei County. Only at this time did they see the true colors of the bandits in Julu City. It turns out that these bandits were Youzhou Army. The chess pieces that were secretly arranged in Jizhou only waited for the Tieying Youzhou Army to enter Jizhou.

Unexpected changes on the battlefield made the Jizhou family panic.

Youzhou was also under the rule of Lu Bu, and now it is not only the family of Bingzhou, but even the family of Youzhou is treated very miserably in the eyes of the family of Jizhou. It is tantamount to letting out the land in their hands at a low price. They committed suicide, but the reality is so bloody, once the Youzhou Army breaks through the Julu, they can drive straight into Wei County.

In Jizhou Prefecture Animal Husbandry, the civilians and generals in the field fell into a long silence after listening to Zhao Rui’s description of the battlefield situation. They naturally had heard of the prestige of the prefectural wolf riding. However, they were indeed the first time for such a terrible wolf riding. Seeing that they were invulnerable, and even the war horses were wearing armor. This cavalry was more than terrible to describe. Any army that encounters a charging wolf cavalry can only evade.

"Master trial and Master Guo, now Jizhou is in danger, and the two adults should make plans to preserve Jizhou." Yuan Shang said respectfully.

The trial judge hurriedly got up and said: "San Gongzi, this is a matter of his subordinates. The Youzhou Army is cruel, and everyone is condemned. Guo Yuan, the defender of Zhongshan, is a famous general in Jizhou. There are seven thousand generals in the city, and Youzhou Army. It is extremely difficult to break through Zhongshan."

Seeing that the trial is not serious, Guo Tu coldly hummed: "Youzhou Army is not worried, I don't know if the trial adult has a good strategy to deal with the wolf."

The look of the trial match changed slightly. Although the wolf riding's power was explained by Zhao Rui, he could guess one or two. Putting the horse on the armor, looking at the princes of the world, I am afraid that only Lu Bu has this courage.

"So, Lord Guo has a plan to break the enemy?" The prosecutor asked rhetorically.

Guo Tu shook his head, "This time the wolf rider led by Zhang Liao, the official can do nothing, even if the first ascended the dead man meets the wolf rider at this time, he can only evade."

Seeing that the arena fell silent for a while, Xin Ping laughed and said: "You are a little worried. Although the wolf ride is brave and good at fighting, but the city of Yecheng is high and deep, it is difficult for the wolf ride to make an inch by closing the city gate."

Xin Ping’s words gave many people a sigh of relief in secret, mainly on the battlefield in Jizhou. The situation of the Jizhou army changed too fast. They were still in advantage the moment before, and in a blink of an eye, they became The weaker party even depends on the face of Youzhou Army.

"You guys must not slack off. As expected, the target of Zhang Liao's wolf riding is exactly Yecheng." Guo Tu said slowly.

Yuan Shang's face was a little pale. Since Yuan Shao led the soldiers and left, he has already seen the day when he became the heir of Yehou. At this time, Yuan Shao left him in Jizhou, and his intention was already obvious. .

Originally, Yuan Shang was still a little worried after Yuan Tan had made great achievements in Qingzhou, Yuan Shao would change his heir's thinking.

However, the current situation gave Yuan Shang a sense of powerlessness. The wars Yuan Shang faced in the past were more often the side with the absolute superiority of the Jizhou Army.

"You have to rely on you for things in the city." Yuan Shangdao.

The battle in Jizhou soon reached Huguan. Lu Bu was happy when he learned that Guo Jia had sent troops to attack Zhongshan and Zhang Yan had occupied Julu.

The Youzhou Army's sudden attack at this time is absolutely fatal to the allied forces of the princes, and this opportunity is also what Lu Bu has been waiting for. Not only that, Xuzhou and Jiangdong will also be turbulent because of this war.

Inside the Jizhou army’s big tent, Yuan Shao frowned and said: "Now Jizhou is in a critical condition, and the prince has decided to withdraw his troops back to Jizhou. What do you think?"

Tian Feng heard that Yuan Shao had the idea of ​​withdrawing troops, and hurriedly got up and said: "If the lord is withdrawing troops, I will be in vain after attacking Huguan for a long The Youzhou Army’s move is to encircle Wei and save Zhao and strengthen Yecheng. Moreover, there are tens of thousands of elite soldiers in the city. It is so difficult for the Youzhou Army to break Yecheng. As long as the lord can break through the Huguan, the Youzhou Army is not a concern."

Yuan Shao snorted: "Yecheng city is high and deep. Zhang Yan of the Black Mountain Army defeated Yecheng. The Youzhou Army dispatched at least 30,000 soldiers and horses, and the bed crossbows and thunderbolts in the Youzhou Army. The car is absolutely suppressing our army. Once Yecheng loses, have you ever thought about the consequences?"

The counsellors in the tent were silent when they heard the words. They understood the truth of Tian Fengzhi’s words. However, it is definitely not a wise move to persuade Yuan Shao not to retreat at this time. It is precisely because there are counselors like Tian Feng in the Jizhou army, Xu You When the talents did not speak to persuade them, they knew that Tian Feng could not help but stand up, and it happened that they could take the opportunity to ascertain Yuan Shao's attitude towards the withdrawal of troops.

"My lord, our army has attacked Huguan for nearly three months, but it has not made any progress. On the contrary, it has lost the army. In the opinion of the subordinates, Jizhou is the most important thing. If Jizhou loses, the military will be in turmoil." Xu Youdao said that he would return to Jizhou. After that, Xu You is still more confident. Don’t look at the Jizhou Army now only has nearly 40,000 people. Youzhou Army in Jizhou simply cannot get the support of the family, just like rootless duckweed, as long as Yuan Shao returns to Jizhou. After that, repelling the Youzhou Army is no problem.

Yuan Shao's expression eased a little after hearing this, and he turned his attention to Feng Ji.

"Master, the subordinates think that the withdrawal of troops should be carefully considered, and might as well explain this to the leader tomorrow." Feng Ji said steadily.

After everyone dispersed, Yuan Shao sighed and looked a little lonely. Jizhou is the root of the army. Once Jizhou is lost, Yuan Shao can't bear it. Even if he can't break the Huguan, Yuan Shao will not take it lightly. Give up Jizhou.

(End of this chapter)

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